Monday, November 28, 2011

Good riddance to bad rubbish


  1. Barney Frank’s decision not to seek another term in Congress came not a moment too soon and perhaps 20 years too late. Frank is one of those lawmakers whose effect will continue to be felt for decades to come, as much of the legislation he authored and/or championed did little or nothing good. Amen!

  2. Now if only Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman and Dennis Kucinich decide to roll up their road show, the United States might have a chance at survival, but given the quality of the Inside the Beltway Brain Trust, that’s a long shot.

  3. Prince Harry Reid would do the world a favor by retiring also.

  4. I guess Mr. Frank just couldn't handle being a member of the minority and not ever being able to speak on the floor of the House without first seeking permission from a Republican simply to be allowed to speak--like the lower form of life all Democrats are!
