Monday, November 28, 2011

New Britain Mayor: City Budget Is $11.5 Million In The Red -



  1. Frank:
    Please let me state a few facts:

    For 8 years Tim Stewart had a Council with a super majority of Democrats. In his first term the Council was 100% Democrats.

    -For all of those 8 years the Council approved the suggested budget of Mayor Stewart.
    -In the most recent budget, a hastily called (by Mike Trueworthy) meeting on a Friday afternoon the Council approved this latest budget. Only Mary Marrocco (R) was present and the rest were Democrats.
    -Now, O'Brien's "financial wizards" say there is a $12M shortfall in the budget. Who found it? Sherwood? Klotz? O'Brien? (that's a laugh) How about John King?
    - Did Finance Director Robert Curry or Financial Officer Becky Salerni make mistakes? I don't think so!!!

    This revelation is nothing more than O'Brien pulling an "Obama?" Blame everything on Stewart and lie a little to make it interesting! Obama has been doing it to Bush for 3 yrs. O'Brien? He has only two years to do it. This is pur, unadulterated Phil Sherwood opening his bag of dirty tricks. O'Brien falls for it because he doesn't know any better, he is a fraud.

    O'Brien wants to reinstate the position of City Auditor. Does anyone remember the last one? Before she was forced to leave, she bliked the City out of over $4K. Sorry Tim O'Brien you'll have to do better than that.

  2. I'm going to raise your taxes, but it's not my fault. It's Tim Stewart's fault.


    I'm going to fake a crisis then save you from it so I look good.

    The next two years are going to be very entertaining in deed.

  3. This media display orchestrated by the new communications jerk, Phil Sherwood will really help the city attract new homeowners and businesses. Current homeowners and business owners will be likely to make alternative plans wherever possible.

    Stupid. Stupid voters, get stupid leaders.

  4. What's the matter mr O'Brien quickly realized that you're in way over your head. Do what Stewart has done for the past 8 years and look under every rock for savings. You have a supermajority on the council now it's time to do what you think is best to save all of us money. Administer the budget and start by laying off people!Or is it that you don't know where to begin? Just keep doing more stupid press conferences like this and you can guarantee yourself 1 term in office!

  5. The 'blame George Bush syndrome' at NB City Hall?.

    Former NB Mayor Tim Stewart emphasized that the Democratic Common Council approved his budget last spring, and substantially bumped up the projections for income from property sales. He said O'Brien doesn't seem to be calculating the payroll savings from more than 30 early retirements of city workers that were arranged in the past several months.

    Mayor O'Brien plans on hiring an outside auditor to examine the city's books; and that a $11.5 million budget deficit appears to have resulted from mismanagement - the 'blame George Bush syndrome'.

    The Mayor's job is to administer the New Britain City budget. Let Mayor Tim O'Brien go do it like I've done for the past eight years, stated former Mayor Tim Stewart.

  6. Why is O’Brien is a financial disaster. When asked about a 10% state budget deficit a few years back, he claimed it was only $80 m, when in fact 10% of $9B is $900 m. He’s blaming former Mayor Stewart for a balanced budget this year, but that leaves him with more problems for next year when he does not have a land sale in his hand.

    Governance of NB is much more difficult than campaigning, sir. Maybe you’d have thought twice about killing the Tilcon water deal that would have given us $15 m and a new reservoir!

  7. So who is the friend that either Sherwood or O'Brien plans to hire to say what they want?

  8. I was in attendance at tha special meeting on May 27th. Question related to the suggested budget were asked and answered including the one related to the sale of property. The Democrats approved the unbalanced budget just as they did on the state level.
    Mr. Curry on several ocasions has stated that three sets of eyes look at the books during the audit process. Did they all make a mistake?

  9. Frank:
    O'Brien should start fixing what he says is poor financial management by using "generally accepted accounting principles!" Start by getting the three members of your slate to pay their taxes.

    One is an alderman, Rasheen Brown and the other two are constables, Spano and Dunham(?).

  10. So a guy (like O'Brien) who thinks 10% of 9B is 80m is running a city?

    People should get a nice math quiz before they're allowed to govern. Cryin out- loud -that man O'Brien is pathetic, no business background?

    As for tossing up a deal like Tilcon's. The neighborhood folks could hire a lawyer and sue Tilcon as public nuisance; a use of property or course of conduct that interferes with the legal rights of others by causing damage or annoyance.

    But, the folks in the neighborhood allowed the two NB politicians, Donald DeFronzo and Tim O'Brien to torpedo any Tilcon public nuisance deal?
