Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Oath being given to the New Mayor Tim O'Brien by The Town Clerk.

With the Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman representing the Gov. Malloy, who is out of state on business, wished well for the New Mayor Tim O'Brien and the city of New Britain.

Our state representative touting Tim's time spent on the city council for his proposing the blight ordinance, and fair election campaign reforms.

The New Mayor chose the New Britain High School setting for his inaugural because he is in full support of funding education at all cost when he referred to "Quality Schools " as being his main goal and keeping taxes stable.

One couldn't walk away without asking himself/ herself how can this be done and keeping the taxes stable? Could the additional school support be placed onto the state's income taxpayers to help out New Britain's funding for education that Mayor O'Brien wishes bring to New Britain? Or will it be funded by raising the local taxes?
Time will only surface the answers to the aforementioned questions.

We all wish our new mayor the best.


  1. While he was pn the council he did
    nothing for education, when he was at the caoital he did absolutely nothing for education. Of all the bills he put up NONE of them came out of committee.

    Now tell me what can you expect NOW


  2. I hope the city clerk used a waterproof bible, because if he let slimy palms touch it, it is now water damaged!

  3. Tim O'Brien, we are still waiting to hear all the great things you claim you did for the taxpayers in the City of New Britain and the State of Connecticut, as an Alderman and a State Representative ?

  4. Rep. Tim O'Brien's Blog Subjects as a CT Legislator?

    While he was on the NB Common Council he did
    nothing for Education, when he was at the Capital up in Hartford, he did absolutely nothing for Education. Of all the bills he put up NONE of them came out of committee.


    1.-anti-blight (1)
    2.-arts (3)
    3.-budget (30)
    4.-civil rights (1)
    5.-democracy (12)
    6.-education (23)
    7.-energy (11)
    8.-environment (5)
    9.-general notices (1)
    10.-health (16)
    11.-home ownership and housing (2)
    12.-human services (7)
    13.-jobs (18)
    14.-Judiciary (7)
    15.-legislature (23)
    16.-New Britain (37)
    17.-New Britain Legislative Updates (5)
    18.-Newington (5)
    19,-Polish community (2)
    20.-property tax reform (12)
    21.-transportation (2)
    22.-veterans (2

  5. The flawed argument coming from the GOP in New Britain that O'Brien has passed no proposed bills in his entire tenure at the legislature shows just how disconnected, functionally retarded, and poorly educated you people truly are. This gets extended to your arguments here that he has done nothing for education legislation.

    I hate to give a civics lesson to a bunch of adults, but it appears you guys and gals have no grasp when it comes to the legislative process.

    All bills, except for E-certs, must get passed through committees before they reach the floor of either the house or the senate for a vote. Some bills need to go through multiple committees if different parts within them fall under the cognizance of different subjects. Furthermore, there's a second type of bill called a RAISED BILL... These are essentially bills that get "created" by the committee, but often times are either combinations of multiple bills all with the same subject or a proposed bill from another legislator.

    With that in mind, you must realize that some committees ONLY VOTE THROUGH RAISED BILLS. What this means is that if you propose a bill that must pass through one of these committees, if and when the committee takes the bill up for a vote, the bill number and sometimes the title are changed. The proposers get replaced by the committee name since it would then be a RAISED BILL and sometimes the original sponsor will sign on as a co-sponsor. The reason why it would be beneficial to a committee to only allow raised bills as opposed to some proposed bills is that when changes are to be made to those bills, those changes must always go through the author of the bill -- in this case it is the committee not the original proposer, because again, some committees only do raised bills. They often contain all the original text except the bill number changes, and sometimes the title does. ANYONE WHO HAS SPENT TIME AT THE STATE LEGISLATURE FOR AT LEAST ONE SESSION could tell you that the Education Committee is one of these committees that does not take up proposed bills in their in their original form and has this "no proposed bills" policy.

    You can look it up yourself -- the state legislative website is easy to navigate. No bills that received what is called a "joint favorable vote" in the education committee for at least the last 12 years were proposed bills.

    I will demonstrate with an example. Every year the education committee passes a bill called An Act Concerning School Construction (or has school construction in the title) and it contains requests from dozens and dozens of legislators all over the state for school construction bonding dollars and instead of 50 proposed bills for 50 separate school construction requests, they are all assembled into one raised bill (because to anyone with half a brain, that is obviously a more efficient way to do it.)

    I'm sure you need some direct evidence as proof so please take a look at Senate Bill 1102 from 2011. It is a raised education committee bill with school construction notwithstandings from all over the state. Here is the link...


    On line T52 on page 3 of the file copy, you will see a $7.9 million grant for $10 million project for DiLoreto School in New Britain. There's an example right there of O'Brien's work of bringing Education $ to New Britain. O'Brien fought hard to get this money included in this bill. Spend some time on the website and search for the school construction bills going all the way back until 2003 and you will see more examples of what O'Brien has done for our great city.

    Also, the voters of New Britain know that this argument is false and was indicative of the absolute stomping of the GOP on November 8th.

    Happy Trails!

  6. THERE is DOCUMENTED proof that he SIIGNED ON many bells but his ownBILLS NEVER GOT OUT OF COMMITTEE.

    The reason being is that MO ONE liked him.

    Maybe you should explain, in detail, those 22statements.

  7. There is some truth in your statement BUT most of it is political B S.

    This statement sounds like Mr. Sherwood wrote it or Rick Lopes.

    The REALITY CHECK is O'Briens name is NOT on any bill as being proposed by O'Brien

    If anything a legislator WANTS his name on the bill for the infamouterm "NMAE RECOGNITION"

  8. To "NB Civics Teacher". You are correct that not every person that has an opinion of local government understands the State Legislative process. Most of us are too busy working just to keep up and it's getting more and more difficult everyday with newly imposed and increased taxes in this state.

    But let's just take the DiLoreto school project as an example. We bonded this project out and will benefit from state funding that we applied for towards this project. A bond is a new loan which at the end of the day will cost taxpayers more money and effect the general fund accordingly without having a revenue offset to make up for the expense. This = tax increase for New Britain property owners. Simple economics. As a voting member on the bond commission it was necessary to approve this debt because at some point in the past a decision was made to expand the student body at DiLoreto thus exceeding the building occupancy. We do have three revitalized middle school buildings but middle school students were added to this elementary facility. Maybe that decision should have had a more careful review? Just a thought.

    Your comments are condescending. Remember, there is only a small percentage of residents who make an attempt to stay involved with the political financial decisions being made for them. We don't need to scare people away by degrading them.

    I am sure Tim O'Brien was aware of the State grants coming our way for building construction. I would hope so it was afterall his job.

    It would help too if you could post your full name.

    Sally Eigenraam

  9. to CIVICS TEACHER------Your statementproves why you are a teacher and not involved. You can blow smoke all you want but dont try to make points with yout students with the loooong comments.
    Unless you have really been there keep your comments only towards your impressionable students and not adults.

  10. To Sally Eigenraam:

    I'm sorry you think my comments are "condescending". You also said "Remember, there is only a small percentage of residents who make an attempt to stay involved with the political financial decisions being made for them" DON'T YOU SEE THIS AS A PROBLEM???

    If my comments sound condescending when all I'm doing is simply showing direct evidence contradicting the poison you people spew on this second rate blog, perhaps it's just because you're a bit uninformed? Furthermore your comment about the "lack of people staying involved" is one of the most disgusting celebrations of ignorance I have come across in recent memory. Shame on you while you do this.

    You were on the ballot this year....should you have been elected, what kind of intellectual environment would you want to provide for the voters? What kind of transparency? Perhaps one where you may understand the processes, but in your mind "screw the constituents... it's too difficult for them to comprehend these really difficult concepts and they shouldn't have to." Some leader you make.

    Then when I show you the facts you play this game of "OK that may be true but here's more reasons why O'Brien still sucks."

    You don't bring any kind of seriousness or intellectual integrity to the table, and you just want to hate democrats for the sake of hating democrats or hate taxes just for the sake of hating taxes. This is why the Republican party in New Britain has all but disappeared.

    You could go on the herald website's comments or check out the comments here and you would think everyone was in your camp, but sadly it's just the same group of angry white people poisoning us with your hate over and over again. If your opinions were truly a reflection of how the voters of New Britain felt, you would be an actual elected official when in reality you were just another one of Dwight Blint's sacrificial lambs.

  11. Instead of trying to educate anti-American ignorant Democrats, it would be easier for those of us remaining who still love this country to move to an "America friendly right-to-work state" where unions are illegal and Democrats are unheard of!

  12. To: Civics teacher without a backbone.

    You are a typical lberal who after getting hoisted by his own petard begins to call names. No matter how you cut it, O'Brien did nothing for NB. He operates with smoke and mirrors, platitudes and empty promises. Check his speech; new beginnings? Is there another knid?

    Remember this, all the money in the world, alone will not raised NB's test scores. You know that and your arguments in your post show that you are one of the reasons. Tell your students to check this blog and show them that you won't post your name but rather you hide behind anonymity where you can call names and remain unscathed. People like Sally E. get invloved and do their "civic duty", civics teacher. Do you live in NB? Are you familiar with the NB Charter? Do you familiarize your students with how NB government works?

    You are probably a member of an "Occupy" group. Get publicly involved before you criticize and name call anyone. As an educator you behavior is despicable and I help to pay for it. Help, I'm barfing!

  13. "Civics Teacher" is a typical liberal loon who knows absolutely nothing about the real world and believes in a socialist utopia where no one ever has to work and everything is provided free by the government. What happens when there is no one left to pay for their utopic society, which is exactly why European countries are collapsing one after another?

  14. Lou,
    Don't waste your efforts as I have never met a Democrat that is capable of learning. Their pea brains don't seem to have that capability.

  15. To "NB Civics Teacher", from SAllY EIGENRAAM. Again, stop hiding, who are you? Your words do not shake me. You could not be more wrong about who I am or what I stand for. You are racist. It is your mind thought that segregates and excludes.

    When you can crawl out from under your hiding place, then and only then can you actually speak with me not against me.

    Whoever you are you I pray you are not a close party to our new Mayor if you are... we have a lot to be concerned about.

  16. 252 bills proposed.
    0 bills passed.

    That is the record of a man who has done nothing for his city. It would be so bad if he wasn't running around town telling everybody how much he has done for them and what a fighter he is.

    But the fact remains that no matter how you spin this, his performance is simply abysmal and there is no way to justify it.

  17. "NB Civics Teacher". Real life challenges for small business owners that were rubber stamped by the Malloy administration and our new Mayor Tim O'Brien:

    Just a two of the July 1st tax changes at the state level.

    1) The collection of sales tax on clothing and footwear under $50.00.
    Tim O' voted yes. This directly effects the buying public at low income and middle income more than anyone else. Wealthy people have been paying this tax right along when they buy higher priced items. Now the un-employed, the under-employed, working families, we all must pay .635 on providing for our clothing "needs". That is a $1.27 on every $20.00 spent and we were all feeling the pinch already with this dispicable economy. Tim O' could have voted no or could he?

    2) Same tax example: For the small business owner this is increased work of collecting and reporting the tax. In addition, we must pay merchant services fees on the tax collected a direct expense of doing business that cannot be avoided. It would seem you may have never tried be an entreprenaur or to support yourself through self-employment. Every dollar taken is one that could have provided for our economic growth or during these times, fed our families.
    3) A new tax on "spa services". Manicures, pedicures, waxing. This directly effected the service provider that relies on tips. How you might ask. When a client pays for the service on a credit card and wishes to include the tip on the tip line, the owner of the business will then have to report the tip for tax purposes and pay merchant service fees on that amount. They can then not "tip out" the cash to the employee it is just too complicated because salon employees must report tips too. That's double taxing. Salon employees have seen "NO TIPS" after this increase was passed. Was any thought given to the reality in the business world and how these decisions would directly hurt workers? Evidently not.

    These are just 3 examples of how the CT government is failing it's citizens and destroying the economy.

    That's the reality in the real world. You can't teach this in the classroom.

    Sally Eigenraam

  18. Truth in Accounting Report names Connecticut a “Sinkhole” state

    CONTACT: Nancy Mathieson, 847-226-8589, NancyMath1@aol.com


  19. Although racial stereotyping by Lib Dems, can be tolerated and summarily ignored, racial stereotyping by teachers in our district cannot. It must be brought to their attention and challenged immediately whenever it's heard.
