Tuesday, November 15, 2011

OPINION NOVEMBER 15, 2011 ObamaCare and the Limits of Government


  1. Overall, the Supreme Court's agreement to review ObamaCare's constitutionality probably sounds that law's death knell. When asked about these constitutional issues before the law was enacted, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi simply sneered, "Are you serious?" At this point it is safe to say, yes we are.

  2. The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether ObamaCare is constitutional, granting certiorari in a case brought by 26 states shortly after that law was enacted in March of last year. In so doing, the Supreme Court will be ruling upon the very nature of our federal union.

  3. "the Supreme Court's agreement to review ObamaCare's constitutionality probably sounds that law's death knell"

    Bye bye to commie care!
