Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chris Murphy 'heartsick' over Chris Donovan campaign scandal | Connecticut 5th District


  1. What I don't understand is the contributors to Donovan are also the contributors to Murphy. Donovan is under investigation because of the roll your own and now illegal bundling. These rich New Britain democrats surely donated massive money to Murphy also. It's just like the last turn of the century when the Irish rackets controlled politics. And the only person the Courant cares about is John Rowland.

  2. The number of Connecticut jobs has remained essentially flat for twenty two years, while state government’s operating budget increased from $7 billion in 1990 to more than $17.6 billion today with no population growth. Some of the jobs were created in the casinos (which are laying off now and are low paying) while SNET has shed about 30K jobs, AVco, New Departure in Bristol and Fafnir in New Britain - were higher paying factory jobs.

  3. Now the Democrats are calling people who don't carry health insurance "free loaders"- these people are their constituents and the Democrats are taxing us to death with their corrupt politics, their corrupt unions they have destroyed everything they touch. People and industry are moveing to non - union states. Look at your public schools, the unions have destroyed them.

    The lack of jobs, jobs in Connecticut. High taxes, lousy schools, polluted beachs, worse highways, and Governor Malloy is now campaigning to promote tourism.

    We need term limits on the State & National level !

  4. The easier solution is to simply move the hell out of here so you can look back and laugh hysterically as these communists totally destroy this state.

  5. I guess the thought of a fellow commie in trouble upsets him?

  6. I guess it must hit close to home to see one of his fellow Democrats potentially facing a lengthy prison sentence!

    Could someone be feeling guilty about something?
