Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Walk-out planned at 5 Connecticut nursing homes - The New Haven Register (nhregister.com)


  1. Strainge isnt this what Obama is doing to our mitlitary soon ( charge more for ins), Malloy did in Ct with our workers (or least said he would) , And isnt Tim O'Brien (Phil Sherrwood) trying to do this contract neg with our city works, and but cutting down Departments, increaseing job duties, and firing at will who they do not like ? Let's see if Tim or any city Offical make it to the Newington protest so we can say they do not mean what they say.

    Actions speak louder then words boys, and I do mean boys, not men.

  2. The residents will no doubt begin to receive better care from non-union nurses now that the union scum has abandoned their jobs and made way for decent and caring human beings to replace them. Too bad for the residents that the scumbag union people will eventually be back since this is a forced union state.

  3. What about what the guy paying these people wants? What ever happened to the guy paying the bill being in charge?

    If you listen to these union thugs, they want to tell him how to run his business instead of the other way around.

    Have we gone that far in this country that some low life that works for you is going to tell you what to do?

  4. I hope these thugs didn't let the door hit them in the rear end on the way out. Good riddance to them all.

  5. unions are the scum of the earth!

  6. I guess if you have a relative in one of these homes, you can now count on caring attentive care for them now that the selfish greedy union thugs are gone!

  7. The union picketers at Newington Health Care Center appear to be using The Holy Spirit Church parking lot as a staging area. The residents of Newington Health Care Center and their loved ones should voice their complaints to the Pastor if they dissaprove.
