Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hey Unions: Welcome to Politics - John Ransom - printer friendly - Townhall.com


  1. Gov. Malloy cries that he needs a private limousine with a battalion of state police for escort at the same time he preaches cutting back the force at our state police barracks.

  2. Do the unions now own Danny Boy Malloy so much that he now speaks for them like their spokesman or even an employee of the unions?

    "Connecticut's governor scolded HealthBridge Management for a second time during its nearly year-and-a-half labor dispute with union workers at six nursing homes around the state, as he announced he will visit the picket line in Newington Wednesday morning."

    It appears the most radical extremist liberal to ever serve as Connecticut's governor is little more than a stooge for the unions that bought and paid for him like a piece of chattel.

  3. I hope they succeed in smashing the union like the bunch of scumbags they really are. Dano is on the wrong side on this one!

  4. Dictator Dan was only obeying his owners!
