Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Britain Superintendent: 'Let's Go Back to Neighborhood Schools' - Courant.com

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  1. Great! First step in the right direction.

  2. New Britain's New School Superintendent, Mr. K. Cooper, chose to go with his own plan assuring the board members that he is for students to attend their neighborhood schools. Tight resources will cause 38 teachers, two secretaries, and one maintenance worker to lose their jobs.

    The fresh eye of Dr, Cooper's is exactly what The District has been starving for.

  3. Dr. Cooper is an answer to our prayers with his new ideas for putting the students first. It is about time the children mattered more than a bunch of selfish greedy union members looking to line their own pockets at the expense of the students.

  4. I have been advocating returning to neighborhood schools for the last 10 years!

    Mark Bernacki

  5. I have been advocating returning to neighborhood schools for the last 10 years!

    Mark Bernacki

    Perhaps then you should have run for school board. Then again, you also said the budget was in surplus.

  6. One thing is crystal clear: The board made the right choice for superintendent!

  7. I'd like to see Dr Cooper run for mayor, but then again he might not want to take such a huge cut in pay!

  8. "Anonymous said...
    I have been advocating returning to neighborhood schools for the last 10 years!

    Mark Bernacki

    July 10, 2012 11:34 AM
    Anonymous said...
    I have been advocating returning to neighborhood schools for the last 10 years!

    Mark Bernacki

    Perhaps then you should have run for school board. Then again, you also said the budget was in surplus.

    July 10, 2012 6:37 PM"

    To the commenter above:

    Which budget did Mark say was in surplus, City or BOE? Also, in which year? Nevertheless, your comment was completely irrelevant to the statement made by Mark Bernacki. Crawl back into your socialist Democratic hole !!

  9. School vouchers are the answer but that will never happen as long as socialist Democrats continue to put the demands of radical anti-American unions over the needs of the children. The message of these Democrats in power continues to be "to hell with the children" so long as their union cronies get every dime they can line their pockets with.
