Thursday, July 5, 2012

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”


  1. Retired Lt. General William G. "Jerry" Boykin is troubled by Obama’s current political agenda of establishing his power of presidential authority-The Presidential Civilian National Security Force.

    Lt. General "Jerry" Boykin says the formation of such a force is included in the thousands of pages of the Obamacare Law (aka) the 2,400 page tax documents called the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act .

    "Jerry" Boykin stated that this federal military/police force would be at President Obama’s disposal and is similar to national police forces, that socialist tyrants have used to complete and control their up-rising social revolutions.

  2. The 50 thousand Presidential Military/Police-Brown Shirts marching past the the White House reviewing stand to the cadence and rhythmic flow of the beat of 50 State Drum & Bugle V shape formation.
