Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Unjust Law is No Law at All: Why Obamacare Must Fall


  1. Communism must fail for America to succeed.

  2. Hartford Courant Comments 07/03/12 - "Justice John Robert's Ruling On Health Care Took Guts".


    ARTICLE. 1.

    SECTION. 8 The congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, etc. To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.

    In the majority opinion written by Justice John Robert's, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the mandate to buy health lnsurance under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) is unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause.

    But, Justice John Robert's found that it's constitutional under Congress' power to tax. It is on these grounds that Justice Robert's upheld the constitutionality of Obamacare, siding with the four other liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court bench.

  3. What next, you will be charged a massive tax unless you buy a GM (government motors) car similar to Adolf Hitler's Volkswagen (people's car)?

  4. Comments posted on NB POLITICUS Website by Chairman of NB DTC....

    ..."Today's 5-4 Supreme Court decision validating the Affordable Care Act (ACA) staved off a right-wing rear guard action to upend the law. John Roberts, making the right decision for the wrong reason, essentially saved the Supreme Court's credibility for preserving constitutional law and common sense.

    At its best the law is a modest reform that is a far cry from the less costly and more equitable single-payer options (Medicare for All) that would more efficiently insure the uninsured".

  5. And with this passing every homeowner will be subject to a real estate sales tax at 3.8%. So just when you thought you would retire and sell your biggest asset, your home, be prepared to fork over $3800 for every 100,000.
    These non health related line items in the bill are there to pay for the program so the least willing to pull their own weight will be supplied by you through new and additional taxation.

  6. As I have said before, Republicans are the ones working hard pulling the wagon, and Democrats are the lazy fat slobs that have never done an honest day's work in their lives that are riding in the wagon because the world owes them a living just for their being born.

  7. Anonymous said...

    What next, you will be charged a massive tax unless you buy a GM (government motors) car similar to Adolf Hitler's Volkswagen (people's car)?

    Hitler would have been jealous of these communists.

  8. WASHINGTON DC - Solicitor General Donald Verrilli was the key to White House arguments of winning President Barack Obama's Health Care Law. Chief Justice John Roberts' stated that the Supreme Court had a duty to uphold an act of Congress if there was a constitutional basis for doing so.

    And, the basis Justice Robert's seized on was the fallback argument that Solicitor Verrilli included in the law briefs- that the Constitution gives Congress the broad power to impose taxes to "provide" for the general welfare".

    So, the Solicitor General's Verrilli's fallback law briefs were key to the 5-4 Supreme Court decision.

    Yes, in the end Solicitor Verrilli won his case.

  9. The November election will be a turning point in this country. It will determine whether we become a failed communist regime at the hands of anti-American Democrats or return to a free nation under God.

  10. Obama's Constitutional Crisis - Several State Governors have already announced they will not enforce the Affordable Health Care Act - Obamacare.

    Thus, President Obama has set the stage for a major constitutional crisis. Nullification is a constitutional theory that gives an individual state the right to declare null and void any law passed by the United States Congress which the State deems unacceptable and unconstitutional.

    Buckle up, It's going to be a bumpy November ride !

  11. Florida has already become the first state to declare its intention to simply refuse to implement this anti-American law.

    The governor of Florida has stated he will not allow his state to implement Obamacare because of the devastation it will cause to health care through forced rationing of services similar to the way people in England and Canada die waiting for 18 months to 2 years for a bureaucrat to finally grant them permission to see a doctor--if they haven't died waiting-which the government considers a bonus since they will no longer have to pay for that person's free healthcare.

  12. I'll bet scumbag Democrats are not happy to hear that Wisconsin has also announced they will refuse to implement this horrific law. What a state, they outlawed anti-American unions and now stand for freedom over a communist take-over.

  13. The state of Florida runs TV ads all day reminding folks to vote Obama out of office. It's such a breath of fresh air from the north where we feel the need to hide our honest opinions of this failed president. In Florida it's common conversation in public places. Love, love, love Florida.

    We need to start speaking the truth here too from the mountain tops to the valleys.

  14. If you think you are proud of Florida, you should hear the things Texans freely say about Obama!
