Monday, June 3, 2013

New Britain Police On Hiring Campaign -



  1. Who says the $2M grant is only available if New Britain grows its police ranks to 165?

    Obrien came into office implementing a hiring freeze.

    Typical bs from the Courant and New Britain hater, Don Stacom.

  2. $53 million to the schools, 29 more police, new splash pad, rebuild the old pool, street scapes, etc etc etc....meanwhile the Grand List has plummeted, revenue projections are complete lies and fabrications, etc etc etc.

    Lets see, revenue drops, spending goes through the roof, O'Brien has never had a real job, his wife is a communist and we're all supposed to nod politely and go along with this nonsense???

    How about a modicum of common sense Tim "read my lips" O'Brien????

  3. :
    " Have the "grants" for new police hires run out? From where will the funds for the new hires? Does everyone realize that the "new recruits" must be paid while in training ( for 9 months)? And, our illustrious Mayor continues with his song of no property tax increase. Will the City have to buy a bunch of new police vehicles to carry these new hires around? Are there any more foot patrols?
    Notice too, the absence of any comments from the suddenly secretive, Phil Sherwood ! Rumors are rampant. "
