Claiming that Canada’s is cheap by the Washington Politicians needs to evaluate the true cost for the variations of family make ups and income brackets that pay for this service for the privileged of waiting long periods time for an appointment:
• Average cash income of $11,309; $389 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $24,271; $1,076 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $32,866; $2,214 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $41,637; $3,449 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $51,298; $4,862 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $64,415; $6,245 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $78,430; $7.750 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $96,217; $9,873 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $122,321; $12,877 paid for public health care insurance
• Average cash income of $232,739; $29,575 paid for public health care insurance
The above information or source was provided by the Canada Free Press.
Please take this as fair warning that the Obama care version is not going to cost the taxpayers. Canada separates their health cost fees form the taxes also being paid by its citizens.
Is Washington going to do the same?
Today I received an email from Senator Dodd's web-site asking for donations to his 2010 campaign and asking for your "story" regarding the need for healthcare reform and
the passing of a goverment plan.
This was my response:
Dear Mr. Dodd,
I agree that reform to our current health insurance system is necessary if we are going to control costs, provide expanded, affordable options to all U.S. citizens. However, it appears to that the democratic mission is to simply get something passed and worry about ironing out any problems (and there are many) after the fact. I am also disgusted that you are using your recent health crisis to promote change. I don't know when any local man on a local plan would have the option to use Sloan Kettering Hospital for something so common as Prostate cancer. It must be the excellent, private health insurance that we supply for you as part of your position that opened that door. I am waiting to see all of the elected officials in the house and senate making the pledge to convert their private health insurance to
the goverment run program they are suggesting for the rest of the general public. Until they are willing to use what they propose, I will be sure to vote accordingly.
This must be why HB3200 mandates that the federal government have access to the bank accounts of every American--so they can forcibly take your donation to Obamacare.
Where's the beef, Senator Dodd??
If your government run health care plan is so wonderful, why is it that you are exempting you and your family from enduring the same suffering you plan to force upon the rest of us.
If it is as wonderful as you claim, then you should have been the first one to sign up for it.
At the rate that Obama keeps spending, I have little doubt that our fees would be much higher.
What a bargain!
You make $24,000 a year, the government will seize $1,076 of that for health care fees so you can have a Russian style Czar dictate your health care decisions, instead of your doctor, and then you can wait in line for years waiting for permission to see a doctor, if you will be lucky enough to live long enough to get that permission.
Nice job destroying our health care Dumborcrats!
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