As we all know, The Working Families Party was founded in New York from the radical group –ACORN. Since then, they loosely use the words Working Families to try to garner support from voters who are actual working people. What a sham!
I challenge all of the Democrats running this fall who have been endorsed by WFP to make a decisive choice – Either stay with the Democrat Party or switch and run on The Working Families Party. Life isn’t that sweet that you can have it both ways ….quite honestly it’s a scam to the voters. Be brave and make a choice!
Manhattan Institute scholar Sol Stern writes that ACORN, professing its dedication to “the poor and powerless,” in fact “promotes a 1960s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism, central planning, victimology, and government handouts to the poor.” ACORN, Stern elaborates, organizes people “to push for ever more government control of the economy” and to pursue “the ultra-Left’s familiar anti-capitalist redistributionism.” This agenda is made plain in ACORN’s own “People’s Platform,” which says: “We are the majority, forged from all the minorities. We will continue our fight … until we have shared the wealth …”
If these are the policies our Democratic friends espouse too – then run on these issues. Let the voters of New Britain know that you are endorsing ACORN’s core values and that is what you want for New Britain!
Does anyone want to venture a guess as to which Democrats will run on the 3rd Party Line? I'm guessing that Phil Sherwood tops the list.
Please put Peggy Noonan's article in a better spot for all to read. It took her several weeks to come out swinging against the Obama administration. She was at her best today!
It is a shame that the likes of Acorn Phil beat out Craig last election. We need Craig and Don Naples in the 4th Ward.
We need to spread the word to everyone we know not to vote for anyone who accepted the Working Families endorsement under the sham of representing "working families."
Here is the list of radicals who have accepted the endorsement:
Mayoral candidate State Rep. Tim O’Brien was quoted by a local publication as saying this about his endorsement by the Working Families Party: “That is why I am proud to accept the Working Families endorsement.”
Others being endorsed are Suzanne Bielinski for town and city clerk, Greg Gerratanna for tax collector, Michael Trueworthy and Paul Catanzaro for alderman at large, Marie Lausch for Alderman in Ward one, and Phil Sherwood for alderman in ward four.
More endorsements are expected to be announced by The Working Families Party soon.
The RTC should spend money on advertisements in the newspapers or MAILINGS to inform voters just what Acorn and the Working Families party is really all about.
Not everyone, sad to say, reads this wonderful blog. We MUST spread the word because you better believe THEY, THE ACORN PEOPLE will be paid to get their message out and they will win IF we do not take the initiative to move.
Please, someone wake up those opportunists running the RTC.
Get a grip! You need to listen to Bill Cosby. He's trying to help fellow African Americans by telling them to stop blaming other people for their condition or status. If you want to blame a group, try the Democrats. They have made African Americans dependent on government handouts to keep blacks on the Democrat plantation. If you're dependent on the Dems you'll keep them in power. It works. 95% of blacks vote Democrat. Where has it gotten African Americans as a group? Still poor, still dependent on white Democrats who throw you a bone to get your vote. Wake up and take control over your life. Stop voting for the same party that keeps blacks in a perpetual cycle of dependency and poverty.
It was the Republicans who were responsible for passing the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Most Democrats opposed it and voted against it, while the Republicans were the champions of civil rights for America.
One need not be a rocket scientist to know all those endorsed by the Working Families Party are Democrats. Republicans are too smart to let themselves be taken in by this group of fanatics.
No surprise that Phil Sherwood is on their list.
Keep up the good work, Craig Diangelo...I hope you sent your comments to the Letters to the Editor page of the Herald.
How about the reporters for the Herald do some investigative reporting...get all the info they can on the Working Family Party, and write an extensive article on it. OR write an editorial exposing the Working Family and ACORN for what they really are.
Anonymous said... How about the reporters for the Herald do some investigative reporting...get all the info they can on the Working Family Party, and write an extensive article on it. OR write an editorial exposing the Working Family and ACORN for what they really are.
That is a pipe dream to expect the Herald to report the truth about the Working Families Party. As a super-left wing newspaper, they are not about to expose fellow left wing extremists anymore than the Obamamania media is. The days of objective news reporting are gone forever. Even Pravda, the national newspaper of communist Russia is more objective than most American newspapers.
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