Thursday, September 30, 2010

Busway vs. rail --A war Between Two Chambers! — Does it have to be either/or? - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

Busway is dead. Amtrack killed it yesterday.

0% chance of being built now.

Lou Salvio said...

As Mr. Millerick points out in his very thorough article on the Busway Project in today's Herald, this response from The NB COC to Bristol's Mike Nicastro and his brother has been a long time coming.

Mike Nicastro of the Bristol Chamber has been idiotically obsessive in his relentless drive to torpedo the Busway Project. It seems as though he has nothing else to do. If he were to be successful, what would be the point? Does Nicastro have a viable and alternative plan that is ready to go? NO! He doesn't even have the beginnings of a plan. The Busway Project is only waitng for the final piece of funding; everything else is done. Bristol's Mayor Ward has come out in favor of the Busway.

So what does Mike do? He invites candidates for governor to weigh in with their support. Malloy and his entourage including NB's State Senator go to Bristol and express their support. Then candidate Lamont, wisely demurred.

The Herald continues to give press space to Nicastro. Why? Apparently the Herald brass still can't forget their Bristol roots.

Thank you to Bill Millerick for putting this issue in its proper perspective, i.e., from a New Britain point of view. The title of your column says it all, to wit, this does not have to be an either or situation.

Notice that the Herald did not include the article today in its On Line issue today. ???

Thank you also to Frank Smith for giving his readers an opportuity to weigh in on the subject.

Frank Smith said...

I have wondered what kind of deal that may have occurred in the legislature to getting the New Britain Delegation, including the Senator, to join in with Mike Nicastro and his brother in opposing the busway plan for New Britain.
It seems that the New Britain delegation forgot they represent New Britain voters and not Bristol's

Anonymous said...


Pack up. It's dead. Time to pick a new issue.

Anonymous said...

It is not dead idiot. Cite your source of the misinformation. AMtrak stands to gain much from the development of the BRT project if you know any of the details. Another naysayer trying to support the half-assed Bristol attempt to develop their downtown. Trains are years away from even being considered through Bristol. No money, no go!

Anonymous said...

Amtrak needed to grant the DOT right of way to complete the busway. There is no way to complete the busway without the Amtrack signing off on giving the DOT right away.

Amtraks announcement yesterday clearly shows they have NO interest in signing off on the right away because it doesn't fit with their new long term regional plan that they just release. Did a vote kill it no. One who understands how bureaucracies such as the DOT and Amtrak work must now know that the DOT is packing up.

You asked for sources, here you go, just cut and paste:


Anonymous said...

Anything coming from the so-called "progressive" democrats is about as reliable as if it came from Bertha Lewis, ACORN, SEIU or any of these organizations. Same out fit, different name and they have endorsed Malloy!

I checked out the, "You asked for sources, here you go, just cut and paste:-" source posted by "Anonymous." Nothing there.
The source talked about a 40 year plan for high speed rail. Saw no mention of the Busway Project.

If one had to navigate through all the references mentioned on this McCluskey blog one would need a trail of crumbs or GPS to find your way back. You'll have to do better than that, Mr. "A".

Anonymous said...

Amtrak has already given the DOT the rights of way for the BRT project. Nothing in McCluskeys blog references the busway project at all. All McCluskey wants is a train stop in West Hartford which he probably will get by the year 2020 if the rail projects ever get funded.

Anonymous said... is amazing, bookmarked!

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