Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Malloy In New Britain On Jobs Tour, East Granby For Military Sendoff -

Malloy takes credit for the New Britain Police Station, which is currently under construction, for putting local people to work and learning a new trade.

When in reality, it was Mayor Timothy Stewart's original idea for getting the building contractor to agree in hiring local residents so they can learn a trade for their future employment.


Anonymous said...

Connecticut can be inhospitable to retirees, depending on their income and where they earned their retirement benefits. Although some residents of the Constitution State can exclude their Social Security benefits from state income taxes, the exclusion applies only if their adjusted gross income is $50,000 or less ($60,000 or less for married couples).

All out-of-state government and civil-service retirement pensions are fully taxed. Effective July 1, 2011, the sales tax rate statewide is 6.35%, with luxury items taxed at 7%. Connecticut residents pay some of the highest property taxes in the U.S., according to the Tax Foundation, but residents 65 and older qualify for an annual property tax credit or rent rebate.

Dictator Dan Is Clueless said...

Apparently Dictator Dan is unaware that his fellow radical extremists (socialist Democrats) on the city council fought this project on every turn--throwing monkey wrenches into the process wherever possible.

It was some of the same radical extremists from his party who ran Wal-Mart and their 170 jobs out of New Britain.

That's right, thanks to the council Democrats, the world's largest employer and the world's largest retailer no longer has a presence in a city the size of New Britain.

Now some of these same extremists are attempting to do the same thing with Costco--stopping at nothing to drive another evil rich employer out of the city.

Malloy should be extremely proud of his fellow commies!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this budget debacle wouldn’t have occured had Ambassador Foley been elected Governor. Only democrats like Malloy, Donovan and Williams would turn the process of creating a state budget over to state union workers. Connecticut is the laughing stock of the nation.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet the police station construction site looked like the communist convention of all times this morning!

Anonymous said...

It would appear that Dictator Dan is on tour celebrating the number of jobs he is driving out of the state with his massive anti-business agenda.

Would the last one out of Connecticut please turn off the lights?

Anonymous said...

Danny Boy is little more than an Obama wannabe:

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

the buffoonery continues said...

Dictator Dan spoke to business owners in Bristol today.

In a more perfect world, Dictator Dan's speech would have gone something like this:

"As I have already proven through my actions during my short time in office, I will do everything in my power to destroy businesses, to drive businesses out of this state, and to destroy any chance for anyone in the private sector to create jobs, for I see business owners as the devil themselves and they must be punished severely for having one dime more than someone who never worked a day their life. How dare they expect to make a profit running such an evil empire. My vision for Connecticut is one day everyone will either be living free off the government or working for the government. No evil private sector employers, no evil rich people, and since in my dream, only the government matters, just the government--period!"

(Dictator Dan's Communist Dream, coming soon to a nightmare near you)

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