Sunday, January 1, 2012

Candidate for the 24th District, Peter Steele, Gets Support!

In a recent NB Herald article, 24th district candidate Rick Lopes exemplifies the old adage, “Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”.

Mr. Lopes is quoted as saying, “In the past, we’ve given (incentives) to businesses who haven’t provided jobs for the district. If they don’t produce, they should pay it back. They should sign a contract saying so.” For Mr. Lopes’ information, companies that receive incentives from the State DO sign a contract with stipulations regarding the number of jobs that need to either be created or retained from the Department of Economic and Community Development. Celebration Foods signed such an agreement when they came to New Britain. One would think someone with who proclaims himself an expert on state affairs would already know that, rather than take credit for proposing something as new that is already being done to make himself look credible to voters.

Mr. Lopes’ showed his ignorance a second time when he said, “I’d like to have a residency requirement for employment for big infrastructure projects like the police station (in New Britain). A portion of construction workers should have to live in the town that the project is being done in.” The police station has a Project Labor Agreement which stipulates goals for the hiring of local residents for construction jobs. I’m sure he will be pleased that (at least when I left office) that the project was well above those goals for local hiring.

One has to wonder what has been occupying Mr. Lopes time and attention when he was supposed to be working on state issues first as an aide in the State Senate and now as an appointed “project manager” for the State. I guess if you are operating a small business on the side, spying on co-workers by rifling through their desks, and trying to figure out how to avoid paying your property taxes, it leaves little time for other duties.

Voters in the 24th District: please look behind the rhetoric. Elect someone you can trust to represent your best interests, not those of the Democratic Party elite, at the State Capitol.

I urge you to vote for Peter Steele, a man of strong character who has served his country and his community well. Pete has seen the issues facing local small businesses that want to relocate and expand and has the real world experience to cut through the red tape and overcome those challenges. Pete Steele will provide leadership in the state legislature, not just some feel good quotes to further a political agenda.

Don’t be fooled by what a candidate puts on paper. Actions speak louder than words. Please vote for Peter Steele for 24th District State Representative on January 10th.

Timothy T. Stewart

Former Mayor of New Britain


Anonymous said...

The fact that he apparently avoided paying his taxes as the former mayor mentions should make this guy a hero among his fellow socialist Democrats. Look at how popular Rha-Sheen is and he reportedly owes car taxes dating backing several years, and now he is making the laws the rest of us must obey when he clearly doesn't obey the law himself by paying his required taxes like the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Stewart sounds every bit as angry and bitter than most everyone who knew him predicted he would be.

There was no standards for the police station for example to be a PLA. It happens to be one and that is good. What Mr. Lopes was suggesting is that the state should require towns to do the right thing rather than hoping they do the right thing.

Mr. Stewart is bright enough to know and understand this. His personal venom towards anyone who at one time has publicly or privately disagreed with him is too strong for him to let the facts get in the way of taking a whack at another democrat.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting that the mayor would claim to care about businesses on Broad Street, but as your previous reader points out, chose to visit them on a Saturday. I believe that the largest store on the entire street (Broad Street) is the security uniform company, and they are closed on Saturdays.

I had to laugh when I read the part about Broad Street being such a safe place, because the store I am describing has armor plated roll up doors like you might expect to find in the South Bronx, Newark, Detroit or any other hell hole on earth.

Also, I suspect that the owners of the store in question live out of town (like anyone else with half a brain would do if they could afford to) so in reality it would appear that the mayor's motives were not really to support New Britain businesses but simply sucking for possible votes for himself or other fellow liberal loons!

Lou Salvio said...

Would somebody reading comment #3 please translate it into clear, understandable thinking? E.g., the writer talks about, "... the mayor... " visiting a Broad St. store on Saturday and then calling him a "liberal loon." Certainly, writer #3 cannot be talking about Stewart. The writer must be talking about the article showing Mayor O'Brien visiting the Roly Poly Bakery, etc. with Alderman Hermanowski.

As for commenter #2, PLAs must have standards or they couldn't be referred to as "agreements." The Downes Co. is a reputable organization with a fine record of fair employment practices. To say that, "there was no standards" is not only bad grammar, it's slanderous. There should be some set of standards applied when State Reps. and State Senators hire aides; these standards should include hiring respectable people that are not prone to despicable acts like rifling through desks of other aides and using state computers to write denigrating e-mails against public officials of an opposing political party. Perhaps even a standard that would prohibit sending a mailer showing your photograph with your girlfriend and her twin boys with you and giving the impression that the photo represents your family.

It is surprising that the State Elections Enforcement Commission would have approved Mr. Lopes being allowed to use state taxpayers' taxes to fund his campaign when Lopes can't remember to pay his own to New Britain.

And finally, to writer "#2" ( an apt description), Mr. Stewart chose not to run for a fifth term; he is not angry and bitter about that.

Anonymous said...

Lou, who is the mayor???

Tim Stewart said...

To the anonymous blogger who thinks I am angry and bitter, just stating the facts Phil. I didn't even mention the defamatory comments made by hin and young Greggy from the capitol in my letter but I'm sure most everyone that cares knows.
Once again the dems will try and rely on the ignorance of the electorate to get one of their cronies elected to a seat they don't deserve. Pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Lope's ignorance is surpassed only by his deceit. Why else would someone like Commissioner DeFronzo have kept him around all these years.

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