Thursday, March 29, 2012

Obama Promise Kept: Coal Plants to go Bankrupt with New EPA Carbon Cap - John Ransom - printer friendly -


Anonymous said...

Don't forget his other promise, that under his energy plan your electric bill and price at the gas pump would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET.

When you are paying $10 a gallon to fill up your car, just remember you are paying for Obama fulfilling his promise to you. You voted for him, and now you will pay dearly!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget his other promise, that under his energy plan your electric bill and price at the gas pump would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET.

When you are paying $10 a gallon to fill up your car, just remember you are paying for Obama fulfilling his promise to you. You voted for him, and now you will pay dearly!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget his other promise, that under his energy plan your electric bill and price at the gas pump would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET.

When you are paying $10 a gallon to fill up your car, just remember you are paying for Obama fulfilling his promise to you. You voted for him, and now you will pay dearly!

Anonymous said...

Obama is killing this country

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Obama is killing this country


Anonymous said...

If it isn't his intent to destroy this country, why did he just yesterday call on Congress to pass massive increases on the federal gas tax--helping to bring the price of a gallon of gas to the $10 a gallon he wants the price to be?

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