Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Texas politicos: Guns would make schools safer - San Antonio Express-News


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of armed undercover marshals who are really teachers, administrators or custodians with formal training and carrying firearms undercover so that they can respond to such a threat if needed. This makes much more sense than the radical feel good nonsense pushed by Democrats that banning guns would make people safer when in fact banning guns only makes innocent people sitting ducks for nuts who want to prey on them.

Anonymous said...

The deadly gunfire inside a Connecticut elementary school last Friday has prompted a number of Texas elected officials to push for more guns, not fewer, in schools and other public places.

Anonymous said...

Our problem is that Liberalism and its lack of respect for Personal Responsibility has produced a Dysfunctional Society, a Society which believes that Law and Order are words that apply to others.

Anonymous said...

I am at a loss as to why people think the government should control everything under the US Constitution, the courts, legislation, executive orders, etc. Some things clearly are government inclusive but where is our responsibility to govern ourselves and our own families? We point everywhere else but at ourselves. Then there is the EVIL factor. What is one to do, gather up all the evil people and put them away? How do you define evil? Where does it begin and where does it end? Evil has no personal responsibility. Evil has happened since the dawn of man and will continue. What have we done to try to make our neighborhood, our society, etc. a better place? Peace is not something that comes from the outer and goes to the inner. Peace comes from ourselves and spreads to others. Government can make all the promises they want. But they will never be able to solve this problem.

Anonymous said...

Historically, gun control in other countries has not exactly produced the intended effect originally desired. Our founding father's were very explicit in their wording of the Constitution to the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Here in Connecticut the state Constitution clearly defines that right as belonging to the individual:

"Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state." Connecticut Constitution Art. I, § 15.

I guess Dictator Dan never bothered to read the state constitution that he swore to uphold when spouting his liberal crap about the right to bear arms only applying to a militia. Maybe
Danny Boy should take the time to read the very constitution he swore to uphold. Oh, that's right our dictator can't read can he? Someone should tell granny instead of just standing there like a statue, she should read it to him.

Anonymous said...

Who do the Libturds call when their house is broken into or they are robbed or raped??? Why the POLICE of course. The ones with GUNS. LOSERS It's a shame the POLICE don't know if they are a LIBTURD BEFORE going on the call. They could take their time like Obama is getting that innocent marine out of Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Obama and the Democrat minions want to get rid of the Bill of Rights, yet swear to protect, up hold, and defend the constitution of the United States. Read and up hold the oath of office you took or resign.

signed a concerned citizen

Anonymous said...

Obama's failed Fast and Furious killed 10 times the amount as Sandy Hook .... where's the outrage Liberals?

Anonymous said...

Bet we get rid of Food Stamps before we do Guns

Anonymous said...

Let me ask you something. Who do you think is responsible for creating all those inner city ghettos? And why do you think they are predominately African American? Racism because Democrats are the worst hypocrite racists ever.

Anonymous said...

The National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads,
sons and daughters – and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the
horrific and senseless murders in Newtown.
Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time
for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting.
The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never
happens again.

Anonymous said...

More guns means people are safer!

As gun ownership has increased dramatically, gun-related violent crimes have gradually decreased over the past six years in the state of Virginia, according to a new analysis.

From 2006 to 2011, the total number of guns purchased in Virginia increased 73 percent, while the total number of gun-related violent crimes decreased 24 percent over that period.

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