Monday, February 18, 2013

F.O.I Request Filed By CTPOA Against New Britain

Water Account Transfers Raise Concerns

In another development concerning New Britain, it was brought to our attention that over fifteen million dollars was taken from that city's water account and transferred into the General Fund. As a result, CTPOA has filed a request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act.

These water fund transfers might be a potential legal problem as the water account is an "Enterprise Account" and those dollars are rate payers money and include payments from residents in Berlin, Newington and Southington, not just New Britain; we are awaiting the city's reply.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully this information will be what is needed to finally get those arrest warrants!

Anonymous said...

If this proves to be true then the taxpayers will have to re-pay the fund. Doubt the mayor can pull that off. He will probably have to sell the water department to the MDC and have them take over the issue.

Anonymous said...

Wat had been done is criminal. In my opinion Tim O'Brien and The Common Council should all be placed under arrest for misappropriating that money.

Anonymous said...

The Common Council voted on this issue last budget season. It was reported in the paper and Stewart did the same thing years prior (although with less money)
What are they getting at?

Anonymous said...

I hope the CPOA gets the 25,000 reward.

Anonymous said...

Stewart took around $5 million from the water reserve set aside fund that was being used for the bond holders and potential payments to them. When the city converted the bonds to General Obligation bonds there was no need for the special fund which incidentally came with costs to do. Around $5million to be exact. Which made his transfer legal as compared to the raping the reserve fund took under O'Brien over the past 16 months!

Anonymous said...

when can I get a front row seat to watch both of them being hauled away in handcuffs (in a similar fashion to how Tercyak was hauled away to jail)?

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