Monday, December 12, 2011

Obama Running On Resentment Of The Rich --

By:Charles Krauthammer


Anonymous said...

In the first month of his Presidency, Barack Obama averred that if in three years he hadn't alleviated the nation's economic pain, he'd be a "one-term president." Amen!

When three-quarters of American people think the country is on the "wrong track" and even the former President Bill Clinton calls the American Economy "lousy," so then how will Obama campaign to run for a second term? He travels to Osawatomie, Kansas, site of a famous 1910 Teddy Roosevelt speech, where Obama laid out his case campaigning for his second term.

Or, as the philosophers of Zuccotti Park (Occupy Wall Street) call them, the 1 percent. For Obama, the rich folks are the ones holding back the other 99 percent. The "breathtaking greed of a few" is crushing the middle class. If only the rich paid their "fair share," the middle class would have a chance.

Otherwise, U.S. Government won't have enough funds $$$$ to "invest" in education, innovation, the golden path of economic growth and opportunity and sharing the wealth, states Obama.

Anonymous said...

I Republicans didn't work hard and pay taxes, how would all the Democrats live their entire lives for free?

Who would there be to pay for the Democrats' lifetime free ride?

Anonymous said...

Economic inequality sparked the Occupy Wall Street movement and is shaping the 2012 presidential campaign. Calling it “the defining issue of our time,” President Barack Obama told an audience in Kansas . Obama, whose re-election chances are challenged by weak job growth, said millions of Americans feel “the basic bargain that made this country great has eroded.”

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