From: The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations

From: The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations
Contact: Susan Kniep, President
Telephone: 860-841-8032



Union Dues Collected by the State in 2009
$33.1 Million

Why are Connecticut taxpayers footing the bill to collect union dues from state employees for the unions? State legislators should cease this service and require the unions to bill their members directly!


WWII Veterans Monument Vandalized In New Britain -

Anyone with information about the stolen New Britain plaques is asked to call city police Sgt. Darren Pearson at 860-826-3135.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A challenger emerges for Larson

By Steve Collins staff writer fir the Bristol Press

Your Reader-Submitted Articles -

Blint And Giantonio Win The Republican Town Committee Nominations
Clubs & Organizations
Submitted by Mary Chaponis, Secretary, New Britain Republican Town Committee, on 2010-03-25.

Jamie Giantonio and Dwight Blint, selected as vice chairman and chairman, respectively, of the New Britain Republican Town Commitee.

Subsequent to receiving the nominations, both Dwight Blint & Jamie Giantaonio have been chosen to be the new leaders of the New Britain Republican Town Committee at the March 23 meeting. They expressed that they both want to work with all the members of the RTC and concluded their statement by citing their desire and the need to have the committee members support the RTC'S candidates during upcoming election campaigns.
Other officers chosen at the meeting:
Treasurer: Erin Stewart
Assistant Treasurer: Nick Mercier
Secretary: Mary Chaponis"

Your Reader-Submitted Articles -

DEP Fishing Class Comes To New Britain
Government Announcements
Submitted by Dianne Grenier on 2010-03-25.

The Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP), Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education (CARE) program, is coming to New Britain. The program will take place on April 14 and 16, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., at the YMCA, 50 High St., New Britain.

The program developed in 1986 by the DEP Bureau of Fisheries has introduced thousands of novice anglers throughout the state to the quiet pleasures and the exciting thrills of freshwater fishing. Classes cover many diverse topics including how and where fish live, fishing laws and regulations, fish identification, fishing tackle and techniques, how to cast, sportsmanship, safety, and how to fillet and cook your catch.

The fishing program is conducted by certified DEP CARE instructors. The classes are free of charge and open to everyone over 7 years old. Children younger than 12 must be accompanied by an adult. All required equipment will be provided. Pre-registration is required. For registration or more information call 860-229-3787."

Minority Leader Speaks Out on Sherwood's Senseless Motion!

Sherwood maintains that he wants to create transparency in government, in ethics, in FOI, in disclosure of financial interests of elected officials. now this is what he actually does: (a) he introduces resolutions for the Council meeting at the very last minute without warning (he has the votes to do this) ;but Phil is an honorable man who professes transparency (b) at the close of the leadership meeting in the Mayor's office Tuesday evening Phil was asked, "will there be any additional resolutions prevented tomorrow night?" Answer, NO! A few minutes before the start of the Council meeting on Wednesday the budget resolution was placed on our desks! Even the other Democrats did not know about it. But Phil is an honorable man who professes transparency.(c) All Democratic caucuses are held behind closed doors before every Council meeting - something Phil accuses the Finance Board and others of doing - yet we must believe that Phil is an honorable man who professes to want transparency in government.
Definitely Phil is hypocritical in the same way that he was with his changes in the Ethics, FOI and Disclosure regulations; Phil changed the disclosure regulations Wednesday night. But, don't forget, Phil is an honorable man who professes transparency in government! YEAH, RIGHT!
Just another Phil Sherwood trick to try to cast aspersions on the current administration and create whatever havoc he can. In the end it will do little except get some people nervous about something that will not happen.

Alderman Louis Salvio

Obama Care Immediate Adversities With Signage!


The Caterpillar Company announced that it would cost for their medical employee insurance plan a minimum of $100 million dollars.

Verizon health plan will be taxed 40% as an excise tax which may be passed on to the employees.

It quite apparent that many of the Corporate America Companies will sending notices to all their employees similar to the aforementioned firms.

One interesting comment that should alert retirees----- that it will cost the average couple under the Medicare program a minimum of $250,000 for medical care.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blint & Giantonio Win The RTC Nominations

Photo by: Erin Stewart

Subsequent to receiving the nominations both Dwight Blint & Jamie Giantaonio have been chosen to be the new leaders of the RTC and expressed that they both want to work with all the members of the RTC and concluded their statement by citing their desire and the need to have the committee members support the RTC'S candidates during upcoming election campaigns.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lynyrd Skynyrd: That Aint My America

A song for all of you who are not pleased with the direction this country is being taken at the hands of radical extremists from the left. (just click the link above and the song will automatically play).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Britain's Mayor Accepts CPOA'S Award


A well deserved award for the Mayor's ability to keep the Taxes low for our city's tax payers throughout the years he has been in office. While other Conn. Urban cities similar sized to New Britain had to raise their taxes year after year.

COPA Meeting Next Sunday! March 21, 2010



-CPOA TO LAUNCH WEBSITE (WWW.CTCPOA.ORG) and FACEBOOK PAGE (Citizen’s Property Owners Association)

NEW BRITAIN, Connecticut (March 14, 2010)- The Citizens Property Owners Association, Inc. (CPOA) will hold its annual meeting at the Marchegian Hall, 40 Acorn St, New Britain, CT at 2:30 pm on March 21, 2010. At 85 years old, the CPOA is Connecticut’s oldest taxpayer organization. Members and those interested in cost effective government are invited to attend.

President Ann Mikulak will preside over the meeting which will feature comments by Federation of Taxpayer Organization President Susan Kniep. President Kniep is a former mayor of East Hartford and a staunch advocate for taxpayers.
During the meeting, President Mikulak will award the first annual “CPOA Taxpayer Appreciation Award” to Mayor Timothy T. Stewart; Mayor of New Britain. “Mayor Stewart has delivered value to the taxpayers of New Britain for six straight years by maintaining the tax rate and streamlining city government to provide cost effective services in an efficient manner.” Stated President Mikulak, further continued, stating that “Mayor Stewart’s recent negotiations with the local fire union show that he is willing to make intelligent decisions which result in value to the taxpayer.” It is anticipated that Mayor Stewart will comment on the upcoming budget for the City.

In addition to the comments by Ms. Kniep and Mayor Stewart, CPOA officers for the forthcoming year will be elected and CPOA’s new website will be showcased by Trydella, LLC, a New Britain business. The web address is: Further, CPOA has placed a group site on Facebook.

ABOUT CPOA: The objective of the association shall be “to foster, encourage and promote interest in all activities of local, state and regional agencies by local taxpayer groups as those activities affect taxpayers of New Britain and the State of Connecticut; also to develop and establish an agenda in support of certain legislative initiatives which would affect greater economy, efficiency and effectiveness in our state and municipal governments and disseminate information regarding such state and regional agency activities and legislative initiatives to the state’s and New Britain’s taxpayers.”
Ms. Ann Mikulak Michael W. Wanik

The Amazing Chris Murphy has come out of hiding with his joint announcement with Rep. Larson in their support of the Medical OBAMA CARE Bill.


The is our State Representative who hid from the seniors of New Britain during the Town Hall Debates with his setting up a meeting in his New Britain Office with seven people, has described by the New Britain Herald. However, this Herald report did not elaborate if these seven individuals were New Britain residents or from other parts of the Representative's District selectively chosen by Rep. Murphy.

Representative Larson with his carrying Madame Pelosi's push for the OBAMA_CARE along with Rep. Murphy have come out of hiding with their announcing of their support for the Obama care proposal against the will of their constituency citing that their constituency wants this legislation to go through.

Unfortunately, they are supporting the inclusion of the illegal aliens to be included through the SSI payments program causing a drastic drain on the Social Security Federal Funding for the Social Security recipients.

Are they also supporting the end of life reviews every five years for our seniors?



Your U.S. House & Senate have voted themselves$4,700and $5,300 raises.

1. They voted to not give you a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011.

2. Your Medicare premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years.
And you will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr. Your total 2-yr loss and
cost is -$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and wife.
3. Over 2-yrs The House & Senate each get $10,000 raises

4. Do you feel SCREWED?

5. Will your cost of drugs - doctor fees - local taxes - food, Etc., increase? You better believe they will!

WILL THEIRS...NO WAY . They have a raise and better benefits. Why care about you? You never did anything about it in the past.
You're obviously too stupid or don't care. No offense; just making a point!

6. Do you really think that Nancy, Harry, Chris, Charlie, Barnie, et al, care about you?




It is ok to forward this to your sphere of influence if you are finally tired of the abuse.

Maybe it's time for the.........
Amendment 28

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United
States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives,
And Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or
Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the
United States ."

Let's get this passed around, folks - these people in Washington have brought this upon themselves!!! It's time for retribution. Let's take back America .

If you don't forward this to all your friends you're just part of the problem of national apathy.

IT'S TIME!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

President Obama Solution to Social Security and Immigration Reform Bill?

Anonymous said...
S.O.S. - SAVE OUR SOULS a.k.a. Save Our Social Security...

On June 29, 2004, the U.S. Commissioner of Social Security and The Director General of the Mexican Social Security Institute reached an agreement – ( - the so-called Totalization Agreement. While it took three years of wrangling with Freedom of Information Act by the TREA Senior Citizens League to obtain the document entitled “Social Security – Proposed Totalization Agreement with Mexico”.

The seniors group (TREA) knew that if illegal aliens get legal status -- through an amnesty or some sort of legalization plan such as the one the President and the Senate tried to enact in 2006 -- it would allow illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico, to gain legal status and access to Social Security benefits for their relatives, children and other dependents.

What the agreement reveals is that the United States will permit illegal aliens from Mexico to collect Social Security benefits if they have as little as 18 months of U.S. employment history. In contrast, U.S. citizens must show 10 years -- 40 quarters -- of perfectly legal job history to collect same Social Security benefits.

Despite the fact that it's illegal for employers to knowingly hire individuals who are in this country illegally, the agreement which awaits the President’s Obama signature, can take effect without Congress' approval. The current 2010 Democratic Congress doesn't have to vote to approve it -- it has only 60 days to disapprove it, which isn't likely because they likely support allowing the agreement to become law.

This agreement would drain more billions from a Social Security system that already lists a $14 trillion liability and assets of only $3.5 trillion, according to a 2003 report generated by the Center for Immigration Studies. And it's worth noting that virtually none of those $3.5 billion in "assets" consists of gold bars or even bundled greenbacks sitting in some government vault.

These so-called "Totalization" Agreements are common -- the United States has them with 20 other countries. Their goal is to avoid double taxation when employers assign employees to work temporarily in another country. But, "Totalization” was not designed or intended to cover millions of illegal aliens sneaking past the southern U.S. Border Patrol from what is a borderline Third World country.

The Pew Hispanic Center estimated that there are between 3.4 and 5.7 million unauthorized Mexican citizens in the United States and the Urban Institute has estimated that there are more than 4 million according to GAO-03-993 Social Security Report to Congressional Requesters.

The vast majority of individual tax returns are filed using a social Security Number (SSN) as identification. However, there are instances where alien individuals will file a U.S. tax return. To enable these individuals to file, Treasury Regulations were issued in 1996 to provide them with Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

An ITIN is intended for tax purposes only and creates no inference regarding an alien individual’s right to live in the U.S. or be illegally employed here. A study done by the Inspector General’s Office of the Department of Treasury found that 55 percent of illegal aliens who filed income tax returns using tax identification numbers had no federal income tax liability, reflecting their income and large number of dependent.

An analysis of Forms 1040 filed in Tax year 2001 with ITINs found that approximately 530,000 Forms 1040 were filed with ITINs as the primary number by aliens with the number increasing each passing 5 years.

All American’s should be concerned about illegal aliens coming here and getting as good a deal from our government “entitlement” programs with their U.S. Citizens
"Town Committee me

The New Britain Republican Town Committee will meet on Tuesday March 23 at 7:00 p.m., Room 504, New Britain City Hall.

Election of Officeers will be held.

Delegate Selection for various conventions will also be held..

It is important for all members of the Town Committee to attend."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A follow up on The Recommendations of Dr. Aram Aylon of The New Britain Board of Education.


At the very beginning of the meeting, during Public participation, five speakers, including one City Alderman, spoke against the Good Doctor's Stance that the Board of Education's providing Condoms and the referral of the students to abortion clinics.

The main comments were all in sync that these issue belongs to the parent's control and not that of the Board Of Ed.

A motion made by Board Member Paul Carver to keep the existing contract and adopt the policy it reflects passed with only one descending vote that of Doctor Aylon.

This matter passed onto a policy sub-committee of the board for further review.

President Sharon Beloin-Saavedra, The President of the Board was quick to point out to the doctor that he doesn't have the votes and one can only await to see what happens when this issue comes back to board from its sub-committee with its final recommendation.

Monday, March 15, 2010

RTC Candidates speaks out

Dear New Britain Republican Town Committee member,

This email is to inform you that two former City Council candidates will be vying for leadership positions within the New Britain Republican Town Committee at the March 23 meeting.

Dwight Blint will be seeking the chairmanship and Jamie Giantonio will be seeking the vice chairmanship. We are now asking for your support.

If we are successful, we hope you will give us your energy, your ideas and your continued commitment to our conservative ideals. Our goals are to use our marketing, communications and strategic development skills to:

Help raise the profile of the NBRTC and its candidates Boost the committee’s community outreach and fundraising efforts Confront and correct the false and misleading assertions often made by our opponents at public meetings and in the media

We believe that with the implementation of an aggressive and effective strategy, an increasing number of local residents will repudiate the tax-and-spend policies of the past, and come to understand that our city’s long term viability depends solely on its ability to:

Cut taxes
Shrink government
Reduce spending on city services and education Spur economic development Attract and retain the middle class

Jamie has a great passion for New Britain. He and his wife are lifelong residents, and their families have deep roots here and within the NBRTC. Dwight is a relative newcomer; however, he has been a volunteer supporting Mayor Tim Stewart and the Republican slate of candidates for the past five years. His wife’s family is originally from New Britain and has strong connections to the city and the Republican Party. Both Jamie and Dwight ran for City Council last year.

As many of you know, national polls are showing that 2010 is shaping up to be a great year for Republicans. We think that with the right preparation, the NBRTC and the City of New Britain can benefit from this renaissance.

We hope that you will allow us the privilege of leading the local Republican Party during this very exciting time. Please attend the March 23 NBRTC meeting at City Hall. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m.

We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.


Dwight F. Blint Jamie Giantonio
(860) 223-3793 (860) 225-4391

Deplorable Recommendations by Dr. Aram Ayalon Of The New Britain Board of Education!


At Last Monday's meeting of The New Board Of Education the following has been referred to the next board meeting to be voted upon:

With its policy committee referral of handing out condoms, referring students to abortion clinics and handing out birth control pills.

This proposal was made by Dr. Aram Ayalon, a current Board member, and a professor at CCSU.

This matter will be voted on by The full Board of Education at their March 15th. meeting.

Therefore,it is recommended that the Public, Clergy, and parents be encouraged to attend this scheduled meeting in order to make their views known to the Full Board of Education members.

New Britain Board of Education Parents Notice!


If your are concerned about the recommendation of Dr. Aram Ayalon to hand out CONDOMS, BIRTH CONTROL PILLS and provide ABORTIONS for your children no matter how old they are, you need to attend the following meeting to voice your concerns:

The Board Members are planning to have this matter on their agenda at their March 15 meeting which starts at 7 PM at the Board of Education Headquarters, 272 Main Street.

This is the most progressive movement intended to strip your authority as a parent over your child's well being, and necessitates your attendance in order to make your comments known to all the board members prior to their vote.

If you don't act now to stop this lunacy, you may find you have no authority over these issues when it comes to your own children.

Act now to stop these radicals from coming between you and your children on these important moral issues!

Call the Board of Education to tell them how you feel as a parent----------- Phone: (860) 827-2203. You can also e-mail the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Kurtz, directly at:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Republican Town Committee Meeting for March 23, @ 7 pm 5th. floor city hall

Dear New Britain Republican Town Committee member,

This is to inform you that two former City Council candidates will be vying for leadership positions within the New Britain Republican Town Committee at the March 23 meeting.

Dwight Blint will be seeking the chairmanship and Jamie Giantonio will be seeking the vice chairmanship. We are now asking for your support.

If we are successful, we hope you will give us your energy, your ideas and your continued commitment to our conservative ideals. Our goals are to use our marketing, communications and strategic development skills to:

Help raise the profile of the NBRTC and its candidates Boost the committee’s community outreach and fundraising efforts Confront and correct the false and misleading assertions often made by our opponents at public meetings and in the media

We believe that with the implementation of an aggressive and effective strategy, an increasing number of local residents will repudiate the tax-and-spend policies of the past, and come to understand that our city’s long term viability depends solely on its ability to:

Cut taxes
Shrink government
Reduce spending on city services and education Spur economic development Attract and retain the middle class

Jamie has a great passion for New Britain. He and his wife are lifelong residents, and their families have deep roots here and within the NBRTC. Dwight is a relative newcomer; however, he has been a volunteer supporting Mayor Tim Stewart and the Republican slate of candidates for the past five years. His wife’s family is originally from New Britain and has strong connections to the city and the Republican Party. Both Jamie and Dwight ran for City Council last year.

As many of you know, national polls are showing that 2010 is shaping up to be a great year for Republicans. We think that with the right preparation, the NBRTC and the City of New Britain can benefit from this renaissance.

We hope that you will allow us the privilege of leading the local Republican Party during this very exciting time. Please attend the March 23 NBRTC meeting at City Hall. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m.

We look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.


Dwight F. Blint Jamie Giantonio
(860) 223-3793 (860) 225-4391

Ronald Reagan Predicted The Dangers of a Health Care Plan Like Obamas!

Ronald Reagan predicted the the dangers of a health care plan like Obamas!

Local lawmakers dicuss issues with Berlin residents - The New Britain Herald (

Staff Writer

Senator DeFronzo is still pushing the Rail System over the propsed Busway!

Rell Announces UConn Health Center Plan -


The Hartford Courant

Smith photo

Monday, March 8, 2010

Minority Leader Salvio Speaks to the Board of Education Issue


To the New Britain Herald Editor:

In this letter, I will concentrate my comments on issues surrounding a recent New Britain BOE decision not to accept grant money for restructuring three failing New Britain elementary schools. The Herald received numerous comments from bloggers in its on line publication regarding the issue as did Frank Smith’s blog. All of the comments brought to mind two old sayings, to wit, “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown” and, “The buck stops here.”

Most of the bloggers heaped praise on the NB BOE for “bucking” Dr. Kurtz; Dr. Kurtz wanted the grant to be accepted. Also, most bloggers saw the decision by the BOE as a step toward replacing Dr. Kurtz as NB Superintendent of Schools. I see this kind of thinking as not paying attention to the issue at hand, namely, three failing (test scores) elementary schools. Is Dr. Kurtz responsible for the failures? According to most bloggers and one of the old sayings – “the buck stops here” -, YES! The person wearing the “crown” of most institutions gets most of the blame for all failures. Blaming solves little if anything. I believe there are more issues to deal with before you get to the blame issue. Of the issues that can be dealt with more easily, I believe that professional competence is the most important.

The City, through the ELECTED BOE hires a superintendent. The superintendent is responsible for directing and evaluating all subordinates in the central administration. Usually, the subordinates supervise and evaluate the principals; the principals are supposed to supervise and evaluate classroom instruction. Nobody is allowed nor do they want to supervise the parents. So, you can blame everything on Doris Kurtz (she wears the crown) but, in the end there is enough incompetence to go around. Right now, it appears that most people want to blame Doris. Will more money help? I doubt it. How about if everybody does their job! We can get rid of Doris but some others need to go with her. What will the BOE’s decision mean? Same principals and teachers for the three schools; progress? Not a bit.

Lou Salvio
103 Russwin Rd.
New Britain, CT 06053

Sunday, March 7, 2010



Washington: A measure to give 57 million elderly people, veterans and persons with disabilities a $250 check in 2010 was rejected by the senate on Wednesday.

A complete setback for the seniors lobby.

This of course was to offset for the no increase to the Social Security cost of living increases for the next two years.

Rep. Charles Rangel to temporarily quit key tax post

By Paul Kane and Perry Bacon Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writers

Young One Hundred Two Years Old Today!

The Chubby Clark band.

Mary Labienniec celebrated her 102nd. birthday today with all her friends at the McDonald's Restaurant in Berlin Conn. Also there were five generations of her family at her side. Chubby Clark's band was there to help out with this celebration.

Some six months ago Mary Asked Mr. Clark to set aside March 1rst. for her birthday celebration and Mr. Clark, in his middle eighties, was very concerned as to whether or not he would still be alive to make it. Puzzling as it may be, Mary had no concerns as to her being able to making this great affair, at the time.

The McDonald restaurant family provided the setting for her to greet her guest numbering at least 200 or so.

Minorty Leader Lashes Out!

The West St. area of New Britain is represented by: two (2) Council members, a State Rep. and our State Senator. In addition we have State Rep., Tim O'Brien who ran for Mayor last fall and claimed that he would put an end to BLIGHT in New Britain.

When has any one of aforementioned people done absolutely anything to represent people the West St. area of New Britain?

Cat got your tongue?

The answer is never.

But let somebody send a basesless (no proof) accusation about Mayor Stewart or any other Republican to the Herald and the Herald gobbles it up and puts it out there for all to read. I believe it's Mayor Stewart who should be suing Marzi.

As for political contributions did our State Reps. or other members of the Democrat group mentioned
above receive any help from ACORN? Will they next fall?

If the Herald is losing readers is because the paper is not fair and balanced in its coverage - of course that is its prerogative. Why has the Herald drop its investigations of the illegal use of Capitol computers, the Mattabassett fiasco or other Democrat trangressions? And The Herald seeks support from the people for its fight against repeal of a mandate to allow that public notices need only be published on line. The Herald's previous staff writers and editor - prior to Mr. Schroeder's purchase - were assailed by the public for being anti Stewart. How much better is the reporting and the editing now with regard to the Herald's articles on the Mayor

State Rep. Denise Merrill for Secretary of State candidate


Another candidate vying for the office of the Secretary of State is Representative Denise Merrill ( D ) of Mansfield, CT, who made her presentation at the New Britain DTC Meeting last Thursday night. Merrill served nine terms in the House of Representatives and is currently its Majority Leader. She is a former high school teacher, an attorney, and a civil rights activist citing her belief that we need to train people to get involved with politics and their communities. She also described her memories of the FDR save the family outreach program.

Merrill said she supports felons to be able to vote while on probation and cited that the criminal courts go too far with sentencing. Perhaps Ms. Merrill feels the criminal courts were too harsh with their treatment of Joshua Komisarjevsky and Steven Hayes--the two men who stand accused of the vicious Cheshire Home invasions? According to MSNBC, both men had at least 20 burglaries in their record, and were both on parole when they allegedly entered the Petit home at about 3AM and as the report put it "broke into a doctor’s home, strangled his wife and killed the couple’s two daughters in a fire they set to cover their tracks." Perhaps Ms. Merrill would have these 2 individuals vote at an elementary school near you, as they await trial for these heinous crimes for which I am sure the Connecticut justice system will treat them in what Merrill no doubt believes is too harsh a manner.

Perhaps Ms. Merrill feels the court system was too lax in dealing with Juan Palaflax, who is currently in custody in North Carolina, awaiting extradiction to New Britain, on charges that while he was the subject of a restraining order, he allegedly murdered his wife in their home (while the couple's 3 children were home), the day before the court was to consider whether or not to continue the restraining order that was in place barring Palaflax from having contact with his wife. After all Ms. Merrill, those restraining orders are harsh pieces of paper, aren't they?

Merrill also says she wants our state government to be transparent, focused on new jobs and always accessible to its citizens, but wasn't clear on how she would acomplish these goals.