Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Legislative Debate

League of Women Voters’ Legislative debate held in the New Britain council chambers on 10-21-08.

Disappointing that out of the ten candidates only four were allowed to participate because the opposition candidates did not show for this debate. It was greatly unfortunate for the voters in attendance of not having the privilege of hearing from the other candidates in order to make their choices on Election Day.

The audience was allowed to hear from four candidates Former Senator Thomas Bozek a Republican vs. State Senator D. DeFronzo and A, Wright Republican Vs. Representative Tim O’Brien Democrat.

Numerous issues were discussed such as the Constitution Convention in referendum. Bozek: Supports allowing referendum for people to vote on issues of interest to them. Ct. would benefit from having the people make a choice of what they want.

The public teachers union is apposing the convention and other private interest groups as well. Bozek supports the home rule to decide the issues by the local voters. Senator DeFronzo responded that the convention occurs once in 20 years and that our state constitution has been amended 25 times in the past by the legislature and it really should be left to the state legislatures to make the decisions for the electorate because that is why we are elected. Therefore he opposes the referendum. Representative O’Brien stated he would vote no because the constitution itself was well structured and by having a referendum it could wind up being very costly for the state because we could wind up with many groups wanting their preferences. Former Senator Bozek countered the foregoing comments by citing that the people want to decide issues like gays rights etc. Senator Defronzo immediately countered by citing that the legislature every year reviews the gay rights, death penalty, tax issues that doesn’t result in forcing mandated cost onto the towns, and etc.

The health issues was also discussed with representative O’Brien with his mentioning the proposed health care partnership care plan for small businesses which was vetoed by the Governor. Mr. Wright on the other hand we should be careful and review cost and affordability. Representative O’Brien stated if we provide good medical converge businesses would come to our state and that represents jobs. We could help the businesses to be competitive by providing a good health care system so that they can compete with their competitors.

The next question related to the health care system is it working? Senator DeFronzo stated that the system is not working very well with 350 thousand families without or with poor coverage’s and that a lot of work has to be done to resolve this problem. Bozek countered that we tell the public we can do it and the social agencies can’t handle all of it with their trying to protect the seniors and children. He continued by saying can you imagine how many people, would this coverage provided by the state, would it draw into our state seeking these benefits? Senator Defronzo countered by saying we cannot sit back and allow these many families to go without coverage. That is our job to find the solutions however the Feds should be resolving this issue and not just hand the problem down to the states to resolve.

The cut backs for the adverse economy was discussed with Bozek cited an immediate state budget cut, place a cap on property taxes, cut the sales tax and that would keep existing jobs here. O’Brien added that we should help the businesses that are here and give them the support with labor techniques in order to be able to be more competitive and remain in business here in our state. Senator DeFronzo said that the Republican administration in Washington and in our state has let our state down. What we need are high tech jobs but we must also face the very difficult budget cuts and crises we now face. Rep. O’Brien added that we need to invest good educational programs in order to train our youth for the technical jobs we need to keep our state competitive. Bozek admonished Senator Defronzo for blaming everything onto Bush administration and the Ct. Governor and not himself and Defronzo countered with his getting a business tax relief in order to be more competitive and brought back to New Britain in state funds that amount to 10 mills in reduction to the city taxes something that my Republican opponent doesn’t believe it but he should look it up its all a matter of record.

The magnet school system was discussed with all its financing problems with Senator DeFronzo stating that New Britain possibility of having a magnet school was blocked by the former senator Bozek when he was in office. O’Brien sated he supports the that system and we need to look into the Charter schools as well as the charter schools and take advantage of the state funded programs that nearly provide all the required building funds and support to help our kids get a better education we have the largest High school in the state of Connecticut and we have to do something about that with the state providing plans for providing theses good programs so our kids can take advantage of with a better education. Mr. Wright said he support the charter school. Senator Defrozo stated he supports both the charter and magnet schools system. Rep. O’Brien added that our kids are suffering from the budget cuts and are forced to attend larger classes and we need to take advantage of the magnet state funding that is available for our city.

The next question involved finance reform legislation: Senator Defronzo its Public money and should under strict oversight of the use of the money and supports audits of the reports after the election with Bozek supporting since it attracts new people to run for office instead of supported by special interest unions with special agendas that you have to pay back. Rep. O’Brien countered that he was very proud of that we were the first state in the nation to push the special interest money out. Mr. Wright agreed to rid of special interest. Bozek went on citing his past legislative merits referring to the sending prisoners out of state, breast cancer issues and his constructive surgery aid.

The Supreme Court same sex decision was the new question with all being asked if they supported the decision of the court. Rep. O’Brien said the Supreme Court has ruled. Bozek countered with I don’t support gay marriages and alluding to let the public decide but there wasn’t any leadership at the state level over moral issues. Mr. Wright said that the legislatures should not legislate how people should live or how they chose to live.

Questions regarding a green programs proposals for our community. Obrien suggested looking towards fuel cells and sun energy sources. Senator DeFronzo stated that they passed a bill to provide loans for improvements foe energy savings.

Bozek was asked if he would support a veto to over ride Gov. Rell’s veto and he replied no because it was the unions leveraging to control the health care by the labor groups wanting to handle the plan and everyone can join in. Senator Defronzo said he would vote to veto because it gives the communities the opportunity to decide to join the plan he continued by saying just because it comes from a labor union it doesn’t mean it is a bad idea. Mr. Wright suggested actuarial studies be made. O’Brien said it make common sense to buy the insurance through a pool it says the small businesses enough to stay in business.

This debate was a let down due to the fact that not all the candidates were present making it hard to judge who to vote for.


Anonymous said...

I was in the audience last night and was very impressed with the democratic candidates.

New Britain is lucky to have such good elected officials serving at the state level.

Anonymous said...

That's why the Taxpayers support - support term limits at the State and National level.

And a vote yes on the Constitutional ballot question for the state of Connecticut.

Tom Bozek (D) supports the issue of Constitutional ballot question for the state of Connecticut.

Let the Taxpayers and citizens cast their votes on the issue.

Anonymous said...

The housing crisis didn't come out of nowhere. It was not a vague emanation of the so called evil Bush administration.

It was a direct result of the political decision, back in the late 1990s, to loosen the rules of lending so that home loans would be more accessible to poor people. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were authorized to approve risky loans.

This was completely foreseeable and in fact many people did foresee it. One political party, in Congress and in the executive branch, tried repeatedly to tighten up the rules. The other party blocked every such attempt and tried to loosen them.

Furthermore, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were making political contributions to the very members of Congress who were allowing them to make irresponsible loans.

Why doesn't journalism require that those who produce the daily newspaper tell the truth about who brought us to a position where the only way to keep confidence in our economy was a $700 billion bailout? Aren't reporters supposed to follow the money and see which politicians were benefiting personally from the deregulation of mortgage lending?

We have no doubt that if these facts had lead to the Republican Party or to John McCain as the guilty parties, the media would be treating it as a vast scandal - Housing-gate Or Fannie-gate.

Instead, it was Senator Christopher Dodd (D) and Congressman Barney Frank (D), who denied that there were any problems, who refused the Bush administration requests to set up a regulatory agency to watch over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and who were still pushing for these agencies to go even further in promoting sub-prime mortgage loans almost up to the minute they failed.

Yet when Nancy Pelosi accused the Bush administration and Republican deregulation of causing the crisis, you in the press did not hold her to account for her lie. Instead, you criticized Republicans who took offense at this lie and refused to vote for the bailout!

Your job, as journalists, is to report the truth. That's what you claim you do, when you accept people's money when they buy or subscribe to your newspaper.

But right now, journalists are consenting to or actively promoting a big fat lie -- that the housing crisis should somehow be blamed on Bush, McCain, and the Republicans.

If journalists had any personal honor, each reporter and editor would be insisting on telling the truth -- even if it hurts the election chances of your favorite candidate.

But the mainstream media--which is to say, most reporters and editors who work for mainstream news organizations--have no honor and are not interested in reporting the basic facts.

Anonymous said...

Senator Chris Dodd, Along With Barney Frank, Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer Helped Bring Us The First Installment Of Obama's - Spread The Wealth Program.

The Fannie Mae 5: Campaign Contributions Spoke Louder Than Their Conscience:

Will They Face justice?

One Of The Crooks Who Fleeced Fannie Mae Of Millions Is Rumored To Be Our Next Attorney General. If That Happens, None Of The Real Crooks Will See The Inside Of Prison.

Senator Chris Dodd Knows if Obama Is Elected, No Democrats Will Ever be placed Under Oath, or Face Any Type Of Legal Repercussions.

Of Course This Shocking Expose may Explain Why The media Refuses To Discuss The Real Sources Of our Economic Meltdown:

Some TV News People Are MARRIED to some of the guilty ones who helped drive Fannie Mae Into The Ground.

Now Barney Frank Says They Are Going To Increase Taxes After The Election.

Change Is Coming. Senator Biden Says Gird Your Loins For The Coming Test.

Only One Democrat Has The Courage To Speak Up....

The Main Stream Press Has Effectively Emasculated Itself On This Issue. By Granting Obama A Free Pass On His Past Actions, Affiliations, and Policies, All Politicians Now Feel That They Can Get Away With Almost Anything.

People No Longer Trust The Free press To Be Truthful And Un Biased. Once That Bond Of Trust Between The Press And The Electorate Is Broken, The Government Is Afforded The Opportunity To Run Unchecked.

Frank Smith said...

In response to the anonymous remarks stating that former senator Bozek is for term limits both at the state and federal levels. I do not have any problem with that suggestion but I do take exception to your referring to him as a “Democrat”.

He has campaigned in two elections, including the current one, as an endorsed candidate by the republicans and with that track record in mind it is fair to say he has lost any standing as being a democrat.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the teacher's unions and DeFronzo are so vehemently against the constitutional convention makes me that much more suspicious about their motives for opposing it. It is about time that the people are able to hold these elected officials accountable. Why are they so worried about the electorate having more of a say in what laws are passed? Are they afraid of losing their power over us? The current system has these legislators beholden to the powerful union bosses who control all those large PAC checks, and they care very little about what the "Joe the Plumbers" think, so long as they can keep the union fat cats happy. The first thing we should do in this convention is pass the ability to recall elected officials by petition, similar to what they do in California. That will keep them accountable to us. In Switzerland, no law can be passed until it is voted on by the people in a referendum. This keeps the government limited and prevents all the out of control spending, and government controls on people. Switzerland's legal system has been touted by legal scholars are the example for the 21st century, so what is wrong with Connecticut moving in that direction? Let's pass this constitutional convention on election day and start holding these people accountable to the people they are supposed to be accountable to. Let us not forget the preamble to the US Constitution: "WE THE PEOPLE..."

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to watch "10 REASONS NOT TO VOTE FOR OBAMA" Sunday 9PM on the Fox News Channel

Anonymous said...

It was hard to watch racist Bozek at work but each to his own.

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