Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Britain Mayor warns off ‘hostile’ alderman - The New Britain Herald (

Mayor warns off ‘hostile’ alderman - The New Britain Herald (


Anonymous said...

This back and forth between political parties is un-productive.
The entire process of placing the
golf course (restaurant) out to bid
was a fiasco due to the majority of
council members. This article does
not explain what work is being questioned by Mr. Gerrantano? Did he question Mr. DiMaio about renovations to the restaurant? Is he implying that park and rec employees are possibly performing construction related duties to the
building on behalf of Jordan's Caterers? What is your story Mr. Guinness? This questioning is an
affront and Mayor Stewart does need
to protect the residents and taxpayers of this city. Maybe he should start calling Jordan's caterers and question them that would be an additional freindly welcome to New Britain. Who is reporting this information to Mr. Gerrantano, hmmmm maybe Paul Cantanzaro employee of the Park and Recs department and subordinate
to Mr. DiMaio maybe it't Paul that's thumbing his superior's once
again. Is Paul renovating the restaurant? He wants to do the landscaping around the parking garage and Mr. Gerrantano hasn't questioned that? Isn't he laison
to the parking commission that oversees the parking garages? Never
hear from him on any of those subjects.

As for Mr. DeFronzo and Lucian Pawlak, they should mind their own
business. They are just trumping in for their democrats because this
is an election year.

I hope the new owner of The New Britain Herald quickly finds a replacement for Rick Guiness the poor excuse for newspaper reporter.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. You should apply for a job at the NEW Herald.

These are questions that should be asked by RESPONSIBLE journalists. Anyone can parrot the political gibberish from both sides of any issue. Where is critical thinking in journalism?

Why was the tenor of the letter reported on instead of the issue that caused the writing of it?

What did Gerrentana say to Demao?
What is the director saying?

First the Democrats want city workers to perform maintenance at city facilities. Now they don't? Why the flip flop?

Can it be the Democrat's beloved ex proprietor left the facility a mess. Is that why the city felt obligated to fix it up? It was bad enough Jordan Caterers was treated poorly. Now the Democrats would have them take over a mess left by the prior business.

It sounds like Catanzaro THROUGH Gerrentana was demanding that the parks department do nothing until he consented to doing the work.

Another ethical issue.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous from Anonymous:

You have to know that the comments made by Gerrantana, Pawlak, DeFronzo and Ald. Centeno are simply attempts to muddy the real issue here. Gerrantana and Centeno in particular know that asking questions of Department Heads or Dept. Directors is not verboten.

Watch any Council meeting on TV and you will see that these people are constantly asked questions by Council members. It's a big grandstanding show! The Dems, led by Sherwack, Trueworthless and Bielinski are constantly asking questions. What Gerrantana did goes far beyond asking questions.

According to the Mayor's letter he tried to give DeMaio orders - clearly not an alderman's job.

Gerrantana should read the NB Charter. Ald. Centeno is also a NB school district employee. I wonder how he would be handled by Supt. Dr. Kurtz if Centeno tried to give orders to, say, Asst. Supt. Jakubowski?

I too hope that Guinness is history with The Herald. The man is just a puppet for Sherwack and the Dems.

As for the SGC, the city owns the property. The previous renter of the property left it in less than admirable condition. As far as that is concerned why didn't Gerrantana ask why city employees were there doing anything? No! He thinks he's John Wayne coming in to give orders - remember, he was touted after his election as being "the new sheriff in town." What a joke! Greg, put a "governor" on your blossoming self image!

Anonymous said...

The Herald reporter Guinness does it again - he allows democrats on the City Council and former Democrat mayors to control the comments on what happens at City Hall.

Alderman Roy Centeno knows full well that questioning NB Department Directors or Department Heads is never a problem. Watch any Council meeting on TV and you will see it happens at every meeting.

Alderman Gerrantana did something entirely different, he tried to give DeMaio an order as he did with another city hall employee.

Neither Pawlak nor DeFronzo would have allowed that. DeFronzo tries to muddy the story by bringing up the "fence" issue again.

The new Herald owner needs to bring veracity back to what is printed in The Herald. Some Herald reporters are only writing what they are told by members of one political party - the plantation Party.

Anonymous said...

Once again another issue blown out of proportion by one of the three musketeers - Alderman Greg Gerratana the sheriff. In fact The Herald through its Pulitzer Prize winning fiction writer Rick Guinness has misinformed the general public on the 14th story he has done on this project - the Stanley Golf Course Restaurant.

We thought it was an alderman’s job to represent the city not continually criticizes. One might ask them who they represent besides their liberal Democratic friends and why it is they continue to prostitute this helpless so-called journalist with their propaganda.

I hope Mr. Schroeder makes significant changes to this rag - The Herald that includes wholesale changes to personnel first to bring back any sense of integrity to the paper. And hopefully the people of New Britain do the same in November to the constant agitators on the council who have never said a positive thing about their community since their elections.

Anonymous said...


You're the only one who can bring some sense into this back and forth squabbling between political parties. If you can get a copy of the letter sent by the Mayor to Gerrantana. put it on your blog. The herald won't print anything without liberal Democrat spin.

Anonymous said...


You're the only one who can bring some sense into this back and forth squabbling between political parties. If you can get a copy of the letter sent by the Mayor to Gerrantana. put it on your blog. The herald won't print anything without liberal Democrat spin.

Anonymous said...

Copy of the Mayor's letter to the Aldermen and department heads:

January 22, 2009

Alderman Gregory Gerratana
674 Lincoln Street
New Britain, CT 06052

Dear Alderman Gerratana:

Given the tenor and content of your recent phone messages and conversations with Parks and Recreation Director Bill DeMaio, I find it necessary to clarify the roles, responsibilities and authority of New Britain’s executive and legislative branches of government.

New Britain City Charter Article Five delineates the authority and duties of the office of Mayor and specifically Section 5-3(a) states, “It shall be the duty of the Mayor to: cause laws and Ordinances to be executed and enforced and to conserve the peace within the City and to be responsible for the good order of efficient government of the City.” In this capacity, the Mayor is responsible for the day to day operations of city government which is done through department heads that report directly to the Mayor.

The roles and responsibilities of the Common Council are put forth in Article Four of the City Charter. If you would take some time to read it, you would see that nowhere does it indicate that an individual Council member has the authority to call a department head and give them an order. Mr. DeMaio or any department head is certainly ready, willing and able to answer any questions you have on operational issues, but he does not need to clear his actions with you before carrying out his duties which clearly fall under the executive, not the legislative branch of city government.

To specifically address your concerns on the work being done at the Stanley Golf Course, as with any change in tenant, there is minor maintenance and repair work that needs to be done before the new tenant takes possession of the premises. This is what is occurring and does not rise to the level of capital improvements as outlined in the lease between the City and Jordan Caterers that was approved by the Common Council.

Furthermore, I am dismayed at your lack of common courtesy and hostile demeanor when dealing with city employees. Department heads are professionals who are trying to carry out their duties as best they can. They do not deserve to be put in the middle of partisan political agendas and I would ask that your future interactions with them be respectful and mindful of the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government as discussed above. While they are obligated to answer your questions and provide public records, they do not have to endure bullying and strong arm tactics.

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to caution you and your fellow alderpersons regarding the adverse consequences of continued blurring of the lines between the authority of the Mayor and the Council. New Britain City Charter Section 5-7 provides penalties to any person who “. . . shall hinder or obstruct the Mayor in the execution of the duties of office . . . “ It would seem in these tough economic times for our country, state and city, all government officials have difficult tasks ahead of them. I would suggest you turn your attention to your job and allow me and my administration to do ours.


Timothy T. Stewart
Mayor, City of New Britain

Cc: Member of the Common Council
Department Heads

Anonymous said...

Connecticut Businesses have to file Sales and Use tax returns, fuel tax returns, payroll quarterlies, etc. by January 31 2009.

Just wait and see how many FINAL returns are filed then. That will be another good indication of business loss in the state of Connecticut.

Anonymous said...

The Herald and Guinness are a joke. Until that stops, the paper will be nothing.

The mayor did nothing wrong here. From reading that article it sounded like the Alderman called Mr DeMaio asked a simply question and was told to take a hike. Read the letter and it is entirely different.

Frank- do you have contact info for the new owner of the Herald? I am sure he would like to hear from the people that may / may not buy his paper.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says -

Apparently, new Herald owner has no intention of controlling the sleazy spin that Gunness puts on his stories on behalf of Phil Sherwack and the liberal Dems on the NB Council. Citizens of NB are better off watching the Council meetings on TV on the Wed. And Friday of the week following a regular meeting.

So much for building up readership by switching to reporters who report the truth with no spin. The Herald is destined to fail again unless it adopts a no spin attitude. Sorry Mr. Schroder, your is not a recipe for success.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to whoever published that dastardly letter from the Mayor. I have read it three times and have yet to read this harsh language that Mayors Pawlak and DeFronzo complained about.


Given Mayor Stewart's past run ins with the city council I thought this letter was extremely mild, well thought out and muted.

Now can we read Ald. Gerrantana's "tenor and content" and "lack of common courtesy and hostile demeanor" messages he left for Mr. DeMaio? Then we can decide who's telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

If you would like a copy of the recorded message that was left for Bill DiMaio by the young alderman. Call the Mayor and ask him for it. I'm sure he saved it to show people the lack of respect that this kid continues to show to the people that run this city.

Anonymous said...

Was that message like the one that was on youtube two years ago when the mayor called a taxpayer and a homeowner who just got flooded out
on kensington ave every name in the book,Was it like that one?

Frank Smith said...

To Anonymous:

Who asked if the message by the Mayor was like the flood call he received at 3 Am.

The answer is no it was not it was a very well pointed letter which I posted.

So please read his letter to satisfy your query.



Anonymous said...

The majority of the NEW BRITAIN Common Council is hostile, and if you've ever attended or watched a Council meeting that is very clear. I can only imagine what payola they're giving Rick Guinness, but he marches to the beat only of their drummer.

Remember folks, it's an election year and the NB dems are desperate to regain what they see as their rightful place in City Hall.

I'm surprised that it's taken this long into the new year for them to start their bi-annual mudslinging fest.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Schroeder, please take note:

If there was any "blowing out of proportion" here, it was because of the way Rick Guinness failed to report the full story by omitting certain facts from his story in what appears to be an attempt to make the mayor look bad, while at the same time attempting to make a Democratic Alderman appear to be a victim. I also have no doubt that this was done at the direction, or at least the suggestion of Phil Sherwack. It has become common knowledge that this one Alderman has a very close relationship with this reporter to the point where he seems to be able to influence whatever the New Britain Herald prints. In this case it appears to have been intentional on their part to omit the facts so as to cause the s**t storm that in fact did result from his slanted reporting of this story. Had the Alderman involved been a Republican, you can bet that the Herald would have reported a completely different style of report.

The only exemplifies the need for change. We need an unbiased professional to report a fair and balanced reporting of the facts without the daily liberal spin that has become common here. No one suggests that Mr. Guinness lose his job, but perhaps Mr. Schroeder could find a place where his talents are more suited like writing obituaries or reporting on dog shows.

Anonymous said...

I keep reading what a "close relationship" Phil Sherwood has
with Reporter Rick Guiness. I hope
this isn't true because this may explain why Phil Sherwood contradicts himself and makes a fool of himself might be doing the
drugs with Rick Guiness in their
spare time.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that the New Britain School system is the only one without a delay this icey morning? It is dangerous out presenting a risk to our students.
My son indicates that because Thursdays are now half days, there
is no room for a delay and a half day? The day would have to be called off. Thanks again Doris Kurtz.

Whatever happened to people like
Mr. Friday, Ms. Gustin or Mr. Rhinesmith? I remember when Marie
Gustin took so much heat for her
salary and that she was a woman!!
Oh to be able to return to the day.

Frank Smith said...

To Anonymous who stated the following:

Anonymous said...
Did anyone notice that the New Britain School system is the only one without a delay this icey morning? It is dangerous out presenting a risk to our students.
My son indicates that because Thursdays are now half days, there
is no room for a delay and a half day? The day would have to be called off. Thanks again Doris Kurtz.

Whatever happened to people like
Mr. Friday, Ms. Gustin or Mr. Rhinesmith? I remember when Marie
Gustin took so much heat for her
salary and that she was a woman!!
Oh to be able to return to the day.
January 29, 2009 6:25 AM
Your point is well taken and what has mystified me is the half day edict by the Board of Education calling for the half days on Thursdays.

When the Board is always touting that their primary mission is to educate our youth and with their taking a half day away from the students leaning schedule is certainly missing their so called mission.

With all the money they waist in doing studies that wind on the book shelves collecting dust they certainly could have arranged the funding to pay the teachers the overtime for their mandated appearance for these conferences.

Yes I agree the Board of Education is not doing its primary job and that is providing every minute of the day for teaching our students.
As to the Ice issue and no delay for the schools in today’s opening you and the press should really go after the Superintendant of the Board of Education for placing our students at risk.

Frank Smith

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I keep reading what a "close relationship" Phil Sherwood has
with Reporter Rick Guiness. I hope
this isn't true because this may explain why Phil Sherwood contradicts himself and makes a fool of himself might be doing the
drugs with Rick Guiness in their
spare time.

This would definitely offer one possible explanation for Sherwack's flighty, wacky behavior!

Frank Smith said...

am somewhat mystified of the article that appeared in the New Britain Herald entitled “Mayor Warns off ‘Hostile’ alderman”

We all know that the Mayor as the chief executive officer of our city must maintain complete order with his managers or department heads as covered in the city Charter section 5-3 [ a] with the roles of the city council members which comes under Article four of the City Charter.

Three things bothered me from reading the Herald article and that is as follows:

1. Alderman’s Roy Centeno’s comment referring to the mayor’s letter; “It was a warning to all alderpersons that we can’t ask questions.” Well Alderman there is only one place you’re allowed asking questions of the Department heads and that is on the council floor and not by-passing the Mayor’s Authority and going directly to the department head and imposing demanding reports of his current activity and that of his employees as was requested by Alderman Gerratana via telephone.

2. Former Mayor Lucian Pawlak statement calling the letter a “Threat” & “using his arrest powers to arrest and fine a fellow elected official from asking questions about taxpayers’ money.” ‘ Bullying”

3. Senator Donald DeFronzo stated “ any citizen or alderman has a right to know how much is being spent” Further charging “attempts to conceal such information only raise more questions about the terms of the golf course deal” Continuing on by mentioning the “Fairview Cemetery Fiasco”

What is amazing is that Both Pawlak and DeFronzo served as former Mayors of the City and both know very well that the Mayor’s executive’s duties should not be interfered with in performing his elected duties. And they also know that the question time for an Alderperson to ask of the Department heads is on the council floor in the open for all to see.

With Alderman Centeno’s remarks does present a factual exposure similar to that of Catanzaros’ conflicts since he is employed by the board of Education along with his wife and is serving on the city Council which raise’s how can his employer mandate any direct orders to him being the identical case that Alderman Catanzaro presents in conflicts.

I guess the election campaign has been started by the democrats with there mudslinging tactics because of being worried over the fact that the GOP Central Committee choice New Britain as there target by moving into town with their newly establish office.

The Liberals on the council have reason to worry!

Frank Smith

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did anyone notice that the New Britain School system is the only one without a delay this icey morning? It is dangerous out presenting a risk to our students.
My son indicates that because Thursdays are now half days, there
is no room for a delay and a half day? The day would have to be called off. Thanks again Doris Kurtz....

Obviously the Democrats who run the Board of Education are trying to follow the lead of their Messiah who yesterday criticized the DC school system for cancelling classes due to icy conditions. Obama said Chicago schools never close due to snow and the children love to play in the snow during recess. As long as these liberal Democrats who are in power here in New Britain continue to worship "The One," you can plan to send your children to school in blizzard conditions!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should change the name of the city from Hardware City to Conflict City.

Anonymous said...

I lived in New Britain for 63 years,Timmy is doing a good job with our city.I always see him at the golf course and at meadowland
restaurant,or the elks club,or the
west side pub,Timmy is the first one to buy me a drink! good man!

Anonymous said...

The other "Mayor" making the rounds is............

ex Mayor Lucian Pawlak

He is discussing forming a slate to challenge Stewart and is locking up support from the Polish community. Liberals can't stomach conservative minded Poles and only appreciate their votes in November.

Now that Hermanowski has alienated his conservative Polish base and hitched his wagon to the liberal stars of the city council will he make amends with Lucian?

Anonymous said...

Tim Stewart does a remarkable job running this city, especially when you consider that there are 13 communist/socialist liberals on the council who spend most of their time doing everything in their power to disrupt the mayor and purposely screw up everything they can in this city.

If it weren't for Mayor Stewart, just think of how bad these Eurpean Socialists on the council would have destroyed this city.

Anonymous said...

I hope Lucian Pawlak does run this
year. When he loses maybe finally
these dumbocrats will be put out to

Anonymous said...

Tim should win an oscar for this performance or even better for this
original screenplay,See Tim Creates
all these disputes then blames the council so the appearance is that he is always the goodguy,and everyone buys it hook line and sinker.and he keeps his job along with Lisa Pete,and Joe

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says...

Stanley Works is nuts and so is his/your comment. I infer from your inane comment that you feel Mayor Stewart told Gerrantana to call Director DeMaio and to give him a direct order. The Mayor is familiar with the NB Charter. If the young, brash, arrogant, rude, big mouth, know-it-all Gerrantana ever bothered to read the NB Charter he would understand that Directors answer to the Mayor, not to him.

"John Wayne" Gerrantana and his cohorts, Sherwack, Trueworthless, Chatty Kathy Bielinski, and Larry The Lug and Roy Centeno only give the rest of the Council Democrats a bad name with their constant badgering of City Hall officials and other employees. Of course let's not discount the help they get from Guinness.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says...

Do any parents of NB school children know/understand what are KARZEIN (?) Thursdays? I asked a student that appeared at Burger King recently in Berlin. He said, "all I know is that I don't have to be in school and that's fine with me." The name sounds fascinating but, as anybody can see, the result is one less day of learning. What's next? "FRUITLESS FRIDAYS?" NB taxpayers support more useless programs than one can count. And yet, the Democrat liberals on the BOE vote for every one of them. No BOE member since Marilyn K has the cohones to challenge Kurtz - even Ayalon has proven to be no more than a flash in the pan.

The Kurtz Ed. Budget for FY 09/10 is another pork filled piece of large bowel with thousands of more Calories. $130 million? NB needs a taxpayer revolt! This is ridiculous! More and more money each year with lower and lower test scores. And the GOP ,BOE board members have no more ideas than the liberal Dems.

Former NB Football coach Cochran may have done some creative financing for the football teams and their players but he got positive results from the kids. No fancy names of days, just positive results. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

"Stanley Works" says Tim creates these disputes so he can look like
the good guy! Do you really think that there is enough time in a day
to create havok with all the council members while running this
city. Get real. Tim Stewart like him or not really has the best interests of the City Of New Britain and it's residents at heart. He gets pissed off because these jerks stand in the way of progress every single breathing moment. We all would be in soooo much better shape taxpayers, school children the city check book
if our Mayor could lead this city without this bunch of buffoons on the council.

Anonymous said...

Boy: were the democrats quick to attack the Mayor.

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