The Democratic Party Chairman is Out of line.
"On February 18th. the Chairman of the New Britain Democratic Party issued a ballistic statement on his Party Blog, The NB Politicus, attacking former Mayor William McNamara, serving as the chair of the New Britain Ethics Commission, for rendering an affirmative vote supporting the complaint filed by Alderman Louis Salvio against Alderman Paul Catanzaro over the planting of trees at the city hall facility.
The commission recommended to the city common council to censure the alderman.
He continued his charge by stating by all accounts former Mayor McNamara has been a public supporter of Stewart during his re-election bids.
Alderman Salvio complained that Catanzaro’s voting to have the city perform a landscaping job instead of a private contractor created a conflict because as an employee of Parks and Rec “Catanzaro would be benefiting himself by being able to work overtime on the project.”
I find all of this picking at the wrong issue by John McNamara as a smoke screen in avoiding speaking on the true issue that is before all of us residents—the constant illegal behavior of Alderman Paul Catanzaro.
Chairman McNamara’s statement was made exactly one week after the infamous Alderman Catanzaro voted against his own Ethics Commission ruling. By voting on his own issue, Catanzaro violated section 4-7 of the city charter for which the required punishment is expulsion from the council as articulated in the charter.
Due to the timing of the statement made by the DTC Chairman, it was an apparent attempt to hide the true adversity created by their elected Democratic Alderman--Catanzaro. It is a cheap attempt by the Chairman to avoid the true facts that the Alderman should be impeached or face expulsion from serving on city council.
The only way the council could possibly restore public trust and confidence in the council would be for them to follow the law and proceed with the expulsion of Alderman Catanzaro as required by the city charter.
At least his comments give your readers an opportunity to hear the other side of the story...thank you for posting it but your blog is desperate for alternative views. Your site is high percentage regurgitated, hateful, right-wing, paranoid propaganda.
If Catanzaro had a shred of honor or decency (and we all know he doesn't) he would do the right thing and resign.
Mr. McNamara is acting like a child. It is well known that the DTC has chosen a path of smearing anyone opposed to the current DTC leadership. The signs are everywhere. Where else can you find a town committee that uses tactics such as a "wall of shame" to keep dissenters in line. Where was the support for the democratic mayoral candidate last election cycle? Some democrats have said off the record that he was chosen as the candidate because the leadership knew he had a slim chance of winning thus eliminating him from the town council without an awkward public display of in fighting.
It seems no one is immune to the wrath of Mr. McNamara. Not even a multiple term democratic mayor.
I think that what Mr. McNamara does not want people to know is that the current rules for the ethics commission are a product of his party. The democrats chose to give the Mayors office power to choose who sits on the commission.
Mr. McNamara stop the smear campaign. The citizens deserve better than that.
Regardless of what the DTC and its chairman thinks, Mr. Catanzaro should resign his seat on the city council. The current rules dictate that he should. If anyone deserves a photo on a wall of shame it is you sir.
Anonymous said...
At least his comments give your readers an opportunity to hear the other side of the story...thank you for posting it but your blog is desperate for alternative views. Your site is high percentage regurgitated, hateful, right-wing, paranoid propaganda.
Anonymous said...
At least his comments give your readers an opportunity to hear the other side of the story...thank you for posting it but your blog is desperate for alternative views. Your site is high percentage regurgitated, hateful, right-wing, paranoid propaganda.
Frank, you should tell this guy where to go, just like Sean Hannity tells people who spew their hatred about his radio show. Sean tells them their radio has a dial on it, and they are free to change it. No one makes this loon read your blog, so he is free to go get his news from some commie hateful site like the Daily Kos and leave the rest of us alone!
The 2 Mr. MacNamara's are about as different as night and day. William MacNamara (Big Mac) is a very upright, true gentleman. John MacNamara (Little Mac) is a control freak.
What is that the DTC Chair doesn't understand about ethics and honesty.
Why is he supporting the biggest violator of them all? Catanzaro?
Is it because he has rumored that he is running for Mayor?
Anonymous said...
The 2 Mr. MacNamara's are about as different as night and day. William MacNamara (Big Mac) is a very upright, true gentleman. John MacNamara (Little Mac) is a control freak.
I would call Little Mac a left wing loon. They all think that the laws only apply to everyone else and that paying taxes only applies to everyone else even though they just love to spend other people's money.
Where is that big phony Phil Sherwack to speak out against this outrageous unethical behavior by Alderman Catanzaro? It is obvious to all of us that he is only the Czar of Ethics when it involves a Republican, but when a Democrat breaks the law, he goes deep into hiding.
What a phony!
Since this clown won't resign on his own, it is going to be a pleasure to blow him out in the next election!
Frank,, when are you, former mayor mac, tom bosek and the good, traditional Democrats going to challenge the current democratic chairman?
I'd say it's about time to replace him and the rest of the Dumbocrats on the Council will follow.
Anonymous said...
At least his comments give your readers an opportunity to hear the other side of the story...thank you for posting it but your blog is desperate for alternative views. Your site is high percentage regurgitated, hateful, right-wing, paranoid propaganda.
Paranoid? Regurgitated? Hateful? Right wing? Typical liberal left wing garbage. On one hand give a snide compliment then unleash the tin foil hat right wing conspiracy theories. New Britain can hardly be called far right. In fact I bet most Republicans in town are former conservative democrats. As far as I can tell FrankSmithSaysNB does not block or remove liberal post. Yet you chose not to post an opinion or to add to the discussion.
Maybe it is in fact, you that are hateful and paranoid.
Frank Smith Says allows posting of any comment regardless of political view so long as it is not indecent or threatening. The fact that so many people are posting negative comments about this council and their runaway power just reflects the attitude of the general population. People are getting really mad about all this power and control the Democrats on the council seem to feel they have over all of our lives. It should be very clear in the municipal elections just how disgusted everyone is.
One essential truth about liberals is that they're always playing the victim -- even when they're the victimizers.
To hear them tell it, you'd think they do nothing but suffer at the hands of ruthless entities like the "Republican Attack Machine" and Frank Smith Says NB.
The American public is showing virtually no confidence in the economic measures that have been implemented or advocated by the 2009 Obama administration.
The Washington Post newspaper reminded the American public why that is so: that the "Stimulus" Bill had little to do with the economy, and a great deal to do with Democratic Party politics on the national, state and local level.
And here in CT those Democrats in those cities and towns get their tickets to ride on the "Stimulus" gravy train while NB Chairman DTC John McNamara and his overseers from old McNamara Plantation are left behind in Railroad Station with Congressman Chris Murphy penniless!
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