By Jerry McConnell Monday, February 23, 2009
Newsmax.com published an online article composed by the National Republican Trust PAC on February 20, 2009 titled “Obama’s 3 Big Lies – His Plan to Destroy the GOP. The more I read from it, the more convinced I was that the title, though accurate, didn’t quite go far enough. I also decided that the information in the article needed to be spread to as many different destinations that I could possibly reach. I also reworded the NRT PAC article title as written above, because I felt that it was not just the GOP that would be destroyed, but all of America as we have known it.
There is little doubt or question that liberal Democrats and their leader, Barack Obama, are a product of communistic socialism due to the huge amounts of money funneled into their efforts by individuals and organizations that have knelt at the un-American altar of anti-democracy philosophies such as George Soros, ACLU, Greenpeace, Sierra Club and others that ironically also call themselves Democrats.
These socialist connected donations were not by accident or blind hope; In “Atlas Shrugs” on October 08, 2008, less than a month before the Presidential election, author Pamela Geller wrote: “Barack Obama was a member of an extremist political party established by the Democratic Socialists for America, the Chicago New Party, and they cheered his victory in his uncontested run for his Illinois state senate seat as a step away from American values, towards socialism. The New Party: The New Party is an unabashed Marxist “fusion” party from which Barack Obama actively sought out and received an endorsement for his state senate candidacy (in 1996). He did. The party was a Marxist Political coalition. This was not a guilt by association thing. Senator Obama sought out their nomination.”
Scott Wheeler, Executive Director of the NRTPAC and author of the article referenced above, begins his treatise by explaining that the real reason why Obama, Pelosi and Reid rushed the recent mammoth spending bill, the biggest in history, without debate or Republican input was simply because they want to turn the “United States into a one-party country putting the Republican Party out of business once and for all.”
After all, if you’re going to turn this country into a socialist welfare state, you must first rid yourself of any strong opposition. There are other political parties besides the Republicans, but none with such clout or numbers. The “wannabees” are little more than fringe groups with little to no chance of any significant opposition to either major party.
We all now know more about that massive “stimulus” bill, labeled as “porkulus” by some in the amounts of anywhere from $787 billion to $1.3 trillion of taxpayer dollars which NRTPAC’s Wheeler claims is really a “political war chest for the Democrats.” They will use much of this largesse, he says, not for a quick fix stimulus to solve what they call a “fiscal crisis”, but “to reward their political friends – and have huge amounts of cash to dole out before the 2010 and 2012 elections.”
A very large portion of this appropriated money will not even be spent this year as you probably know after having read it finally when they made it public AFTER congressional and administrative approval. In fact, it could very possibly take up to 10 years to get rid of all of it. And as Wheeler points out, “These billions … will fund the Democratic political machine for many years to come.” And how ironic is that; the party that raised far more campaign money during both the primary and general election races, has to stoop to unethical and unsavory tactics to add to those donated dollars with more and more taxpayer funds?
But we also know, Obama is a product of the corrupt political machine in Chicago as is his recently appointed Chief of Staff, Raum Emanuel, another tax cheater who must think that privileged people like presidential appointees are exempt from paying their taxes. In Chicago it must be some kind of unwritten law as so many of them coming to Washington are astounded by having to pony up. But where you or I would probably get a jail sentence for not paying, all these people get is a tiny bit of bad publicity from the mainstream media, if any at all.
Ironically, in the campaign leading up to the 2006 Congressional elections, Nancy Pelosi, came up with the caustic proclamation of the Republican’s Culture of Corruption. It was based on a couple of wayward congressmen (Cunningham and Foley) and she reveled in the glory of that title for her political enemies. But then, she couldn’t have known (could she?) that Obama would make her glee short-lived as his awfully embarrassing cabinet and administration appointments introduced a new era now called: “Dynasty of Democrat Dishonesty”.
Ever hear that old adage, “Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive”? It seems that the liberal Democrats have had more practice at it than is customary, which is why they’re so good at it.
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Jerry McConnell is a longtime resident of planet earth with one half century on the seacoast of NH. He is a community activist but promises not to run for President and he feeds ACORN’s to the squirrels. He can be emailed at lethrneck@comcast.net with complaints or the editor at letters@canadafreepress.com with favorables.
Jerry McConnell most recent columns
a new era now called: “Dynasty of Democrat Dishonesty”.
Sounds like this gentleman is talking about the New Britain Council Democrats!
This is the story of the council Democrats:
“Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive”? It seems that the liberal Democrats have had more practice at it than is customary, which is why they’re so good at it.
There is little doubt or question that liberal Democrats and their leader, Barack Obama, are a product of communistic socialism due to the huge amounts of money funneled into their efforts by individuals and organizations that have knelt at the un-American altar of anti-democracy philosophies such as George Soros, ACLU, Greenpeace, Sierra Club and others that ironically also call themselves Democrats.
As Obama prepared to deliver his address to Congress on Tuesday, the Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner, Fox News' Bret Baier and Charles Krauthammer all gushed that history was being made as the first African-American president appeared before Congress.
Even Gov. Bobby Jindal, whom I suppose I should note was the first Indian-American to give the Republican response to a president's speech, began with an encomium to the first black president. (Wasn't Bobby great in "Slumdog Millionaire"?)
Are we going to have to hear about this for the next four years? Obama is becoming the Cal Ripken Jr. of presidents, making history every time he suits up for a game. Recently, Obama also became the first African-American president to order a ham sandwich late at night from the White House kitchen! That's going to get old pretty quick.
But as long as the nation is obsessed with historic milestones, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become speaker of the house?
Those who forget history are destined to repeat it.
I remember being a senior in High School when Ronald Reagan was elected president. My single mom (my dad had passed away) was working part-time and living on widow's and children's SSI pension in order to properly raise me and have time to spend with me. What a novel idea. Ronald Reagan promptly cut SSI benefits and my mother was given a 6 month warning that our benefits would end, period. I was scared of Ronald Reagan and his Reagonomics because they hit us square at home but you know...my hard-working honest mother got a full time job and I worked too and it all worked out. Times were tough after the Carter years and President Reagan made it tougher because when the going is tough the tough get going and this is exactly what needs to happen in this country again. These bail-outs that are filled with special interests will further take this country down the road to American Bankruptcy. This will not turn our
country around. They will throw good money after bad. This country
un-fortunately may need to just suffer from this Economic Depression as hard as it is and more difficult it may become it needs to flush out for us to recover and be a stronger nation.
Here's a stimulas package: Wipe out the Unions in this Country in a sweeping goverment decision. Let companies have the decision on wages and hires and fires. Let this
country be competitive in the manufacturing of goods. Actually
produce shoes, undergarments you name it right in our own country.
List these jobs openings and good honest workers will come and be glad to do so. If the goverment needs to give incentive dollars to
get things rolling, great! Just cut-out the middle man. Buy American! Maybe we could all see
Walmart Close. They are currently
working on shutting out the Restaurant industry with restaurant style take home meals that can save a family $425.00 per
year for a family of 4. It never
ends with Walmart.
Obama's Budget Projects $1,750,000,000,000.00 Deficit
State Rep. Tim O’Brien says decisions about the programs “are coming up fast, some as early as the beginning of next month.
State Sen. Donald DeFronzo says it is critical that the investments “we make with this funding put us on the path toward a stronger, stable Connecticut in the future.”
According to the governor’s office, more than 200 separate project lists have been received from municipalities, legislators, state agencies, nonprofit organizations, regional organizations and for-profit entities. More than 2,000 individual projects have been submitted for federal stimulus funding, with a combined total in excess of $10 billion.
The New Britain Common Council majority party's chairman John McNamara and the majority leader of the council Alderman Trueworthy seemed to be unsure or unaware if any projects in New Britain were submitted to the state for consideration.
The Democratic Party in New Britain lacks leadership.
Making unpopular appointments to spite the minority party is not leadership.
Disregarding the city ethics commission (that follows rules implemented by your party when it served your own purposes) is not leadership.
Implying a reputable and respected auditing firm is somehow tainted without having any evidence to support any wrongdoing is not leadership.
It seems that the New Britain Democratic Party has become lost.
Unfortunately until the leadership of the Democratic Party takes a more active give and take role with the Mayors Office New Britain is going to be looked over when it comes to progress and development.
The American public is showing virtually no confidence in the economic measures that have been implemented or advocated by the 2009 Obama administration.
The Washington Post newspaper reminded the American public why that is so: that the "Stimulus" Bill had little to do with the economy, and a great deal to do with Democratic Party politics on the national, state and local level.
And here in CT those Democrats in those cities and towns got their free tickets to ride on the "Stimulus" gravy train while NB Chairman DTC John McNamara overseers from liberal McNamara Plantation are kicked off the "Stimulus" gravy train – no ticket – no ride - no Stimulus money!
The American public is showing virtually no confidence in the economic measures that have been implemented or advocated by the 2009 Obama administration.
Everytime Obama speaks, the market responds by going even lower!
The American Bankers Association has a message for the president: Stop talking trash about banks.
In his unofficial State of the Union address, Barack Obama said that it's "unpopular ... to be seen as helping banks right now, especially when everyone is suffering in part from their bad decisions."
In a letter to the White House, ABA CEO Edward Yingling says bankers across the country were "disappointed and concerned" with rhetoric like that by Obama.
"Mr. President, of the over 8,000 banks in this country, very few ever made a single subprime loan, and they did not engage in the highly leveraged activities that brought down Wall Street firms," Yingling said.
Yingling referred the president to statements made by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Chris Dodd (D- CT), in which they said that the toxic mortgage lending that sparked the current crisis was done by mortgage brokers and others not subject to the strict rules that govern commercial banks.
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