This hospital is among the best, if not the best in the state for certain types of illnesses. Their cancer center is among the best in the region. Do you think Jim Calhoun would have let them operate on him if it weren't?
Because of its location, it would seem best positioned to serve the people of the New Britain/Southington region, so why not pursue a partnership with Hospital of Central Connecticut instead of Hartford Hospital?
A solution needs to be found. It would be a great loss to the people of Connecticut to lose the expertise of the many specialists currently practicing at the UCONN Health Center.
Since Obama promises free health care for everyone in the country, why can't the Governor get the money from him? He seems to like giving out "free money" so it should make him feel real good to save a hospital.
One thing is for certain, if a solution isn't found, the quality of health care in the region will suffer from the loss of such a fine facility.
Republican State Chairman Chris Healy had an even stronger reaction...— why should the taxpayers pay for a hospital that is not needed except to support state employee unions?
ANSWER: Hartford Hospital is non-union, so if we make a deal where they take over ownership of the place, that will be the end of state employee unions. If Hartford Hospital owns the facility, there would be no state employees and all the new jobs under Hartford Hospital will be non-union.
Maybe the Governor should look into cutting the multi-million dollar fire department operation at the Health Center. The university is paying all those high salaries for paramedics to provide free services to area towns, and then they don't even bring the patients back to John Dempsey Hospital which would at least provide income for the hospital. Most of the patients are transported to Hartford Hospital or St Francis. What sense does this make for the university to be paying for paramedics to transport patients to other hospitals where they will become paying customers to someone else? I'm sure Mayor Stewart would love to receive such free services for his city, all paid for by UCONN and ultimately the State of Connecticut. Then there is the Infant Mobile Intensive Care Unit also provided for free by UCONN Fire Dept, and the only hospital in the area that can accept infants is Connecticut Children's Medical Center, so why doesn't CCMC take over that service, oh, that's right, because it is being given to them for free by UCONN. That is so nice of UCONN to give away all these services at their expense, isn't it?
Just another example of how unions just don't work! Hartford Hospital is non-union and is a very profitable corporation. The Health Center is bogged down with state employee unions, and all the public keeps doing is bailing it out with 100's of millions of dollars year after year.
If you think unions work, then explain to me why there are 6 right to work states where unions are illegal, and the car manufacturers in those states are very profitable. There is one state where car makers are unionized and the 3 car companies are bankrupt. Why don't the big 3 just move to the states where unions are outlawed, and then they too can turn a profit for a change?
This hospital is among the best, if not the best in the state for certain types of illnesses. Their cancer center is among the best in the region. Do you think Jim Calhoun would have let them operate on him if it weren't?
Because of its location, it would seem best positioned to serve the people of the New Britain/Southington region, so why not pursue a partnership with Hospital of Central Connecticut instead of Hartford Hospital?
A solution needs to be found. It would be a great loss to the people of Connecticut to lose the expertise of the many specialists currently practicing at the UCONN Health Center.
Since Obama promises free health care for everyone in the country, why can't the Governor get the money from him? He seems to like giving out "free money" so it should make him feel real good to save a hospital.
One thing is for certain, if a solution isn't found, the quality of health care in the region will suffer from the loss of such a fine facility.
Republican State Chairman Chris Healy had an even stronger reaction...— why should the taxpayers pay for a hospital that is not needed except to support state employee unions?
Hartford Hospital is non-union, so if we make a deal where they take over ownership of the place, that will be the end of state employee unions. If Hartford Hospital owns the facility, there would be no state employees and all the new jobs under Hartford Hospital will be non-union.
Maybe the Governor should look into cutting the multi-million dollar fire department operation at the Health Center. The university is paying all those high salaries for paramedics to provide free services to area towns, and then they don't even bring the patients back to John Dempsey Hospital which would at least provide income for the hospital. Most of the patients are transported to Hartford Hospital or St Francis. What sense does this make for the university to be paying for paramedics to transport patients to other hospitals where they will become paying customers to someone else? I'm sure Mayor Stewart would love to receive such free services for his city, all paid for by UCONN and ultimately the State of Connecticut. Then there is the Infant Mobile Intensive Care Unit also provided for free by UCONN Fire Dept, and the only hospital in the area that can accept infants is Connecticut Children's Medical Center, so why doesn't CCMC take over that service, oh, that's right, because it is being given to them for free by UCONN. That is so nice of UCONN to give away all these services at their expense, isn't it?
Just another example of how unions just don't work! Hartford Hospital is non-union and is a very profitable corporation. The Health Center is bogged down with state employee unions, and all the public keeps doing is bailing it out with 100's of millions of dollars year after year.
If you think unions work, then explain to me why there are 6 right to work states where unions are illegal, and the car manufacturers in those states are very profitable. There is one state where car makers are unionized and the 3 car companies are bankrupt. Why don't the big 3 just move to the states where unions are outlawed, and then they too can turn a profit for a change?
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