A reminder to the owners of The Mattabassett Regional Sewer District!
The City of New Britain, Towns of Berlin, and Cromwell:
Kindly be reminded of the following:
The District’s Charter, issued by the state legislature, ALLOWS the directors of the authority to enter into agreements for the acceptance of waste waters from abutting areas.
Past history at the district indicates this type of occurrence happened with allowing parts of Middletown, Hartford’s MDC for parts of Newington, and Farmington without obtaining approvals from the district’s individual legislative bodies that own the district.
With the recent publicity that the District’s Chairman is seeking a sum of $80,000,000 from the Obama administration in order to comply with the state’s DEP mandate for its denitrification expansion at the plant including adding another portion of Middletown’s waste water.
In the event state or federal funds are not provided I must caution the owners of the district they may wake up one day finding out that the district issued a bond for the total sum at a current bonding rate of 6%.
The twenty year cost to New Britain’s share would exceed $10,100,000 per year for its seventy per cent share of ownership of the district.
A strong close overview of the District’s Board actions and proposed motions should be carefully scrutinized by the legislative bodies that own the district.
Sounds like a bunch of out of control tax and spend Democrats just like the mushrooms on the council.
See what the NY Times had to say about the guy who will be managing your $80 million:
2 Partners In Investment Plead Guilty
New York Times
Published: June 9, 1993
Late last year, William P. Candelori, a former state lawmaker and executive at Colonial, pleaded guilty to Federal tax evasion for failing to report hundreds of thousands of dollars in income.c
This really stinks has left a new comment on your post "Bonding for The Mattabassett District Expansion to...":
With credentials like that and the way Obama's cabinet is crumbling under one scandal after another, I wouldn't be surprised if Candelori were being vetted for Secretary of the Treasury!
As shown in today's USA TODAY, placing someone like Candelori in a position of power causes the general public to lose respect for the law:
Americans may be more inclined to cheat on their taxes
By SANDRA BLOCK • USA TODAY • February 5, 2009
The high-profile tax missteps of three of the Obama administration’s key nominees could make it more difficult for the IRS to enforce the law, tax preparers and academicians say.
Numerous studies have shown that taxpayers are less likely to comply with the law if they believe other taxpayers are cheating, says Jason Mazzone, associate professor of law at Brooklyn Law School. "Taxpayers don’t like to be suckers," he says.
On Tuesday, tax problems derailed the nominations of former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle for secretary of Health and Human Services, and Nancy Killefer as the government’s chief performance officer. Earlier, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s nomination was delayed by revelations that he had failed to pay self-employment taxes.
"I think a number of Americans will take a look at this and say, ’If they’re getting away with it, why shouldn’t I?’ " says Scott Sandstrom, associate professor of accounting at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass.
Americans are among the most law-abiding taxpayers in the world, in part because the IRS uses computer matching programs that make it difficult to cheat, says Walter Pagano, a former IRS agent who is a partner at accounting firm Eisner.
According to a new survey by the IRS Oversight Board, 89 percent of Americans believe it’s unacceptable to cheat on taxes.
Still, the IRS estimates that $300 billion in taxes owed goes uncollected every year.
James Maule, professor of law at Villanova University and author of the tax blog MauledAgain, argues that the complexity of the tax code has made it increasingly difficult for taxpayers to do the right thing.
"For every person who sits down and says, ’I’m going to deliberately cheat,’ there are 10, 20 or 30 people who want to comply, and they end up not doing it correctly," he says.
Maule’s solution: require lawmakers to prepare their own tax returns. "Congress doesn’t understand what they’ve created because they don’t deal with it."
IRS officials declined to comment for this story.
Mr. Candelori should resign. How can a person who plead guilty to fraud be in charge of any quasi public entity?
just a small part of the sec news digest
WILLIAM CANDBLORI BNJOINBD The Commission announced that on August 22 the Honorable T.F. GilroyDaly of the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut issued a Final Judgment of Permanent Injunction against William P. Candelori (Candelori), a former partner of Colonial Realty Company (Colonial).Candelori, who consented to this order without admitting or denying the Commission's allegations, was enjoined from further violations of the registration and antifraud provisions of the securities laws and ordered to disgorge $364,471, plus prejudgment interest thereon, provided,however, that paYment of such amount was waived based on his demonstrated inability to pay. The complaint, filed on March 9, 1995 against Candelori and six others,alleges violations of several antifraud and securities registrationprovisions of the federal securities laws in connection with a fraudulent unregistered public offering by Colonial of 1200 limited partnership units in the Colonial Constitution Limited Partnership(CCLP) during 1989 and 1990. During the offering period, CCLP interests totaling more than $30 million were purchased by over 700 investors residing in 28 states and the District of Columbia. [SBC v. Googel, et al., Civil Action No. 3:95-CV-420, TFGD, D.CT] (LR-14612)
also from the digest
WILLIAM CANDELORI BARRED The Commission announced the entry of an order institutingadministrative proceedings against William P. Candelori (Candelori)and the simultaneous acceptance of his offer of settlement. Candelori is a former associated person of Colonial Equities Corp., a broker-dealer previously registered with the Commission. The Order bars Candelori from association with any broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer, investment adviser or investment company. The Commission found that on August 22 the Honorable T.F. Gilroy Dalyof the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut enjoinedCandelori from further violations of certain registration and antifraud provisions of the securities laws. The complaint, filed on March 9 against Candelori and six others, alleges violations of several antifraud and securities registration provisions of the federal securities laws in connection with a fraudulent unregistered publicoffering by Colonial Realty Company of 1200 limited partnership units in the Colonial Constitution Limited Partnership during 1989 and 1990. Candelori consented to the injunctive order without admitting or denyingthe complaint's allegations. The administrative order against Candelori
This is the kind of person the mushrooms on the city council entrusted your hard earned money to.
Doesn't this make you wonder what other nightmares they are spending your money on?
Think Obama will ever find a Democrat who paid their taxes so they will eventually be able to serve on his cabinet. It just goes to show you that Democrats love to spend other people's money, and when it comes to paying taxes, they prefer that other people do that too. Maybe we should look into the tax bills for the 13 Dumbocrats on the council. That would certainly explain all their hostility toward making other people pay their taxes. They were probably afraid someone would look into their tax situation, similarly to what is going on with the never ending list of Obama appointees that have been caught not paying their taxes.
The demoncratic alderpersons should be ashamed of themselves for appointing Dr. Candelori a convicted felon to the Mattabassett District. We will remember you all in the November election. Get rid of him NOW.
Anonymous said...
The demoncratic alderpersons should be ashamed of themselves for appointing Dr. Candelori a convicted felon to the Mattabassett District. We will remember you all in the November election. Get rid of him NOW.
This group of misfits has no shame. Look at all the personal conflicts of interest that are allowed to continue, even to the point that it is costing badly needed funds for programs intended to help the needy. Even the federal government recognizes the illegal and unethical behavior that some of these council Democrats have engaged in, and that is why they withheld their federal grant money, but still no one seems to care. The Ethics Commission has ruled unanimously against one alderman, and still no one seems to care. It should come as no surprise to anyone that these yoyos would allow someone with Candelori's past to manage $80 million of your money. If it is a surprise to you, then you have not been paying attention.
It is just more power hungary Democrats out of control with our money.
why should any of us pay our taxes? the message that the Obama administration is sending, and I hear the same message from New Britain City Hall, is that if you don;t pay your taxes, you will someday be rewarded with a cushy government job.
I don't know who this Candelori guy is, but he sure is not well liked in town. Just mention his name to someone and you will definitely get an earful.
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