The Common Council meeting is being held tonight at 7 PM.
Any resident that wishes to convey his or her comments to the Common Council Alderpersons may do so at their Public Participation which commences at 7 P. M.
News, Commentary and Opinions in New Britain CT and Our Nation
What for??? Any complaints we have would be falling on deaf ears. I would rather make my complaints in November where it counts; in the voting booth. We need real change here in New Britain, or at least 13 of them!
Good point! talking to these guys would be like taling to the wall. Look how many people spoke out against that kook on the Board of Ed and they still did what they wanted and told the public to go ..... themselves.
NEW BRITAIN-02/27/09 —In response to a call by Gov. M. Jodi Rell for possible shovel-ready projects that might take advantage of a federal economic Stimulus Program, the city of New Britain has submitted requests for $36.6 million in funds.
Mayor Stewart said he picked the projects that were ready to begin, would meet the criteria of job creation and had an emphasis on infrastructure and alternative energy sources.
Among the projects were a request of $5 million for the demolition of the city’s Transfer Station, construction of a facility with state-of-the-art recycling components and the creation of up to 75 jobs.
Mayor Stewart also asked for $400,000 for the demolition of buildings on Main and Chestnut streets to facilitate downtown revitalization and the building of a police station. Although creating less in the way of jobs, a request of nearly $1.2 million for solar panels for three schools — Gaffney, DiLoreto and Smith — would fulfill the need of providing alternative energy sources and cut costs to the school district.
The list also included $300,000 for a Walnut Hill Park maintenance garage; $1.8 million for dredging the pond at Stanley Quarter Park; the conversion of Trinity-on-Main to a performing arts center for $1.1 million; as well as public works projects totaling more than $13 million. Other projects also were submitted for consideration.
In his letter to Gov.Rell, Mayor Stewart urged her to be mindful of the plight of mid size cities such as New Britain, as they are often overlooked in favor of larger cities.
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