Monday, February 9, 2009
Our next governor?
With Attorney General Richard Blumenthal once again out of the running, who should be governor next?
Should Jodi Rell run again? Would she win?
If not All, who should the GOP put at the top of the ticket?
And on the Democratic side, there are so many possibilities, from Jim Amman to Gary Lebeau to Susan Bysiewicz to Bill Curry to Dan Malloy to ... It's just too long a list.
After almost two decades without a Democrat in the governor's mansion, despite the heavy Democratic advantage in registration in Connecticut, is the party finally going to get its act together?
Who should the next governor be and why?Anybody who should be ruled out?
And, to give this a Bristol twist, is there anybody here who has it what it takes to rule this great state? If you look through the list of politicians who have served Connecticut since the state's beginnings, you'll find that Bristol has rarely produced the sorts of politicians who rise to great heights.
Unless I've missed somebody, the highest-ranking Bristol politician ever is former U.S. Rep. Bernard Grabowski, a local lawyer who's still in practice. He served a couple of terms in Congress back in the 1960s.
Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com
Posted by Steve Collins at 2/09/2009 04:10:00 PM 2 comments Links to this post
Labels: Election 2010, governor
yah, let's put Gary LeBeau in the Governor's office. That's just what we need, a school teacher who got away with punching one of his students in the mouth, because he is a Democratic Senator, so they couldn't do anything to him for assaulting a student. That is just what we need for Governor.
Then there was the time the school board caught him falsifying his time records, so he became the only school teacher in East Hartford to have to punch a time clock.
With all these qualifications, why stop at Governor, he is eminently qualified for a member of Obama's cabinet.
Why not run Phony Phil Sherwack? After all, he is God's gift to man kind, New Britain's version of "THE ONE" isn't he? At least that is what he seems to think.
What a scary list of Dumbocrats! If that is the best that the Dumbos can come up with, they might as well run Catanzaro against Rell for all the good it will do them. She had no problem getting re-elected even after the Rowland scandal, so what makes them think they can stop her now?
Even Blumenthal is smart enough to know he can't defeat Jodi Rell, so let's see what pathetic, dopey Dumbocrat they finally get to run in another embarrassing race for the Dumbocrats. In a couple of the previous elections, the Dumbocrats barely got 20% of the vote, which means that if they don't get their 20%, they cease to be a major party in Connecticut for the next 4 years until the next gubernatorial election. How pathetic! Of course some commie like McNamara or Sherwack is going to post some crap about the massive number of Democrats in Connecticut and how they are going to turn out in force to vote for their liberal socialist candidate. Before they get their chance to post their propaganda, let me ask one question:
Are these not the same Democrats who elected Lowell P. Weicker Jr., John G. Rowland--3 times! and M. Jodi Rell even with her ties to the convicted John Rowland???
Where was your big Democratic showing in the last (5) five gubernatorial elections Mr. McNamara or Mr. Sherwack????????
Could it be that even Democrats know where to turn when they want real leadership--to a Republican.
I just heard on the news that Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry might be on his way back to prison for failing to file 8 years worth of tax returns. After all the tax scandals with the Democratic appointees to Obama's cabinet, there clearly seems to be something undemocratic about paying taxes.
You may recall that this is the same mayor who was sent to prison for drug violations that he committed while in office, but the Democrats were so proud of him, that they re-elected him to mayor after his release from federal prison.
There is good news for the Democrats. The mayor of Detroit, Qualmy Kilpatrick, who was also voted "worst mayor in America" was just release from prison.
In any event, two more examples of fine Democratic leadership.
Only in America can a tax cheat be appointed to run the Internal Revenue Service!
Chris Dodd was just on the news announcing the fabulous stimulus plan approved in the Senate. He didn't mention if he had any special mortgage deals earmarked in it for himself, but maybe he will play "PEEK-A-BOO" with the stimulus plan so we can have a glance at it.
The Dumborcrats don't want to admit that they caused the financial meltdown with Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 which required banks to issue mortgages to people who couldn't afford them under the belief that every American has the right to own a home, even if he/she couldn't afford it.
Under the Clinton Administration, Janet Reno as Attorney General went around to the lending institutions threatening criminal prosecutions if they failed to give a large enough percentage of mortgages to minorities, even if they didn't qualify for the loans.
That is where Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac came in. They ended up with all these so-called substandard loans that were forced upon them by the Democrats who were in power at the time. Let's not forget that Barney Frank's boy friend was a high ranking official at Fannie Mae, and Frlanklyn Raynes personally made $90 million in commissions from buying up the substandard loans. But under the leadership of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, the Banking Committee was supposed to be policing the financial industry, and instead, Chris Dodd was out getting special mortgage deals for himself and his wife.
Now they sit there and say there are so many causes to this meltdown, that there is no way to say how it happened, but from my perspective, those 2 guys share the majority of the blame, and now the American People are going to trust them with over $1 trillion of their hard earned money.
Hopefully the voters here in CT will remember this and the special mortgage deals when it is time to decide who will be our new Senator from Connecticut.
Too bad Lowell Weicker isn't around to repeat history by replacing yet another Dodd.
Oh come on. We all know that George Bush is to blame for all that is wrong in this country. One man, George Bush single handed
created this fiasco. He pushed home loans down the throats of the poor. The democrats that served his 8 year term sat on their hands approving George's every demand. Finally, we have a democratic president to fix George's stupidity.
Chris Dodd had no idea his wife was
working a good mortgage deal on their behalf. She was just doing what every good wife does with the home budget, cutting costs. It was like clipping coupons get off their backs. Behind every successful man is a good woman to run him. Look at the Clintons. It's no different. They had ethics
issues from the start and that has never held them back from receiving
record number votes from the American Public. Just wait... Michelle Obama is "Mom and Chief"
she'll get this country going in the right direction sooner or later.
Everything always smooths out and gets better. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.
Who will be Ct's next govenor. That's a no brainer. Jodi Rell. Her husband stands by and let's her
do the job front and center.
Did ya' all here the latest polls!
If the election were to be held today, Chris Dodd would lose his re-election against anyone whomsoever.
The public is pissed at him for causing the mortgage crisis and then abusing his authority as Co-Chair of the Banking Committee to line his pockets with a special mortgage deal has turned off scores of CT voters.
According to the report I saw on the national news, the Peeky Boo stunt he pulled over the weekend has really sent his support among CT voters right into the toilet.
The best thing Mr. Dodd can do for any opponent who plans on challenging him, is to keep running his mouth.
And now he was on TV endorsing the President's European Socialism Bill, so when that devastates the economy as it is expected to, that is going to seal his fate among the voters, and not a moment too soon to be rid of such a piece of scum.
Simple Answer:
M. Jodi Rell
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