Monday, March 23, 2009

Barack Obama appeals to the ‘good guys’ of Wall Street in $1 trillion rescue - Times Online

Barack Obama appeals to the ‘good guys’ of Wall Street in $1 trillion rescue - Times Online


Anonymous said...

While the messiah has chosen to use his powers to separate the good from the evil!!

He may want to take a look at the sitting Gov of New York


Gov. Patterson should be arrested

Anonymous said...

since their all conservative capitalists, are they not all the "good guys"

Anonymous said...

tip of the iceberg bros!

once they finish with the "rich guys" (hopefully that includes oprah, spielberg, streisand, buffett, KENNEDY, DODD, CLINTON(s), every NFLer and MLBer, EVERY CONGRESSMAN that went to Washington as middle classers and some how became MULTI MILLIONAIRES and every other gazillionaire that supported obama) WE are next. In order of income:

small businesses
jobs making over $250k
jobs making over $200k
jobs making over $150k
jobs making over $100k

remember connecticut started out to "get" only the MILLIONAIRES? Where are they now? $150K? $8 billion in the hole? Why? NO MORE RICH PEOPLE TO TAX!!!!!

we know the play book.

it's just a matter of time. franks and pelosi are safe in their seats. we need to mobilize in connecticut.

2010 is our only hope!

Anonymous said...

This is just the first 3 months of Mr. Obama - a total disaster of an administration.

We have nobody to blame but ourselves for voting in the teleprompter administration .

Anonymous said...

This is what everyone wanted though, an empty suit totally lacking any executive experience whatsoever, so I guess we deserve to live with Obama's consequences for the next 4 years.

Anonymous said...

The hot air is coming out of the Obama balloon faster that it did out of the housing bubble.

Anonymous said...

The uproar over $165 million in bonuses being dispensed to employees of AIG, the company receiving the largest amount of federal financial bailout funds, is another indictment of the rudderless Barack Obama White House.

American taxpayers are rightly outraged. AIG has received $170 billion in public funds to clear up its bad investment losses -- giving the American public 80% ownership of the firm. Now these public funds are going toward lining this failed company's employees' deep pockets.

And Democrats in Washington, however loud they may protest this use of taxpayers' funds, are directly responsible for this financial fiasco.

President Obama, who never ran any organization of any size before being elected to be the chief executive of the United States, continues to underwhelm as crisis after crisis reveals his lack of experience, judgment, and character.

He and his handpicked Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, are trying to lay blame anywhere but upon themselves for not limiting compensation payouts as a condition for receiving public funds.

But the truth is that the Obama Administration requested the exemption for AIG bonuses.

Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, inserted an amendment in the $787 billion boondoggle at the urging of the Obama team to ensure that.

Can you guess who received the most in campaign contributions from AIG in 2008? That's right -- Chris Dodd, who received over $103,000 in 2008, and almost a quarter of a million dollars since 2003.

Second on that list? Barack Obama, who also received over $100,000 in campaign cash...

Anonymous said...

Chris Dodd admitted today that he’s been lying about his involvement in AIG’s bonuses.

Dodd wrote an amendment into Obama’s Trillion Dollar Spending Bill protecting bonus packages. He consistently and repeatedly denied doing this, up to this afternoon, but has now admitted his role, despite numerous lies to the contrary.

On top of Dodd’s involvement in the Countrywide Sweetheart Loan fiasco last year, it’s clear Dodd should immediately resign from the Senate Banking Committee.

He should be removed from the Senate, but we know that won’t happen unless Connecticut voters wake up and boot this greedy, corpulent, lying clown from office next year.

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