This is a new law and the people there are trying to prove that they were on top of things,” he said, adding that he did not feel unfairly treated. “There might have been things that I might have done differently.”
According to Joan Andrews, director of legal affairs and enforcement for the SEEC, Bozek, Gary Zeil and Thomas Evanko were individually cited for improper attribution of solicitations, improper reporting of expenses, accepting a contribution from a member of a lobbyist’s household, and making an illegal contribution.
In Bozek’s case, the SEEC found he had failed to provide an attribution line with a mailing asking for campaign contributions; that there was a failure to report a campaign expenditure from personal funds, and that he solicited and obtained a $25 contribution from the spouse of a lobbyist.
“That line is to allow the reader to evaluate the message,” Andrews explained.
Zeil, who served as treasurer on Bozek’s campaign, was fined $800 for several violations, including depositing and not immediately returning a contribution from Evanko, even though Evanko had communicated that his wife, Ann Hogan, was a registered in-house communicator lobbyist for Yale New Haven Health System.
The investigation also found against Evanko, even though there was no evidence that he knew he was making an illegal contribution. He was fined $100.
Bozek, a Democrat who ran on the Republican ticket when no other candidates stepped forward, had lost his state senate seat to DeFronzo in 2002.
McNamara said he brought the complaint in October 2008 after seeing the Bozek campaign mailer.
“The new campaign finance law and citizen’s elections program worked very well across the state last year, including New Britain,” McNamara said. “I feel it’s important that everyone involved in the process follow the rules in a system that keeps the undue influence of money out of the politics in state races.”
Andrews reported that all fines had been paid by the respondents.
James Craven can be reached at jcraven@newbritainherald.com or by calling (860) 225-4601, ext. 231.
URL: http://www.newbritainherald.com/articles/2009/03/09/news/doc49b5ccb3a1adc777800400.prt
© 2009 newbritainherald.com, a Journal Register Property
I guess Little Mac made the complaint because he wanted the proof that Bozek was more qualified to be the Democratic candidate for mayor over his main ethcis violator, "Conflicts Catanzaro"
with these qualifications, they should make Bozek party chairman and get rid of that clown they have now.
..........McNamara said he brought the complaint in October 2008 after seeing the Bozek campaign mailer.
“The new campaign finance law and citizen’s elections program worked very well across the state last year, including New Britain,” McNamara said. “I feel it’s important that everyone involved in the process in a system that keeps the undue influence of money out of the politics in state races.”........
Chairman McNamara should note that Mr. Bozek stepped up to the plate. First he admitted that the filing was erroneous. Then Mr. Bozek, Mr. Zell and Mr. Evanko followed current law (though Mr. Bozek expressed that he did not necessarily agree with it) and paid all fines levied.
When will Mr. McNamara call on New Britain alderman Catanzaro to “follow the rules”?
When will Mr. McNamara address the undue influence that the CCAG currently has on the Democratic Members of the city council? The CCAG endorses candidates. Alderman Trueworthy has hosted fundraisers that the entire democratic party of New Britain attended at his home for this organization.
Does Mr. McNamara believe that it is ethical for Alderpersons to donate funds to organizations that actively promote legislation and endorses candidates?
Will Mr. McNamara speak out against the practice of third party candidates dropping out of races so that another candidate can have his name listed twice at the ballot?
How does Mr. McNamara feel about mayoral campaign staff illegally placing placards on public property and purposefully blocking opponents campaign signs at polling areas?
I guess he will have to wait for CCAG activist. Oops I meant Alderman Sherwood to clarify his positions.
For more information, contact Phil Sherwood at the Connecticut Citizen Action Group.
Phone:(860) 796-2398
Annonymous said...
When will Mr. McNamara address the undue influence that the CCAG currently has on the Democratic Members of the city council?
ISN'T PHIL SHERWOOD THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOT OF CCAG? Is this not a conflict of interest??
How about it Mr. McNamara??
Where's your complaint about this, or are you as big a phony as Mr. Sherwack?
Didn't I read something about "Little Mac" predicting that Democrats were going to blow Mayor Stewart out of office simply because Democrats outnumber Republicans in New Britain? The same Democrats that keep re-electing Tim Stewart in landslide elections? We thinks "Little Mac" drinks too much kool-aid!
Don't Democrats drastically outnumber Republicans in Connecticut--a state that hasn't had a Democratic Governor since 1988??
How about the latest poll:
"Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) continues to look as though he could be in trouble in 2010, with a new poll showing him trailing former Rep. Rob Simmons (R-Conn.) by one point. The new Quinnipiac poll has the former congressman leading the Senate Banking Committee chairman 43-42 in a head-to-head match-up, even after Dodd’s approval rating has rebounded a bit, to 49 percent."
Good riddance Mr. Dodd.
Like father, like son!
Anonymous said:
Other than the fact that this issue involved fines fines, this one is typical of what the McNamara (the lesser) and dirty tricks expert Sherwack will do to protect the likes of DeFronzo, O'Brien, Tercyak , Geragosian and Boukus. Any body who has the gall to challenge one of these communists is examined. Guess who is the chief examiner; you guessed correctly if you guessed Sherwood. They are probably all in favor of the move to take over the Catholic Church. Not surpring for communists.
Sending Bozek a message not to challenge one of the socialists is bush league.
What have the NB Dems done about Trueworthy, Catanzaro, Gerratona, Collins and Hermanowski? NOTHING! If NB citizens reelect any of these clowns they deserve it! Word is out that O'Btien is the chosen challenger of Stewart. Good luck Tim (O'Brien), maybe you can tell the people how you did nothing whicle NB got shortchanged on every budget since you were elected to the state legislature.
Just another, promise everything/do nothing legislator. When you have nothing to show for your meager efforts, attack the Catholic Church.
Little Mack is the leader of what has to be the most unethical bunch of looney tunes in history.
Word is out that O'Btien is the chosen challenger of Stewart. Good luck Tim (O'Brien), maybe you can tell the people how you did nothing whicle NB got shortchanged on every budget since you were elected to the state legislature.
Where was Mr. O'Brien to fight for New Britain's share of the $2.65 billion in stimulus money that Connecticut received? While Waterbury got $165 million for all kinds of projects and New Brtain got nothing--a giant goose egg thanks to the efforts of Mr. O'Brien!
Why wasn't the high and mighty Tim O'Brien working with the leadership of his own party to deliver some badly needed funds for New Britain?
He did s**t for us and now he wants to be mayor?
Just another pipe dream of the communist party here in New Britain under the stewardship of Mr. Mac the lesser!
Mayor said...
Fortunately we (my staff) had the wisdom to forsee economic problems coming back in the fall of '08 and ordered my staff citywide to stop all disctetionary spending, out-of-state travel and the hiring of nonessential employee position to create a surplus to cushion the city in the event of this economic collapse we are experiencing. We have taken a very conservative approach to budgeting during my tenure and are positioned well to absorb the potential revenue losses that the state government will hand us.
I have also been actively talking to my unions to get their help for the upcoming years' budget. But the sky is not falling in NB and most of what other towns have done is strictly for press purposes and really not affecting the bottom lines of their budgets significantly. We are not experiencing any significant issues with revenues or expenditures so the need to react by laying off or furloughing cityworkers is not needed. Hope that helps Frank.
March 10, 2009 4:12 PM
Keep up the good work Mr. Mayor!
You are demonstrating true leadership at a time when most levels of government are clueless what to do and are running around spending billions and trillions of dollars without any clue whether any of it will work. The fact that we in New Britain are in such good shape shows that you have led our city well in these tough fiscal times.
The Thorn said...
Keep up the good work Mr. Mayor!
You are demonstrating true leadership at a time when most levels of government are clueless what to do and are running around spending billions and trillions of dollars without any clue whether any of it will work. The fact that we in New Britain are in such good shape shows that you have led our city well in these tough fiscal times.
Especially when you consider that he has a council that does nothing but find ways to waste money and also works hard to brainstorm ways to throw monkey wrenches into anything that is good for the city.
Imagine what this mayor could accomplish if he had a council that put the needs of the city above their own agenda and that of their wacko party leader??
We are lucky to have such a dedicated mayor who is a young man in good physical shape. Let's hope for the sake of our city he plans to stay here for quite a while. Unfortunately, I would expect that the party will someday want to tap a man with his qualifications and fine record for bigger and better things.
If the mayor is so reliable, why hasn't he done anything to start the process to remove Catanzaro from office?
Catanzaro violated the city charter at the council meeting, in front of 14 other members of the council and the public when he spoke on, and then voted on his own ethics violation issued by the Ethics Commission. The city charter mandates that if an alderman votes on or speaks on his own issue, he "shall be subject to expulsion."
The entire incident was video taped and even televised, and he is even arrogant enough to admit that he spoke and voted on his own issue to two newspapers. He commented that if he didn't vote on it, he couldn't speak on it, but both activities are direct violations of the same article of the city charter.
Since the rest of the aldermen are not willing to fulfill their sworn duty by removing this miscreant from office, it is about time for the mayor to do something to rectify this situation.
Perhaps it is time to bring in the state to investigate the rest of the city council for failing to perform the duty for which they swore an oath to perform.
Do you remember that oath Mr. & Ms. Aldermen? Support the constitutions of the United States, the State of Connecticut and the Charter of the City of New Britain?
How about the part about performing your duties to the best of your abilities, so help you God?
Sound familiar?
the situation on the council appears as if the feds should investigate for possible violations of the RICO (racketeering/organized crime) laws.
For: " Anonymous said" from Anonymous also says;
Consider this; What do you suppose McNamara The Lesser, or Sherwack, or Truebabbler would say and do if the Mayor, Salvio or Bernacki introduced a resolution to remove Alderman COI (Conflict of Interest) Catanzaro from the Council? Sherwack would love it! It would get the Dems off the hook and then they could squash the motion. Then the bloggers would start all over again and ........
Anonymous said...
For: " Anonymous said" from Anonymous also says;
Consider this; What do you suppose McNamara The Lesser, or Sherwack, or Truebabbler would say and do if the Mayor, Salvio or Bernacki introduced a resolution to remove Alderman COI (Conflict of Interest) Catanzaro from the Council? Sherwack would love it! It would get the Dems off the hook and then they could squash the motion. Then the bloggers would start all over again and ........
Considering that Catanzaro committed an offense that is mandated by the charter that he be removed from office and did so in the presence of the 13 Democrats, we would then have the ability to bring an action against the Alermen who voted against his removal for dereliction of their sworn duty.
Let's recap:
1...They each swore to uphold the charter of the City of New Britain.
2...Catanzaro committed a violation of the charter which dictates that any alderman who violates this section shall be subject to expulsion and did so in front of each and every one of them and in public, on video tape and also televised, so how can they deny it happened. He even told reporters that he voted on his own ethics violation so that he could speak on his own issue, a separate violation of the charter for which expulsion is also the penalty.
3...any alderman who votes against Catanzaro's expulsion is violating his/her own oath of office to uphold the Charter of the City of New Britain and should be the subject of their own case for removal from office.
If they continue to refuse to perform their sworn duty, we will need to turn to the State of Connecticut for assistance in removing them all from office.
They seem to think they are untouchable as if they are in some exclusive club, but the taxpayers and the voters have a right to expect them to obey the law--especially when they swore an oath to do so.
What these Democrats have apparently not learned yet, is that no one is above the law and maybe we need to solicit some help from state officials to teach them that very important lesson!
That's a good point that the language in the charter has removed their individual discretion when it mandates that any alderman that violates this section "shall" be subject to expulsion!!!!!
The Law is the Law. It is about time these self serving beaurocrats learned to obey a few of them, otherwise why should any of us??????
If you are going to be dumb enough to commit such a serious offense on the record, at a public hearing, then you deserve what you get.
This just exemplifies how arrogant, defiant, and untouchable this individual and the rest of his comrades believe they are.
I've been checking your blog for a couple of weeks and I am starting to think you are the Bill O'Reilly of New Britain. The stories are very informative. Keep up the good work.
Look around the table at the council Democrats and tell me if you would trust your healthcare decisions to any one of them? That is what socialized health care will amount to. A government beaurocrat like these guys deciding your life or death health care decisions.
Tom Bozek should have known better. He's been around the block a few times. Gary Ziel may have been an innocent bystander, but paid his fine, like the true gentleman he is.
Tom Bozek running on the republican
ticket was just another ridiculas
political happening in New Britain.
The republicans should have refused
him flat out. Instead they accept a racist to make an attempt to out-seat Mr. DeFronzo, why? to produce campaign finance funds from the republican party? Looked to me like Tom did a fine job of spending the cash. Does anyone in this city have a back bone? If I remember correctly Bozek's mailer didn't convey a party affiliation.
No back bone. Anyone with a back bone in New Britain isn't welcome in city politics by either party. We wouldn't want to upset status
quo. Everyone is looking towards
this year's election but I doubt it will really bring much change if any. Anyone with half a brain usually doesn't touch NB politics with a ten foot pole.
A thought for the New Britain Liberals:
Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.
John D. Rockefeller
City of New Britain Charter, Section 4-7:
…No member of the Common Council shall be heard to speak upon, nor shall be allowed to vote upon, nor shall be appointed a member of any committee to consider, any matter in which the member has a direct pecuniary interest. Any violation of this provision shall be grounds for expulsion of any member violating the same….
There have been numerous contributions to Frank Smith's blog over the past couple of months suggesting that NB Ald. Paul Catanzaro has violated the City Charter and that he should be expelled from the Common Council, pursuant to Section 4-7 of the Charter,
Please, the blogger(s) should send a signed letter to The Mayor with copies to all Council members and to the Corporation Counsel demanding this action. Perhaps one letter containing signatures of like minded residents would be best. Grass roots support is needed for this action to take place.
Please don't reply by saying, "why don't you do what you were elected to do? UPHOLD THE CITY CHARTER!"
PERHAPS YOU (PLURAL) SHOULD SEEK HELP FROM THE CCAG! The Deputy Directo is a Member of The Common Council!
Lou Salvio
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