Council co-opting state ethics mandate - The New Britain Herald News : New Britain, Conn., and surrounding areas (
Friday, March 6, 2009
Council co-opting state ethics mandate - The New Britain Herald News : New Britain, Conn., and surrounding areas (
Council co-opting state ethics mandate - The New Britain Herald News : New Britain, Conn., and surrounding areas (
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I agree with this new addition. Seems pretty basic. Regardless of the catanzero stuff, Sherwood is doing the right thing with this.
Boy am I tired of asking this!
Where is Majority leader Trueworthy, What is his take on this? Mayor Pro-Tempore Bielinski? Majority Whip Collins? Alderman Hermanowski?
Has the New Britain Democratic party been CO-OPTED by the fringe left? The lack of public input by the senior members of the New Britain Democratic Counsil members suggest that it has.
Main stream Democrats in New Britain need to step up to the plate. New Britain can no longer withstand the assault from the far left.
I suggest that moderate Democrats need to take a look at who is running the show at the DTC.
Is the current leadership represenative of your beliefs?
Alderman Sherwood has chosen a hostile and confrontational tact in his Aldermanic duties.
Is Phil Sherwood good for New Britain Democrats? Is Phil Sherwood good for New Britain?
Well Majority leader Trueworthy, Mayor Pro-Tempore Bielinski? Majority Whip Collins? Alderman Hermanowski? How do YOU feel about this?
Elections are coming. The voters of New Britain Need to know.
New Britain - The Alderman Phil Sherwood Ethics Ordinance would require the NB Mayor, Common Council Members, City Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Constables, Registrars of Voters, Members of the Board of Assessment and Appeals and all Department Heads to file statements of financial disclosure within 90 days of the Ordinance’s taking effect, or within 30 days of taking office.
Introduced by: Senator MEYER, 12th District, State of CT.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: That the general statutes be amended to require each municipality to adopt municipal codes of ethics and that such code be consistent with a minimum number of state-mandated provisions.
Statement of Purpose: To promote ethical conduct in local government.
WASHINGTON-03/06/09 - The U.S. unemployment rate bolted to 8.1 percent in February, the highest since late 1983, as cost-cutting employers slashed 651,000 jobs amid a deepening recession.
Both figures were worse than analysts expected and the Labor Department's report shows America's workers being clobbered by a wave of layoffs unlikely to ease in the coming months of 2009.
Will this make Dodd release his sweetheart mortgage deal with Countrywide? Franklin Raines? Barney Franks?
Will Geithner pay his taxes?
Catanzaro coming clean?
HUD releasing funds?
City employees serving on the council not voting on issues involving their own job or union?
What business is it of CCAG to find out where people or their spouses invest their money?
Class envy anyone?
PROMOTE ethics? Sorry. I just wet my pants laughing! You are either ethical or not.
Unfortunately this City has elected several council members that have been less than ethical. Signing a piece of paper ain't changing a thing.
Unemployment now 8%+. Fix the real problems.
Phil Sherwood is never doing the right thing. If he was serious about ethics he would have recommended removing one of his own from the council along time ago. Now he wants to expose everyone's financial statements. Nosy little twit. I don't give the kid one ounce of confidence. He is probably just trying to scare off good qualified people from running in this year's municipal
elections in hopes that he and his
friends can remain in control.
Anonymous says///
This issue came up a couple of months ago. At the time, phony phil introduced it and at the same time, said it needed changes - why introduce it if it needed changes? Now, weeks later, phil brings it up at subcommittee with things taken out of his proposal which probably would have affected the 13 dems on the council more than anyone else; anyone care to venture a guess as to whom? The public should be outraged at yet another self serving proposal from CCAG trickster, phony phil! And, who does phil get to talk about transparency? None other than know it all, Greg Gerratana. Watch and see how the Council votes on this one!
Anonymous says///
This issue came up a couple of months ago. At the time, phony phil introduced it and at the same time, said it needed changes - why introduce it if it needed changes? Now, weeks later, phil brings it up at subcommittee with things taken out of his proposal which probably would have affected the 13 dems on the council more than anyone else; anyone care to venture a guess as to whom? The public should be outraged at yet another self serving proposal from CCAG trickster, phony phil! And, who does phil get to talk about transparency? None other than know it all, Greg Gerratana. Watch and see how the Council votes on this one!
Class warfare is more like it! Sherwood apparently is operating line by line using Sol Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"
We can't get these Democrats on the council to obey or to enforce the current law, so why do we need another law?
An alderman committed a violation that is punishable by expulsion from office, and the Democrats refuse to do their sworn duty and remove him from office. Is that not unethical behavior on behalf of the 13 Democrats who are defying their sworn duty to cover for one of their fellow subversives?
The Boy speaks:
New Britain Alderman Phil Sherwood has proposed strengthening the city’s ethics code by adding to the ordinance on disclosure of financial interests.
How about enforcing the law we have now, you phony!
Sherwood said that by making the ethics code stronger the city might escape having a more onerous code thrust upon it by the state.
(What's a matter Mr. sherwack, afraid the state will pass a penalty for voting on your own ethics violation?)
what gives you the right to require anything from a person who was elected to office by the people? if an elected official refuses to fill out your silly form and crumples it out and throws it in the fireplace, what are you going to do about it. this is a person elected by the people to that office, they answer to the people, and no to you!
It all starts with the Party Chair allowing the likes of Sherwood do be calling the shots over the more moderate Trueworthy and Bielinski.
Billy Mac (the greater) should take the place of Little Mac (the lesser) and the atmosphere at City Hall wouldn't have the stench of Marxism coming out of every Council meeting
just another grab at power by the New Britain Socialist Party.
A Little Child Shall Lead Them...
These would have to be public information subject to both the state and Czar Sherwoods FOI laws.
I can't wait to get my very own copy of the forms filed by Catanzaro, Sherwood, and Trueworthy. Those should make for interesting reading, more like fairy tales.
From The Herald Today:
Ethics code a must but 14 pages is a burden
Friday, March 6, 2009 11:07 PM EST
New Britain Alderman Phil Sherwood has proposed strengthening the city’s ethics code by adding to the ordinance on disclosure of financial interests, thereby providing information that would point to any potential conflict of interest.
The proposed amendment to Section 2-543 of the city code would require the mayor, common council members, department heads and certain other city officials to file statements of disclosure within 90 days of the ordinance’s taking effect, or within 30 days of taking office.
The statement, which Sherwood anticipates would be, at most, two pages, would require the disclosure of all property owned within the city, excluding a primary residence; the name of any employer from which the official, employee or spouse earns more than $10,000; the name of any business that had a contract with the city in the preceding calendar year for goods or services exceeding $5,000; and a certification that all required persons have read and understand the city’s code of ethics.
The amendment also would allow a fine of $10 for each day of violation, up to $5,000.
Sherwood had two aims: First, he said, the amendment would allow the public access to what they need to know about their leaders.
Second, by making the ethics code stronger, the city might escape having a more onerous code foisted upon it by the state. Currently under consideration, Senate Bill 339, proposed by state Sen. Edward Meyer, D, 12th District, would require municipalities to adopt codes of ethics that are consistent with a number of state-mandated provisions, although those have not yet been delineated. Sherwood anticipates that such a document could run to 14 pages.
A strong code of ethics is a must for any governing body. That said, it is increasingly hard to get good people to participate in public service for many reasons, including the high cost of running for office, the vicious partisanship in many legislative bodies and onerous disclosure laws. If Sherwood’s initiative can effectively protect the city’s need for disclosure and, at the same time, lighten the burden for public servants, then we support the idea.
This country is going to hell in a handbag anyway so who cares.
Just another poorly prepared plan which shows how inexperienced and ill prepared Mr. Sherwood is to lead anyone.
His ethics ordinance fails to cover members of the board of education, and if there is any place in elected office where personal conflicts can be a problem, it is the BOE. Just consider the amount of money the board spends buying all those services and supplies for the individual schools. What an opportunity to potentially benefit a personal interest, and Mr. Sherwood conveniently overlooks these elected officials. Is it his ignorance or is he scared to take on someone in power at the BOE.
This is what you get when you send a boy to do a man's job!
I feel bad for Stewart, his games will soon come to a head. Herald has a pro-public information guy running the ship. No Bull here.
Anonymous said...
This country is going to hell in a handbag anyway so who cares.
and the Dumbocrats on the council are dragging this city down the crapper.
this is the new socialist order
Anonymous said...
The state legislature has yet to pass its reformed ethics rules. Let's say they pass something that negates what is in phony phil's package; who will go over the state and our municipal regulations to determine what trumps what? Will anything change? According to phil, each city employee affected by the Ethics legislation must read the document and be conversant with its demands. Consider that in light of who currently sits on the Council; will Council members and others be quizzed on the contents? As for the "Our View" editorial in today's Herald; your wishful thinking about the promise of the sherwood ethics rule; think about Catanzaro and Trueworthy. What good were our thics rules with these two?
You can tell Sherwood is lying; his lips are moving!
Anonymous said...
I feel bad for Stewart
Ah, the tin hat society is alive and well in harware city.
Before adding to, amending, or changing the Ethics Ordinances, how about enforcing the ones that are there now? The Democrats are now notorious for making a mockery of recommendations made by the Ethics Committee in regards to former Alderman Rick Lopes, and current Alderman Paul Catanzaro.
Why does Phil Sherwood feel a need to post photos of himself here and elsewhere? We all know what he looks like. It isn't as though he's a matinee idol.
How can they enforce the laws we have when it is only the Democrats on the council who are breaking all the current laws?
How many tattoo removal centers will Sherwack be proposing for New Britain?
The Democratic wasteful spending bill will be appropriating $200,000for the removal of gang tattoos from gang bangers who no longer want to wear the tattoo branding of their gang.
Sounds just like the type of program that Sherwack and Trulyworthless would want for New Britain.
The Senate Ethics Bill 339 launched by State Senator. Edward Meyer, (D), 12th District, would require 169 municipalities like New Britain to adopt codes of Ethics that are consistent with a number of state-mandated provisions...
On 1/22/2009 the State Ethics Senate Bill 339 was Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections...
Some time in November 2009 the final draft of Ethics Bill No. 339 affecting 169 towns and cities will surface for a final vote with required number (?) of state-mandated provisions... and then the defendants- the town clerk, registrars of voters, selectmen and councilmen and the secretary of the state of CT will voice their concerns...
...because in year 2010 the U.S. census surfaces and then the Connecticut Constitution (Article 3, 6) requires that the districts of the General Assembly be reapportioned decennially stemming from the actions of the 2010 census!
Mayor said...
Fortunately we (my staff) had the wisdom to forsee economic problems coming back in the fall of '08 and ordered my staff citywide to stop all disctetionary spending, out-of-state travel and the hiring of nonessential employee position to create a surplus to cushion the city in the event of this economic collapse we are experiencing. We have taken a very conservative approach to budgeting during my tenure and are positioned well to absorb the potential revenue losses that the state government will hand us.
I have also been actively talking to my unions to get their help for the upcoming years' budget. But the sky is not falling in NB and most of what other towns have done is strictly for press purposes and really not affecting the bottom lines of their budgets significantly. We are not experiencing any significant issues with revenues or expenditures so the need to react by laying off or furloughing cityworkers is not needed. Hope that helps Frank.
March 10, 2009 4:12 PM
Keep up the good work Mr. Mayor!
You are demonstrating true leadership at a time when most levels of government are clueless what to do and are running around spending billions and trillions of dollars without any clue whether any of it will work. The fact that we in New Britain are in such good shape shows that you have led our city well in these tough fiscal times.
Anonymous said...
If the mayor is so reliable, why hasn't he done anything to start the process to remove Catanzaro from office?
Catanzaro violated the city charter at the council meeting, in front of 14 other members of the council and the public when he spoke on, and then voted on his own ethics violation issued by the Ethics Commission. The city charter mandates that if an alderman votes on or speaks on his own issue, he "shall be subject to expulsion."
The entire incident was video taped and even televised, and he is even arrogant enough to admit that he spoke and voted on his own issue to two newspapers. He commented that if he didn't vote on it, he couldn't speak on it, but both activities are direct violations of the same article of the city charter.
Since the rest of the aldermen are not willing to fulfill their sworn duty by removing this miscreant from office, it is about time for the mayor to do something to rectify this situation.
Perhaps it is time to bring in the state to investigate the rest of the city council for failing to perform the duty for which they swore an oath to perform.
Do you remember that oath Mr. & Ms. Aldermen? Support the constitutions of the United States, the State of Connecticut and the Charter of the City of New Britain?
How about the part about performing your duties to the best of your abilities, so help you God?
Sound familiar?
According to Investor's Business Daily today, one of the nation's most respected financial newspapers, Democratic Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts belongs in jail for his part in causing the meltdown of the housing and financial market in America.
This was also reported on The O'Reilly factor tonight on Fox News.
The one place Phil Sherman differs from a little child is that small children haven't learned to lie!
Anonymous said...
For: " Anonymous said" from Anonymous also says;
Consider this; What do you suppose McNamara The Lesser, or Sherwack, or Truebabbler would say and do if the Mayor, Salvio or Bernacki introduced a resolution to remove Alderman COI (Conflict of Interest) Catanzaro from the Council? Sherwack would love it! It would get the Dems off the hook and then they could squash the motion. Then the bloggers would start all over again and ........
Considering that Catanzaro committed an offense that is mandated by the charter that he be removed from office and did so in the presence of the 13 Democrats, we would then have the ability to bring an action against the Alermen who voted against his removal for dereliction of their sworn duty.
Let's recap:
1...They each swore to uphold the charter of the City of New Britain.
2...Catanzaro committed a violation of the charter which dictates that any alderman who violates this section shall be subject to expulsion and did so in front of each and every one of them and in public, on video tape and also televised, so how can they deny it happened. He even told reporters that he voted on his own ethics violation so that he could speak on his own issue, a separate violation of the charter for which expulsion is also the penalty.
3...any alderman who votes against Catanzaro's expulsion is violating his/her own oath of office to uphold the Charter of the City of New Britain and should be the subject of their own case for removal from office.
If they continue to refuse to perform their sworn duty, we will need to turn to the State of Connecticut for assistance in removing them all from office.
They seem to think they are untouchable as if they are in some exclusive club, but the taxpayers and the voters have a right to expect them to obey the law--especially when they swore an oath to do so.
What these Democrats have apparently not learned yet, is that no one is above the law and maybe we need to solicit some help from state officials to teach them that very important lesson!
Shall we name this the Catanzaro Law?
City of New Britain Charter, Section 4-7:
…No member of the Common Council shall be heard to speak upon, nor shall be allowed to vote upon, nor shall be appointed a member of any committee to consider, any matter in which the member has a direct pecuniary interest. Any violation of this provision shall be grounds for expulsion of any member violating the same….
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