Sunday, March 22, 2009

Democrat anger at Obama overkill - Times Online

Democrat anger at Obama overkill - Times Online


Anonymous said...

WOW, Democrats are actually beginning to wake up as to what they have actually done, turning this country over to a socialist.
I guess not all of them have mush for brains afterall.

Anonymous said...

What is all the fuse over? What did we expect an ex-community organizer to do? Change? PLEASE!!!!

He's just a more polished Al Sharpton! The only way this country is going to save itself is when the blue dawg D's and moderate D's side with the R's on fiscally conservative matters.

Anonymous said...

During the elections Barack Obama's team left a few details out of their "change" campaign. The first is cost. Even today we are still hearing that the initial estimates are far lower than actual costs.
Trillion dollar bailouts with only sketchy "repayment" plans. The truth is that tax payers will be on the hook.
Secondly is the centralization of power. Ironic because democrats used the fear that the Bush administration was overstepping its executive powers to convince voters that "change" was needed. What will happen If the congress that couldn’t handle (some might say caused) the finanial crisis gains control of everything from healthcare to energy supply?
The third detail was that they have their own definition of bipartisanship. It has only been approximately 50 days since the new administration has taken office and already the wheels are coming off. The most surprising thing about all of this is how the new administration has in such a short period of time shown the true colors of this so called change. President Obama has not fulfilled one promise of his campaign of "change". Until President Obama is willing to take a stand against the radical left wing of the Democratic Party I can only assume that he is a member. A true leader would step up and question the apparent mishandling of the banking and financing committees. The democratic leadership claims to want to shed light on the dealings of the past administration with investigations and such but is unwilling to "shed light" on the dealings of the leaders of congress who were in power when the crisis began.
In Connecticut we are in a unique position. We can force Mr. Obama’s hand when it comes to the Chair of the banking and finance committee.

Good by Mr. Dodd.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing a socialist likes doing better than telling everyone how wonderful he is,

Anonymous said...

from a few of todays news stories..............The Obama administration will call for increased oversight of executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies as part of a sweeping plan.....Obama is expected to announce the plan, which officials said would include a broad new role for the Fed to oversee large companies.....President Barack Obama's budget proposals, if carried out, would produce a staggering $9.3 trillion in total deficits over the next decade, much more than the White House has predicted, the Congressional Budget Office said on Friday......Gregg, known as one of the keenest fiscal minds on Capitol Hill, also told CNN Chief National Correspondent John King that he thought it was “almost unconscionable” for the White House to continue with its planned course on fiscal matters with unprecedented actual and projected budget deficits in the coming years.......The Obama administration’s latest attempt to tackle the banking crisis and get loans flowing to families and businesses rely on a new government entity, the Public Investment Corp. to help purchase as much as $1 trillion in toxic assets on banks’ books......failure to halt bonuses of at least $165 million, and possibly as much as $218 million, paid out to employees by hobbled insurer American International Group, which has been bailed out with about $180 billion in taxpayer money......


Anonymous said...

from the politco website

Kroft to Obama: Are you punch drunk?
By CRAIG GORDON | 3/22/09 7:18 PM EDT

President Barack Obama said he believes the global financial system remains at risk of implosion with the failure of Citigroup or AIG, touching off “an even more destructive recession and potentially depression.”

His remarks came in a “60 Minutes” interview in which he was pressed by an incredulous Steve Kroft for laughing and chuckling several times while discussing the perilous state of the world’s economy.

“You're sitting here. And you're— you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, "I mean, he's sitting there just making jokes about money—” How do you deal with— I mean: explain. . .” Kroft asks at one point.

“Are you punch drunk?” Kroft says.

“No, no. There's gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day,” Obama says, with a laugh.

I really don't think President Obama gets it.

Anonymous said...

Again....what did you expect to get from an ex-community organizer?

Experience? now I'M laughing!

Leadership? leading a nation is a lot harder than busing protesters to bank of america!

Vision. can he look past his next pay check. Again see the top line.

This nation is dealing with pretty heady stuff and we got nit wits like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, Geithner whistling past the graveyard!

Where are the statesmen? Oh ya the D's purged them for the pro government worker, pro social service, ACORN types. We are doomed. The treasury will be out of ink by November 2010.

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