Trueworthy has been singing this song forever. He knows that the property is still being cleared and won't be ready for developers right away. I hope he is also cognizant of the state of the global downturn in the economy and the mess the Obama has made in credit/banking/mortgage markets. TRUEWORTHY FORGETS THE MESS THAT PROPERTY WAS IN WHILE IT WAS UNDER DEMOCRATIC CONTROL. He is also - as usual - trying to create some negative publicity for the GOP. Mayor Syewart has the situation under control.
As for Catanzaro, he voted no to the sale because there was no provision for HOUSING on that property. Catanzaro didn't get it then and doesn't get it yet. THE STATE SAID, "NO HOUSING ON THAT PROPERTY." Again and as usual, he was grandstanding.
Isn't this the SAME crying these guys performed last year? More crocodile tears from people that have NEVER run a business and don't understand how to balance a budget.
The City is on the hook to (1) demolish the buildings (2) remove the foundations (3) clean up the site.
So far it looks like over 95% of the buildings are demolished and the foundation removal has begun. With the Obama economy tanking and banks not lending it is harder for developers to pull the trigger on these projects.
I believe in Mayor Stewart and know he will do the right thing.
Lets not kid ourselves with this. This is a great example of the how the liberal wing of the Democratic Party operates.
Having come up on the losing end of public opinion Majority leader Trueworthy will stop at nothing to derail negotiations with developers.
From day one the democratic leadership has demonstrated that they are more interested in forwarding their plan for the Pinnacle Heights development. Citizens of New Britain be damned.
Last election the Democratic candidate hinged his candidacy on his alternate plans for pinnacle heights and downtown New Britain and was soundly defeated.
Mr. Trueworthy should focusing his party on making this work not trying derail it so that his party can win the mayors seat at the expense of a economically stronger city.
Just another day of the wacked out loons on the council trying to throw monkey wrenches into anything that has to do with progress. Unless it involves seizing the hard earned money you earned through higher taxes, and giving it to people that wackos like Trueworthy and Sherwood think deserve your money more than you do, then they are not interested.
Someone should let Michael Trueworthy that June 30 is 3 months away, leaving time for the letter of intent to materialize. However, there is still work to be done on the property despite the fact that now 100% of the buildings have been demolished. The demolition crew has been diligently working to get the foundations broken up and carted off in the process of getting the property cleaned up. Of course, if the Democratic members of the previous Council hadn't kept stalling on approving the the sale of the property, who knows..perhaps the closing might have closed by now, before the present downturn in the economy. Get over it, guys and gals of the council..stop with the negativity, and rejoice in the fact that the property will eventually generate income for the city, instead of getting deeper in debt that Pinnacle Heights was getting us into.
Anonymous says...
Trueworthy has been singing this song forever. He knows that the property is still being cleared and won't be ready for developers right away. I hope he is also cognizant of the state of the global downturn in the economy and the mess the Obama has made in credit/banking/mortgage markets. TRUEWORTHY FORGETS THE MESS THAT PROPERTY WAS IN WHILE IT WAS UNDER DEMOCRATIC CONTROL. He is also - as usual - trying to create some negative publicity for the GOP. Mayor Syewart has the situation under control.
As for Catanzaro, he voted no to the sale because there was no provision for HOUSING on that property. Catanzaro didn't get it then and doesn't get it yet. THE STATE SAID, "NO HOUSING ON THAT PROPERTY." Again and as usual, he was grandstanding.
Isn't this the SAME crying these guys performed last year? More crocodile tears from people that have NEVER run a business and don't understand how to balance a budget.
The City is on the hook to (1) demolish the buildings (2) remove the foundations (3) clean up the site.
So far it looks like over 95% of the buildings are demolished and the foundation removal has begun. With the Obama economy tanking and banks not lending it is harder for developers to pull the trigger on these projects.
I believe in Mayor Stewart and know he will do the right thing.
Lets not kid ourselves with this. This is a great example of the how the liberal wing of the Democratic Party operates.
Having come up on the losing end of public opinion Majority leader Trueworthy will stop at nothing to derail negotiations with developers.
From day one the democratic leadership has demonstrated that they are more interested in forwarding their plan for the Pinnacle Heights development. Citizens of New Britain be damned.
Last election the Democratic candidate hinged his candidacy on his alternate plans for pinnacle heights and downtown New Britain and was soundly defeated.
Mr. Trueworthy should focusing his party on making this work not trying derail it so that his party can win the mayors seat at the expense of a economically stronger city.
Shame on you Trueworthy and company
Just another day of the wacked out loons on the council trying to throw monkey wrenches into anything that has to do with progress. Unless it involves seizing the hard earned money you earned through higher taxes, and giving it to people that wackos like Trueworthy and Sherwood think deserve your money more than you do, then they are not interested.
Maybe we should look for a hot dog vendor to move to Pinnacle Heights, and then we can kill two birds with one stone!
Someone should let Michael Trueworthy that June 30 is 3 months away, leaving time for the letter of intent to materialize. However, there is still work to be done on the property despite the fact that now 100% of the buildings have been demolished. The demolition crew has been diligently working to get the foundations broken up and carted off in the process of getting the property cleaned up.
Of course, if the Democratic members of the previous Council hadn't kept stalling on approving the the sale of the property, who knows..perhaps the closing might have closed by now, before the present downturn in the economy.
Get over it, guys and gals of the council..stop with the negativity, and rejoice in the fact that the property will eventually generate income for the city, instead of getting deeper in debt that Pinnacle Heights was getting us into.
It must be election Time.
why Else would they be on the attack mode?
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