A Sad Day for New Britain
The ethics commission of the city of New Britain found Aldermen Catanzaro sufficiently guilty enough to recommend to the city council that a reprimand was in order.
The council meeting started off with the party’s head guru ‘little Mac” advising the council to vote down the recommendation of the Ethics commission based solely on the power trip of the “untouchables.”
What is an alderman to do?
The head guru is none other than John McNamara-Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Britain (Little Mac)-who endorses all the Democratic aldermen and issued his commands to the obedient aldermen.
The result was an astounding 13-2 vote due to the 13 Democrats following the marching orders of their head guru-- so as to protect Alderman Catanzaro from a political embarrassment since he is planning to run for Mayor this coming election. Even Alderman Catanzaro voted down his own reprimand—a direct violation of the city charter (punishable by expulsion from the council).
The fascist atmosphere of the Democrats serving on the city’s council has become so brazen that they must vote against their good conscious simply because the party leader dictated that they do so.
No wonder our former Mayor, William McNamara (Big Mac), subsequently resigned his post as the chair of the Ethics commission.
It has become very difficult to find people willing to serve on the many commissions of our city because of this Marxist regime.
It will be difficult to find honest and decent people that would be willing to run for the Democratic council because they would require the endorsement of the DTC and would only receive that nod if they are willing to be loyal puppets for the socialist guru. Change is desperately needed, and that kind of change can only come from the top.
This unethical behavior of elected officials needs to be investigated by State for Federal Officials, especially if we ever want to restore any public confidence in our city government.
Anonymous says///
Stay tuned Frank, it will happen again before November - guaranteed!
Just another example of crooked Democratic politics. Obama would be proud of these idiots.
It is just this kind of arrogance that will cost them big time in the Novemeber elections!
Maybe that will be the theme of his campaign for mayor-vote for Catanzaro, no one offers more conflicts of interest!
These socialists are not going to be happy with you "outing" them like this. They like to operate in secret so that the public is ignorant to their operations.
I am just curious about this "little Mac" versus "big Mac."
Does that mean that John MacNamara is Bill MacNamara's son?
Since Karl Marx is the founder of Communism, I think the council Democrats would much prefer to be called Marxists. It would appear to an outsider that they use the Communist Manifesto as their operating manual even if they do try to conceal that fact.
The far left has invaded under the watch of Chairman Macnamara. The views held by this segment of the party do not reflect the views of the majority citizens or even democrat citizens. This is proof at least in my view that there is to much outside influence on the New Britain Democratic party itself. What is going on behind closed doors? If the chairman can not control the socialist he needs to be replaced.
Of course McNamara has to tell the Democrats how to vote. Do you see one Democrat on the council that you think has the brains to think for themself? Isn't that why they were called mushrooms?
And those democrats, all they care about are poor people. Why can't they think about anything else?
What about my wife and I who make more than all the council people put together. Obama is going to take all our money and throw it at silly, poorly run institutions like public schools. What a joke...we should privatize education and social security.
They probably are Marxists for it was the great Groucho Marx who said
All people are born alike - except Republicans and Democrats.
There is an important lesson that Cantazaro apparently will not learn until he learns it the hard way:
Anonymous said...
And those democrats, all they care about are poor people. Why can't they think about anything else?
What about my wife and I who make more than all the council people put together. Obama is going to take all our money and throw it at silly, poorly run institutions like public schools. What a joke...we should privatize education and social security.
Even Better, Let's find a way to privitize City Hall and all city services!
A few months ago on this blog it was said that through city employment, familial or financial connections -or all of those -perhaps 85% of NB Council Dems have potential conflict of interest issues. Yet, nothing has changed, not attitudes, not actions of these people. To make things worse, their Marxist leader, McNamara the Lesser continues to appear at Council meetings to make pejorative comments directed toward the Mayor and the two Council Republicans. These Dems have now enlisted the help of former Herald employee, Rick Guinness and agitator, Rich Marzi.
Perhaps Agaricus could weigh in on this issue.
If you earn alot of money it's time
to purchase a home or homes cash and in areas where the property taxes are not such a burden. Once the new tax structure is put in place you may find it isn't worth it to work so hard or earn so much.
You need only earn and work to the point of the next tax bracket. Possibly you and your wife can work
part-time or per diem or as consultants or one in the marriage
can stay home all together. Why
pay to the goverment. Makes no sense at all with what they spend our tax dollars on. Of course health care costs are the biggest concern but based on the news reports that is going to be affordable for all, so sign-up
work less and pay less taxes.
I predict the wealthiest will begin to withdraw spending more rapidly. They will stop producing and investing and the imagination in this country will run dry. The economy will weaken further. This democratic way of running the country historically will absolutely fail.
The voters who aimlessly voted for
this to happen don't even have a clue. They are waiting to see what
they're going to get. Hands are patiently outstretched.
Do you want to fill them up?
McNamara the Lesser--perfect name for this radical Marxist.
Is Catanzaro what you would call a "fat cat?"
Anonymous said...
Is Catanzaro what you would call a "fat cat?"
From the Houston Chronicle....
A proposal to hand out $3,000 to individuals who did not have good enough credit score to qualify for mortgages has been crossed off the Houston city council agenda.
The idea was to use the $3,000 to help individuals improve their credit score by a few points so they would qualify to buy a home.
Of course, it really does not matter that these individuals should not be buying a home in the first place.
The mayor got a bit embarrassed by all of the news coverage on Web sites like Drudge Report and nixed the idea before it got to council.
You can bet if liberals were able to do this on the sly, it would have gone through and taxpayers would be paying off credit card debts and car loans for folks with crappy credit scores so they can buy a house that they can not afford.
Communism-Socialism-Marxism-Fascism-Nazism are all on the left of the political spectrum. They all promote central planning. They all promote State control of all aspects of society including education, economics, health, trade, etc. Only differing slightly by how much and how fast they intend to implement that control. President Obama wants to create a society that represents his own view. No matter what you call it, His intention is to use the government to control segments of the population applying penalties to some and rewards to others in effort to design a preferred social structure.
President Obama’s mentors are Chomsky, Ayeres, Alinsky, Wright and Farrakhan. All people who despise America, capitalism, and the republic.
Anonymous said...
Communism-Socialism-Marxism-Fascism-Nazism are all on the left of the political spectrum. They all promote central planning. They all promote State control of all aspects of society including education, economics, health, trade, etc. Only differing slightly by how much and how fast they intend to implement that control. President Obama wants to create a society that represents his own view. No matter what you call it, His intention is to use the government to control segments of the population applying penalties to some and rewards to others in effort to design a preferred social structure.
President Obama’s mentors are Chomsky, Ayeres, Alinsky, Wright and Farrakhan. All people who despise America, capitalism, and the republic.
What is not reported in main street media news is the unveiling of Mr. Obama's agenda and his approach to governance. Every new President has a finite stock of capital -- financial and political -- to deploy, and amid recession Mr. Obama has more than most.
But one negative revelation has been the way Obama has chosen to spend his scarce resources on income transfers rather than growth promotion.
Most of Obama's "stimulus" spending was devoted to social programs, rather than public works, and nearly all of the tax cuts were devoted to income maintenance rather than to improving incentives to work or invest in U.S.A. economy.
Rooting for Obama's politics to fail, is not, and can not be construed as unpatriotic.
We are living in a Constitutional Democracy/Republic. Our strength and identity comes from the rule of law, not the worship of a leader - Mr. Obama.
Obama is wrecking the American economy, so as long as Obama's administration and the media can keep the ObamaBots focusing on Limbaugh, they aren't paying attention to Obama's policies causing job losses and depleting retirement accounts.
When Dems now say Rush Limbaugh is the de facto leader of the GOP, it's not because Limbaugh actually is, but because Dems want him to be.
President Bush is gone, so Dems need a new boogeyman to blame everything on. Now Rush Limbaugh is the Dems new boogeyman....
The Dems made a big mistake when they decided to take on Rush Limbaugh.
Now that he has challenged the President to a debate, Obama will just look weak by backing down. Because we know he is not going to attempt to actually debate Rush.
But we wish he would. Oh what fun that would be...
I Rush Limbaugh have an idea - President Obama. Why you should appear on Limbaugh talk radio program? We will do a one-on-one debate of ideas and policies. So let's have the debate!
I Rush Limbaugh am offering President Obama to come on Limbaugh program -- without staffers, without a teleprompter, without note cards -- to debate me on the issues.
Let's talk about free markets versus government control. Let's talk about nationalizing health care and raising taxes on small business. Let's talk? Let's debate?
Will Obama see to it that the descendants of the slaves freed by the Emancipation Proclamation get their 40 acres and a mule? I don't think that has ever been taken off the books.
Anonymous said...
Will Obama see to it that the descendants of the slaves freed by the Emancipation Proclamation get their 40 acres and a mule? I don't think that has ever been taken off the books.
NO, but maybe they will be invited to one of his Wednesday nigft parties at the White House where they party like its 1999 and serve $100 a pound Kobe steaks to all his party goers.
Top Washington DC Democrats strategists believe they have struck political gold by depicting Rush Limbaugh as the new face of the Republican Party, a full-scale effort first hatched by some of the most familiar names in Washington politics and now being guided in part from inside the Obama White House.
The strategy took shape after Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville included Limbaugh’s name in their polling and learned their longtime tormentor was deeply unpopular with some Americans, especially younger voters qnd college students.
While the conservative talk-radio host has emerged as critic of the Obama agenda, many of elector were showering Obama with praise for change and more change from the Bush adminstration policy?
Anonymous said...
Some of your blogsters seem to think Catanzero will be the candidate the Dems endorse to run for mayor in November. Even the dems aren't that stupid - they are probably just looking for a way to throw Catanzero under the bus. By the way, word has it that catanzero was on another "vacation trip" for HRA funded with public funds, i.e., HRA Funds. How about that one Phony Phil.
Back on track, about whose running for Mayor on the Dem ticket; word has it that it's none other than Pawlak. Lucian has made it known that he is interested in that position as well as Town Clerk and any other job. It is said that Town Clerk, Pete Denuzze is willing to step aside if lucian wants to run. Other Dems also want the Clerk's job. Also, Pawlak has been seen at the State LOB stalking
and talking with New Britain Ultra Liberal Politicos.
There are enough of us around to remember what a mess Lucian and his directors made of New Britain's financial situation. If the Dems want that brought to the fore they will be accommodated.
Tim "the waffler" O'Brien anyone? Another one who has never held a "real" job!
Pawlak has already been town clerk and mayor. He gave up the town clerk position to run for mayor, then lost his second term to Timothy Stewart,who is currently in his 3rd term. I doubt if Lucian would stand up to those odds. As for Tim O'Brian, he's tied in too deeply with the current New Britain Democrats...let him stay in Hartford.
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