Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin


Anonymous said...

At the rate that this guy is taking this country down the toilet, Governor Palin is probably going to have to start buying her own missiles to provide for the defense of her own state, especially since we have a president who promises to disarm this country and make us susceptible to foreign invasion.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palen is so right! Why decrease the budget on protecting our country? That should be top priority and when I think of all the stupid earmarks and all the money given to bail out the banks and auto companies it angers me to think that defending our country and standing up for our country is his last priority. Does Obama think that will make him more popular? It is so obvious that he thinks is is the world's salvation!! Right on Sarah Palen!!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Sarah Palin understands
that not everyone will "play nice" in the sandbox. Our current leadership has pie eyed ideals that
if your nice, others will be nice too.

Protect US borders.

Anonymous said...

I wish we had a governor like Sara here in Connecticut, although Jodi has almost as high an approval rating as Sara.

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