Saturday, April 4, 2009

Barack Obama: 'arrogant US has been dismissive' to allies - Telegraph

Barack Obama: 'arrogant US has been dismissive' to allies - Telegraph


Anonymous said...

President Obama does Town Hall meeting in France as he does in the U.S... He reads off his friendly teleprompter and then spends an hour answering 4-5 questions .

Anonymous said...

Obama does not know how to do anything that is not scripted. He does not have experience in presential politics or economy, let alone global politics and global economy to answer questions himself without teleprompters and scripted answers.

Obama could not take off the cuff questions from the French without his teleprompters...

Anonymous said...

This is the ultimate insult to America. To have the President running down his country as if we were nothing but garbage instead of expressing pride for his own country.

Anonymous said...

It is our fault that Mexicans are shooting themselves south of the border. For you see, if we did not have guns, they could not get guns. So banning guns in the United States will help to solve Mexico's drug problem.

What? Huh?

These pearls of wisdom came from our Secretary of State and were shared with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and just reinforced by Senator John Kerry (who really should just move to France).

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