Sunday, April 19, 2009



There have been interesting reactions from the public regarding NB Common Council scofflaws, Catanzaro, Centeno, Rocha and Collins. Perhaps none were more interesting than the comments from Alderman Phil Sherwood and those from the scofflaws themselves. Though he has no trouble criticizing Republicans with his hidebound comments, Sherwood was very understanding regarding his Democratic colleagues and refused to “judge” them. Remember, a couple of months ago, Sherwood was at the forefront of wanting to know about who had not paid taxes to the city. Then he abruptly put that issue aside and was victimized in my blog.

Alderwoman Collins could not be reached for comments while Rocha and Catanzaro expressed remorse for their actions with a promise to make everything right. Such “noblesse oblige”; I’m impressed!

On the other hand, the responses from the Centeno s were not so impressive, most of them centering on the ” …none of your business…” category. I agree that personal, familial financial arrangements are none of the public’s business. In this case however the public needs to know if public officials, in this case, Common Council members and their immediate families are doing what they expect others to do, namely, pay their taxes. Both Centeno and his wife work for the NB School Dept.

Common Council members are the city’s local legislators; they should uphold the ordinances that they create, the same behavior they expect from all NB citizens. We should not have to wait for them to pay their taxes.

Frank Smith


A> Taxpayer said...

I suggest that the rest of us withhold our taxes and tell the tax collector it is none of her business why we haven't paid.

Betty Boop said...

If the Council members get paid for their service, can the city take the amount of taxes owed from their pay? I believe it's called "garnishment".

tired of the BS said...

Good point Betty Boop. That is probably the only way you will get this group of misfit deadbeats to pay their debt to the city.

Anonymous said...

just an idea wrote on Apr 19, 2009 9:31 PM:
" Maybe they should make Frank Smith the tax collector. He is doing a good job getting the delinquent aldermen to pay their taxes, so imagine what he could do with the rest of us! "

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell that woman that said it is none of our business whether her husband pays his taxes, that we will all remember that snide remark on election day. WHAT ARROGANCE!

Anonymous said...


The time is here for Spazeboy to step up to the plate and up date The WALL of SHAME with photos of four NB Aldermen - Paul Catanzaro, Tonilynn Collins, Roy Centeno and Lori Rocha on the Wall of Shame.

For the record, Mr. Beau Anderson a.k.a. Spazeboy plus Beau’s Blog is a resident of New Britain - also associated with Phil Sherwood’s outfit the Connecticut Citizens Action Group (CCAG) based in Hartford CT.

Anonymous said...

CCAG Hires Local Blogger as Online Organizer.

HARTFORD, CT May 30, 2008 -- Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) announced today the hiring of Beau Anderson--a local political blogger better known as Spazeboy--as the group's online organizer. In addition to establishing a blog for CCAG and Health Care for All (HCFA), Anderson will be conducting online outreach and research on improving access to health care and ending the war in Iraq.

Beau Anderson is a resident of New Britain and a 2007 graduate of Tunxis Community College, where he earned an AS in General Studies and a Certificate in Communication. He is currently an undergraduate at Wesleyan University and expects to graduate in 2009 with a BA in Government.comma

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

At least six current or proposed members of Obama's Cabinet - some of whom sreve yet - were caught not paying their taxes that in some cases amounted to over hundreds of thousands of dollars. If and when they did pay, no penalties were assessed - politicians get special treatment.

When Frank Smith exposed four NB Common Council Democrats for being tax delinquents and the Herald picked up on the problem, these Democrats and their allies did what they usually do, namely, blamed the Herald and the
Republicans for an election year trick/gimmick.
One of the delinquents when questioned about why by the Herald said, "'s none of [anybody's] business..." I hope voters remember this in November.

Frank Smith forgot to mention that some elected Democratic office holders pay no taxes and some pay only personal property taxes.

Perhaps they shouldn't be removed from office but, let's not reelect them.

Anonymous said...

When Frank Smith exposed four NB Common Council Democrats for being tax delinquents and the Herald picked up on the problem, these Democrats and their allies did what they usually do, namely, blamed the Herald and the
Republicans for an election year trick/gimmick.
One of the delinquents when questioned about why by the Herald said, "'s none of [anybody's] business..." I hope voters remember this in November.


The Lone Ranger said...

Its time to remove these people who think they are above the law.
Come November we should give Stewart a group of republicans who can restore our great City as any successful business person who makes the bottom line work.


I am sure Frank Smith will be there to tell us if these deadbeats don't pay up--even if it really is none of our business as at least one of them seems to believe.

just a voter said...

The Lone Ranger said...

Its time to remove these people who think they are above the law.

I believe there are 13 of them who have demonstrated that they feel they are above the law, so all 13 should go!

Anonymous said...

especially that one who says it is no one's business if he pays his taxes or not!

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