The liberal loons on the council will no doubt blame the mayor for the layoffs when it is their tax and spend give the unions whatever they want attitude that is really to blame.
1186 Union President Jim Amato was told categorically that layoffs would be certain if concessions were not agreed to by the unions. To avoid property tax and other tax increases, The city cannot afford to offer salary increases at this time. Yet, as a previous anonymous blogger has said, the NB Council Democrats voted for the contract. Their tactic is to blame this fiasco on the Mayor by saying he is a bad negotiator - imagine what would happen to property taxes if a union sycophant were elected mayor next November.
Let's see what happens when the layoffs occur. The weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be loud and clear.
Does the union really think the public is going to care if they get laid off? That was discussed on here a few months back, and the general consensus was "lay them all off" and most of the sentiment was in the theory of "no one will even miss them."
I find it amusing that the unions think that the public is going to form some massive protest because they are upset over some union employees getting the boot.
The common opinion among the public is that the union is a bunch of lazy, overpaid, under worked slobs, so don't hold your breath waiting for the huge outcry.
As a union member they suck alot of people didnt even know about the meeting because they did not recieve a notice. They are not worried about lay offs they want there money. How many of the officers even live in the city Frank? Do they feel the hits like some off us do? Are they going to take care of the union members that end up losing there jobs I think not they will be forgotten. At least Mayor Stewart is trying to hold the Taxes the Dems are going to raise them heard that from one of the counsils mouths
The liberal loons on the council will no doubt blame the mayor for the layoffs when it is their tax and spend give the unions whatever they want attitude that is really to blame.
Way to go, Dumbocrats!
"Worst economy since the Great Depression" .... Pres. Obama
13 of the 15 aldermen vote FOR RAISES? Give the unions what they want ALWAYS..regardless of the economy?
What about us? Give backs is not a four letter word.
Anonymous said...
1186 Union President Jim Amato was told categorically that layoffs would be certain if concessions were not agreed to by the unions. To avoid property tax and other tax increases, The city cannot afford to offer salary increases at this time. Yet, as a previous anonymous blogger has said, the NB Council Democrats voted for the contract. Their tactic is to blame this fiasco on the Mayor by saying he is a bad negotiator - imagine what would happen to property taxes if a union sycophant were elected mayor next November.
Let's see what happens when the layoffs occur.
The weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be loud and clear.
Does the union really think the public is going to care if they get laid off? That was discussed on here a few months back, and the general consensus was "lay them all off" and most of the sentiment was in the theory of "no one will even miss them."
I find it amusing that the unions think that the public is going to form some massive protest because they are upset over some union employees getting the boot.
The common opinion among the public is that the union is a bunch of lazy, overpaid, under worked slobs, so don't hold your breath waiting for the huge outcry.
Maybe the council simply intends to raise taxes to pay for the raises for everyone? Why not, especially since they don't pay taxes themselves?
who would miss even one city employee if they laid them all off?
why would they think anyone would care?
As a union member they suck alot of people didnt even know about the meeting because they did not recieve a notice. They are not worried about lay offs they want there money. How many of the officers even live in the city Frank? Do they feel the hits like some off us do? Are they going to take care of the union members that end up losing there jobs I think not they will be forgotten. At least Mayor Stewart is trying to hold the Taxes the Dems are going to raise them heard that from one of the counsils mouths
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