2/8/09 EPI Op-Ed: Stimulus bill funds ACORN despite its history of corruption.
How Rotten
Learn the Truth
Click here to read our report on ACORN
According to the law, registered voters must sign, print their name and list their address on petitions calling for a ballot initiative. It doesn't take a handwriting expert to see that many of these were filled out by the same person. (Also, see pages 30-42 and take note of the signatures — a bit odd to sign your last name first, isn't it.)
ACORN Is A Bad Seed
Something’s rotten in the state of New Mexico, and Ohio, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Florida, and…
ACORN says it is a community group, but it is really a multi-million-dollar, multinational conglomerate. Its political agenda is driven by a relative handful of anti-corporate activists. ACORN spends millions of dollars to promote economic policies (like raising the minimum wage), but has admitted that it doesn't always want to abide by them. ACORN advocates for workers' rights and runs two unions, but has in the past fought its own employees' efforts to form a union.
ACORN's history makes for pretty interesting reading. The Clinton Administration found that ACORN was misspending government grants designed to help counsel the poor. Although it seeks minimum wage increases in cities and states across the country -- ACORN sued the state of California to get out of paying its own employees the state minimum wage.
ACORN's practices have corrupted our political process as well. It has engaged in questionable election activities for years—stretching back even to the organization's founding years in Arkansas. In recent years, as its political power has increased, so have instances of fraud.
In the past few years, it has been investigated for election fraud in at least a dozen states. Want examples?
In Florida, ACORN employees filed a false voter registration form for 68-year-old former St. Petersburg Democratic mayor Charles Schuh – amazingly, they registered him as a 30-year-old Republican woman. In Ohio, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group. In Colorado, two ex-ACORN employees were convicted of turning in false registrations. The list goes on.
Just last year, in an effort to put a wage initiative on the ballot in Albuquerque, New Mexico, ACORN employee's forged thousands of fraudulent signatures. The group is involved in initiative efforts in a half-dozen states this year. How many thousands of signatures will they forge to forward their agenda?
It's time to send a message to ACORN. It is time to end the corruption.
Employment Policies Institute
1090 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
maybe we could get phony Phil Sherwack to tell us how rotten ACORN really is?
Has Acorn been caught in the act of forging names? Has anyone in Acorn been prosecuted for their actions?
2/8/09 EPI Op-Ed: Stimulus bill funds ACORN despite its history of corruption.
How Rotten
Learn the Truth
Click here to read our report on ACORN
According to the law, registered voters must sign, print their name and list their address on petitions calling for a ballot initiative. It doesn't take a handwriting expert to see that many of these were filled out by the same person. (Also, see pages 30-42 and take note of the signatures — a bit odd to sign your last name first, isn't it.)
ACORN Is A Bad Seed
Something’s rotten in the state of New Mexico, and Ohio, and Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Florida, and…
ACORN says it is a community group, but it is really a multi-million-dollar, multinational conglomerate. Its political agenda is driven by a relative handful of anti-corporate activists. ACORN spends millions of dollars to promote economic policies (like raising the minimum wage), but has admitted that it doesn't always want to abide by them. ACORN advocates for workers' rights and runs two unions, but has in the past fought its own employees' efforts to form a union.
ACORN's history makes for pretty interesting reading. The Clinton Administration found that ACORN was misspending government grants designed to help counsel the poor. Although it seeks minimum wage increases in cities and states across the country -- ACORN sued the state of California to get out of paying its own employees the state minimum wage.
ACORN's practices have corrupted our political process as well. It has engaged in questionable election activities for years—stretching back even to the organization's founding years in Arkansas. In recent years, as its political power has increased, so have instances of fraud.
In the past few years, it has been investigated for election fraud in at least a dozen states. Want examples?
In Florida, ACORN employees filed a false voter registration form for 68-year-old former St. Petersburg Democratic mayor Charles Schuh – amazingly, they registered him as a 30-year-old Republican woman. In Ohio, ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote submitted registration cards that had the highest rate of errors for any voter registration group. In Colorado, two ex-ACORN employees were convicted of turning in false registrations. The list goes on.
Just last year, in an effort to put a wage initiative on the ballot in Albuquerque, New Mexico, ACORN employee's forged thousands of fraudulent signatures. The group is involved in initiative efforts in a half-dozen states this year. How many thousands of signatures will they forge to forward their agenda?
It's time to send a message to ACORN. It is time to end the corruption.
Employment Policies Institute
1090 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
The saddest part of this entire story is that these people are doing this with our own money. Where is the public outcry about our tax dollars being used for this nonsense?
Glen Beck had a national spokesman for ACORN on his show tonight, and he used the old Democratic tactic of talking right over the host to avoid answering any serious questions. They guy was so bad, that Beck finally had to tell his producer to turn off the yoyo's microphone just so Beck could talk.
This is one of their basic bully tactics that I have seen a number of Democrats use on Hannity's show as well. To avoid being asked any questions, they just keep spewing their liberal B.S. right over the host, so nothing ever gets accomplished.
This is change we can believe in!
Phony Phil Sherwack doesn't think ACORN is rotten.
He lives by their philosophy.
so that makes phony Phil rotten then, doesn't it?
A January 8, 2008 statement issued by self proclaimed ethics czar Phil Sherwood:
"With all the corruption in CT over the last decade, we believe the state must act this session to limit taxpayer's exposure to potentially corrupt acts," stated Phil Sherwood, Legislative Director of CCAG.
OBVIOUSLY, Mr. Sherwood needs to take a close look at his own board of alderman if he wants to find corrupt practices.
Connecticut Citizens Action Group Deputy Director Phil Sherwood.
To this end CCAG, Acorn, and the Working Families Party are asking people to call 1-800-473-6711 and let Congress know that the bailout should include a number of reforms to protect American public.
Phil Sherwood works hard to deny any involvement with ACORN, but a simple internet search reveals numerous listings that include his name and ACORN within the same article.
They do judge you by the company you keep, Mr. Sherwood.
ACORN has been pulling this Voter Registration Political Crap for a long time, not just the last 2008 election cycle.
It is time for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to call for investigations. Not only for the Acorn voter's registration issues, but also for violation of the rules that say - not for profit organizations must stay out of politics or lose their tax exempt status.
ACORN rallies in state of Illinois were Obama campaign rallies, and the tapes of ACORN leaders telling their members that they must vote for Obama should be the first item entered into evidence.
ACORN should be stripped of their tax exempt status if an investigation determines they have acted as a political organization.
The billions of reward dollars that the democrat congress and Obama earmarked for ACORN should be frozen pending the outcome of the on-going investigations.
Don't hold your breath waiting for Pelosi and Reid to ask for an investigation. After all, Pelosi, the drafter of the bail out package, made damn sure that funding would go to this criminal Acorn group.
If anything Pelosi and Reid will ask for more funding to go to ACORN, because they don't want to disenfranchise their dead non-living democrat voters now do they?
Please stop picking on these rotten innocent Acorn Phil Sherwood's Community Organizers here in New Britain.
Mr. Obama is the Oak that has grown from the little Acorns. Lots of other little Acorns are now falling from the Great Obama Oak all-over the U.S.A. - and will soon be taking over your New Britain neighborhood and turning it into a very shady site.
Although we agree with almost all the ACORN Comments on how rotten ACORN is.
Why is this a surprise to some, Odumbo was part of Acorn, Odumbo was part of Chicago politics. Chicago politics are corrupt.
Odumbo is corrupt, Acorn is corrupt. So, why does a story that shows their corruption surprise anyone?
A ssociation of
C ommunity
O rganizers developed to
R uin a once great
N ation .
awe, they are picking on poor phony phil!
phony Phill gonna get mad and pick up his acorns and run home.
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