New Britain’s Budget Hearing will be held at the New Britain High School Auditorium this Thursday evening at 6:30 PM.
Please support “NO TAX INCREASE”
If the voters of New Britain continue to vote the wacky democrats into office and have our taxes go thru the roof then the landlords should double their tenants rent to break even. Renters vote for Tim Stewart and his team to keep our taxes and your rent low.
"If the voters of New Britain continue to vote the wacky democrats into office and have our taxes go thru the roof then the landlords should double their tenants rent to break even. Renters vote for Tim Stewart and his team to keep our taxes and your rent low."
Looks like the Mayor has locked up the rent gouging, slumlord vote again
How many people are aware that the Dems on the council are planning to ram through huge property tax increases to fund things like big pay raises for board of ed employees??????
No one will pay attention until they get their new tax bill reflecting the big increases, and then it will be too late.
Interesting proposition, isn't it? Tax increases being proposed by aldermen who don't pay their own taxes, but want the rest of us to pay more, so they can give more away.
To the person who thinks "slumlords" are the supporters of the Mayor, why don't you own some property if there's so much money to be made in doing so??? Try actually being an owner, and see what a wonderful experience it is to see 98% of the money go to taxes, insurance, interest, and mortgage insurance (MPI). Then don't forget, every time a tentant breaks a window, a refrigerator, a stove, a door or plumbing fixtures, and expects them to be magically repaired. And what about real money, roofing, siding, furnaces, electrical, woodwork??? You have NO CONCEPT what is involved in owning a renatal property, nor do you realize that 98% of the money taken in from rent is spent before it even comes in on fees. If the true cost of ownership was reflected, rents would go up, nevermind the costs PLUS some proffit. Oh, I forgot, in today's world, proffit is a swear word - when you're not the one who has even worked for it!!!!
What alderman, with even half a brain, would propose huge increases in taxes during an election year, especially when almost half the Democratic aldermen didn't even pay their taxes?
I guess they really believe the rest of us are stupid enough to return them for two more years to do even more damage.
Little Mac, the lesser one, sent this message to all of his party leaders:
City Budget Hearing Thursday At High School
A public hearing on the 2010 municipal budget will be held at New Britain High School, Mill Street, Thursday, May 14th beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Stewart's February budget message, containing no specific cuts and based on Governor Rell's out of balance state budget that includes lower amounts of municipal aid, calls for layoffs and a 5 percent across the board reduction to city services. There has been minimal information coming out of City Hall on where the cuts will fall and how the administration proposes to pay for it. Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara chided Stewart for not providing sufficient details in his February budget message to the Common Council. "The Mayor's proposal contains unsubstantiated revenue estimates that makes his no tax increase pledge ring hollow. He is not leveling with the taxpayers in what he has said so far." Added McNamara: "If the Mayor is intent on layoffs of rank and file, direct service employees and cutting services he should take the lead and refuse any increase in his salary and perks which will be approaching $120,000 a year. "
As noted here last month, the budget planning of the the Mayor and Council is made more difficult because of the uncertainty on what actual state aid amounts will be. Governor Rell has not yet come to the table for serious negotiations with legislative leaders. Both the state and city face June deadlines to set budgets for the year that begins July 1st. The state faces a multi-billion dollar deficit that will require a combination of cuts, tax or revenue increases and use of federal stimulus funds.
I for one am getting really tired of these liberals having nothing to offer, except for demonizing the Republican leadership that is in power. Instead of offering real suggestions during these hard times, all this guy does is run down the most popular governor in Connecticut history (most popular in the nation until Governor Sara Palin of Alaska took that title), and clearly one of the most popular mayors New Britain has ever seen. The mayor has proposed a responsible budget that avoids tax increases, and these left wing loons are unhappy because the mayor's budget doesn't allow them to pass their massive tax increases to reward their union buddies with enormous raises at taxpayer expense. Huge raises for board of education employees while the rest of the city is facing job loss or foreclosure? The mayor has done a fabulous job of running this city responsibly and has avoided layoffs and tax increases at a time when every city in Connecticut that is run by Democrats is facing huge tax increases, and massive layoffs. These nut jobs won't be happy until the working class has to turn over their entire check to the government to fund the FREE stuff they love to give away to people who don't work or pay a dime in taxes--4 of which are city aldermen!
If Mr. McNamara cared about this city, he would start by getting his Democratic aldermen and Democratic city commissioners to pay their taxes and the huge penalties they owe for their delinquencies, instead of pushing for more taxes on the backs of the working class taxpayers.
If you don't want these aldermen to jack up your taxes to fund their socialist agenda, then show up at the high school and tell them you have had enough, or you can stay home and get ready to pay through the nose!
Time to get our local spending in line. With current job losses, as well as the age demographics of our city and last years reval, homeowners can no longer continue to support anything other than the basic necessities. That goes both for the City and Education side of the budget. We need to get our house in order for the future, as our economy will get worse before it gets better. If the Democratic majority on the Council raises taxes, I say, re-elect Tim STEWART and give him a Republican Majority on the Council in the upcoming election.
It is getting more difficult to take the Democrats on the council seriously, when it's leader (Michael Trueworthy) reportedly has health issues which he presumably takes medication which negatively affects both his judgement and behavior, which is important when he has the important position of "leading" the Council meetings. This may also explain his antagonistic attitude towards the Mayor and Lou Salvio at the council meetings. He should step down as majority leader before his impending breakdown.
The Herald reported: In a long and at times erratic diatribe against Stewart in a telephone interview, Trueworthy asserted that it was unfair of the mayor to tell department heads to reduce their budgets by 5 percent, without telling them what they needed to cut to achieve that goal. There should have been extensive conversations between the mayor and the department heads first.
My questions is: Are you for real Mr. Trueworthy???
Obviously, Mr. Trueworthy has never run a business or anything else for that matter. The Mayor has demonstrated true leadership by delegating the decisions as to what to cut from their budgets to the department heads who are being paid large salaries to run their own departments and know best what they can afford to do without. If the mayor has to micromanage each department, then what do we need each department head for? We could eliminate all their jobs, and let the mayor just run each department himself. It appears that Ttrueworthy is just upset because the mayor expected these leaders to do the job they are already being paid for--to manage their department. I am sure if the department heads had any questions regarding what to cut, the mayor would have entertained questions from his staff. He has always maintained an open door policy from his staff, so why would this issue be any different? The story I get from the loose ramblings of this so-called council leader is just that Trueworthy is mad that there are any cuts being proposed, and not the massive increases that the Democrats usually support to allow them to grow the size of government. Maybe if the Democrats on the council had to pay their taxes, they would understand that this is not the time to be ramming through huge tax increases. Boy, do we need change.
Imagine the outrage we would hear from the council if this were a Republican?
Democratic Alderwoman Shirley Black said Trueworthy has changed in the last year, going from a very eloquent and clear speaker to someone who rambles disjointedly.
“I think it’s something we’ve all noticed,” Black said during a telephone interview Tuesday. “He was very focused and punctual, but seems more confused now. He’s also late to meetings now when he was always on time in the past.”
Democratic Alderwoman Shirley Black is the only Democrat bold enough to say that she supports the Republican proposal of Mark Bernacki and Lou Salvio, i.e., Common Council members should participate in the Mayor's 5% reduction request by giving back 5% of their stipends. Thank you, Alderwoman Black!
As private tax paying citizens, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to go to the Budget Hearing on Thursday, May 14 at 6:30, and let the Council know that we can't afford more taxes. We have to remind them that they are there to represent us, rather than have taxation without representation. Encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to attend the budget hearing.
It would be extremely presumptuous of the Mayor to tell the Department Heads where to make cuts in their budget. Who knows best where the department can most afford to make the cuts, then the department heads themselves? That is why they are called Department Heads! DUH!!!
If you don't go to the Budget Hearing on Thursday night, then don't complain when you open your next tax bill and see the massive tax increase that the council wants to shove down your throat!
The Common Council passes a 6% wage increase for the 1186 union and they expect our taxes to go down?
Are you guys for real? Taxpayers with REAL jobs endure layoffs, job consolidation, cuts in pay, cuts in benefits just to pay government union workers raises through our property taxes?
Come on already! Give us a break.
Alderman Truworthy calls the Mayor a coward for proposing a 5% cut in spending yet he votes for a UNION contract giving his political union contributors and union "volunteers" a 6% raise in a depressed economy?
Trueworthy is just your rank and file socialist. The unions that support the Democratic party and their liberal left wing agenda get everything, and the rest of us get the bill to pay.
Wake up New Britain, before it is too late. Speak out tonight at the budget hearing. Tell them all you want tax cuts, not increases to fund raises for party insiders.
Democratic voters of New Britain should wake up! Common Council Democrats do not now nor will they ever care about the citizens and taxpayers of the City. At least four of them have shown that because they either pay no taxes or don't pay the ones they owe. Now they give away a lucrative contract to a local municipal union. The city unions in general have given nothing back - yes, Mayor Stewart has asked for concessions. In essence the unions thumbed their noses at NB taxpayers. Democrats are notoriously pro union because that's where they get most of their votes and contributions.
NB Council Democrats are interested in only two things, thwarting positive proposals of the Mayor and getting reelected. They exploit the low and moderate income people many of who are our minorities and who make up most of their voting base. To that end there is no limit to how low they will stoop to achieve their goals - again, they simply use people. If the Democrats keep spending your money foolishly, don't moan when your taxes go up.
Just returned from the budget hearing. About 20 residents showed up. Most were members of the CPOA who never miss a beat. Younger concerned residents should start paying more attention. One speaker spoke on the subject of apathy amongst taxpayers but that spans to our political leaders and to city employees. The mayor has proposed a 5% across the board reduction from all departments. Some complain that he should be more directive to his department heads on how to make these cuts? I personally think that each manager if doing his/her job effectively would have the best knowledge of where to cut and might be able to cut more than 5%. If they aren't up to the task than they should resign their position.
Mayor Stewart understands the residents of NB cannot withstand a tax increase. Now if the council can work towards the same goal and maybe even expand on the cuts we will all be very appreciative come July and then again in November.
If the voters of New Britain continue to vote the wacky democrats into office and have our taxes go thru the roof then the landlords should double their tenants rent to break even. Renters vote for Tim Stewart and his team to keep our taxes and your rent low.
Tell the looney toons Dumbocrats on the council to stop playing their childish games and pass the Mayor's responsible budget!
"If the voters of New Britain continue to vote the wacky democrats into office and have our taxes go thru the roof then the landlords should double their tenants rent to break even. Renters vote for Tim Stewart and his team to keep our taxes and your rent low."
Looks like the Mayor has locked up the rent gouging, slumlord vote again
How many people are aware that the Dems on the council are planning to ram through huge property tax increases to fund things like big pay raises for board of ed employees??????
No one will pay attention until they get their new tax bill reflecting the big increases, and then it will be too late.
Either that, start looking at putting independents in City hall and start voting independent.
Interesting proposition, isn't it? Tax increases being proposed by aldermen who don't pay their own taxes, but want the rest of us to pay more, so they can give more away.
New Britain Taxpayers Please Support
At The Budget Hearing.
Please support
To the person who thinks "slumlords" are the supporters of the Mayor, why don't you own some property if there's so much money to be made in doing so???
Try actually being an owner, and see what a wonderful experience it is to see 98% of the money go to taxes, insurance, interest, and mortgage insurance (MPI). Then don't forget, every time a tentant breaks a window, a refrigerator, a stove, a door or plumbing fixtures, and expects them to be magically repaired. And what about real money, roofing, siding, furnaces, electrical, woodwork??? You have NO CONCEPT what is involved in owning a renatal property, nor do you realize that 98% of the money taken in from rent is spent before it even comes in on fees. If the true cost of ownership was reflected, rents would go up, nevermind the costs PLUS some proffit. Oh, I forgot, in today's world, proffit is a swear word - when you're not the one who has even worked for it!!!!
What alderman, with even half a brain, would propose huge increases in taxes during an election year, especially when almost half the Democratic aldermen didn't even pay their taxes?
I guess they really believe the rest of us are stupid enough to return them for two more years to do even more damage.
Little Mac, the lesser one, sent this message to all of his party leaders:
City Budget Hearing Thursday At High School
A public hearing on the 2010 municipal budget will be held at New Britain High School, Mill Street, Thursday, May 14th beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Stewart's February budget message, containing no specific cuts and based on Governor Rell's out of balance state budget that includes lower amounts of municipal aid, calls for layoffs and a 5 percent across the board reduction to city services. There has been minimal information coming out of City Hall on where the cuts will fall and how the administration proposes to pay for it. Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara chided Stewart for not providing sufficient details in his February budget message to the Common Council. "The Mayor's proposal contains unsubstantiated revenue estimates that makes his no tax increase pledge ring hollow. He is not leveling with the taxpayers in what he has said so far." Added McNamara: "If the Mayor is intent on layoffs of rank and file, direct service employees and cutting services he should take the lead and refuse any increase in his salary and perks which will be approaching $120,000 a year. "
As noted here last month, the budget planning of the the Mayor and Council is made more difficult because of the uncertainty on what actual state aid amounts will be. Governor Rell has not yet come to the table for serious negotiations with legislative leaders. Both the state and city face June deadlines to set budgets for the year that begins July 1st. The state faces a multi-billion dollar deficit that will require a combination of cuts, tax or revenue increases and use of federal stimulus funds.
I for one am getting really tired of these liberals having nothing to offer, except for demonizing the Republican leadership that is in power. Instead of offering real suggestions during these hard times, all this guy does is run down the most popular governor in Connecticut history (most popular in the nation until Governor Sara Palin of Alaska took that title), and clearly one of the most popular mayors New Britain has ever seen. The mayor has proposed a responsible budget that avoids tax increases, and these left wing loons are unhappy because the mayor's budget doesn't allow them to pass their massive tax increases to reward their union buddies with enormous raises at taxpayer expense. Huge raises for board of education employees while the rest of the city is facing job loss or foreclosure? The mayor has done a fabulous job of running this city responsibly and has avoided layoffs and tax increases at a time when every city in Connecticut that is run by Democrats is facing huge tax increases, and massive layoffs. These nut jobs won't be happy until the working class has to turn over their entire check to the government to fund the FREE stuff they love to give away to people who don't work or pay a dime in taxes--4 of which are city aldermen!
If Mr. McNamara cared about this city, he would start by getting his Democratic aldermen and Democratic city commissioners to pay their taxes and the huge penalties they owe for their delinquencies, instead of pushing for more taxes on the backs of the working class taxpayers.
If you don't want these aldermen to jack up your taxes to fund their socialist agenda, then show up at the high school and tell them you have had enough, or you can stay home and get ready to pay through the nose!
Speak now, or forever lose your pay check!
Anonymous said...
Time to get our local spending in line. With current job losses, as well as the age demographics of our city and last years reval, homeowners can no longer continue to support anything other than the basic necessities. That goes both for the City and Education side of the budget. We need to get our house in order for the future, as our economy will get worse before it gets better. If the Democratic majority on the Council raises taxes, I say, re-elect Tim STEWART and give him a Republican Majority on the Council in the upcoming election.
How many of the aldermen don't even have to pay the tax increases because they don't even live in New Britain?
I think Berlin has much lower taxes which could be why one or more of the New Britain aldermen chooses to live there.
It is getting more difficult to take the Democrats on the council seriously, when it's leader (Michael Trueworthy) reportedly has health issues which he presumably takes medication which negatively affects both his judgement and behavior, which is important when he has the important position of "leading" the Council meetings. This may also explain his antagonistic attitude towards the Mayor and Lou Salvio at the council meetings. He should step down as majority leader before his impending breakdown.
The Herald reported:
In a long and at times erratic diatribe against Stewart in a telephone interview, Trueworthy asserted that it was unfair of the mayor to tell department heads to reduce their budgets by 5 percent, without telling them what they needed to cut to achieve that goal. There should have been extensive conversations between the mayor and the department heads first.
My questions is: Are you for real Mr. Trueworthy???
Obviously, Mr. Trueworthy has never run a business or anything else for that matter. The Mayor has demonstrated true leadership by delegating the decisions as to what to cut from their budgets to the department heads who are being paid large salaries to run their own departments and know best what they can afford to do without. If the mayor has to micromanage each department, then what do we need each department head for? We could eliminate all their jobs, and let the mayor just run each department himself. It appears that Ttrueworthy is just upset because the mayor expected these leaders to do the job they are already being paid for--to manage their department. I am sure if the department heads had any questions regarding what to cut, the mayor would have entertained questions from his staff. He has always maintained an open door policy from his staff, so why would this issue be any different? The story I get from the loose ramblings of this so-called council leader is just that Trueworthy is mad that there are any cuts being proposed, and not the massive increases that the Democrats usually support to allow them to grow the size of government. Maybe if the Democrats on the council had to pay their taxes, they would understand that this is not the time to be ramming through huge tax increases. Boy, do we need change.
Imagine the outrage we would hear from the council if this were a Republican?
Democratic Alderwoman Shirley Black said Trueworthy has changed in the last year, going from a very eloquent and clear speaker to someone who rambles disjointedly.
“I think it’s something we’ve all noticed,” Black said during a telephone interview Tuesday. “He was very focused and punctual, but seems more confused now. He’s also late to meetings now when he was always on time in the past.”
Democratic Alderwoman Shirley Black is the only Democrat bold enough to say that she supports the Republican proposal of Mark Bernacki and Lou Salvio, i.e., Common Council members should participate in the Mayor's 5% reduction request by giving back 5% of their stipends. Thank you, Alderwoman Black!
As private tax paying citizens, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to go to the Budget Hearing on Thursday, May 14 at 6:30, and let the Council know that we can't afford more taxes. We have to remind them that they are there to represent us, rather than have taxation without representation. Encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to attend the budget hearing.
It would be extremely presumptuous of the Mayor to tell the Department Heads where to make cuts in their budget. Who knows best where the department can most afford to make the cuts, then the department heads themselves? That is why they are called Department Heads! DUH!!!
If you don't go to the Budget Hearing on Thursday night, then don't complain when you open your next tax bill and see the massive tax increase that the council wants to shove down your throat!
The Common Council passes a 6% wage increase for the 1186 union and they expect our taxes to go down?
Are you guys for real? Taxpayers with REAL jobs endure layoffs, job consolidation, cuts in pay, cuts in benefits just to pay government union workers raises through our property taxes?
Come on already! Give us a break.
Alderman Truworthy calls the Mayor a coward for proposing a 5% cut in spending yet he votes for a UNION contract giving his political union contributors and union "volunteers"
a 6% raise in a depressed economy?
Who's the coward?
Trueworthy is just your rank and file socialist. The unions that support the Democratic party and their liberal left wing agenda get everything, and the rest of us get the bill to pay.
Wake up New Britain, before it is too late. Speak out tonight at the budget hearing. Tell them all you want tax cuts, not increases to fund raises for party insiders.
Anonymous said...
Democratic voters of New Britain should wake up! Common Council Democrats do not now nor will they ever care about the citizens and taxpayers of the City. At least four of them have shown that because they either pay no taxes or don't pay the ones they owe. Now they give away a lucrative contract to a local municipal union. The city unions in general have given nothing back - yes, Mayor Stewart has asked for concessions. In essence the unions thumbed their noses at NB taxpayers. Democrats are notoriously pro union because that's where they get most of their votes and contributions.
NB Council Democrats are interested in only two things, thwarting positive proposals of the Mayor and getting reelected. They exploit the low and moderate income people many of who are our minorities and who make up most of their voting base. To that end there is no limit to how low they will stoop to achieve their goals - again, they simply use people.
If the Democrats keep spending your money foolishly, don't moan when your taxes go up.
Maybe if deadbeats like Colonial Candelori paid their taxes, we wouldn't have a problem.
Just returned from the budget hearing. About 20 residents showed up. Most were members of the CPOA who never miss a beat. Younger concerned residents should
start paying more attention. One speaker spoke on the subject of apathy amongst taxpayers but that spans to our political leaders and
to city employees. The mayor has
proposed a 5% across the board reduction from all departments. Some complain that he should be more directive to his department heads on how to make these cuts?
I personally think that each manager if doing his/her job effectively would have the best knowledge of where to cut and might
be able to cut more than 5%. If they aren't up to the task than they should resign their position.
Mayor Stewart understands the residents of NB cannot withstand
a tax increase. Now if the council
can work towards the same goal and maybe even expand on the cuts we will all be very appreciative come
July and then again in November.
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