:( WOW what leadership. The Governor proposed her budget in January? The "leadership" including appropriations chair jumpin johnny g had FIVE MONTHS to work on this and still nothing? Why?
Only democrat crocodile tears. They can't make difficult decisions and only know one thing; SPEND OUR MONEY. Budget? Belt tightening? Priorities? Accountability? What's that they ask.
Wait. The re-election propaganda machine (unions and non-profits) will be thrown into high gear next year stating what excellent leaders we have. Right. Give away our hard earned money to keep dependency on government alive.
Businesses leaving in RECORD NUMBERS (4000 last quarter); jobs leaving; college aged kids leaving for greener pastures and all these guys and gals want is to RAISE TAXES, put calories on menus, outlaw plastic bags, and on and on.
Too bad that the mostly conservative Democrats in New Britain are not aware that they keep electing these left wing loonies instead of solid, Democratic representatives.
What does it take to wake up the good people or to get rid of big bad John on the DTC who keeps promoting his own kind which are out for themselves and not the public good?
What happened to the Democratic party being the party of the working man? Now it is the party that stands for taking all the money from the working man to support people who don't work and want to live free off the rest of us!
Name even one of the 13 council Democrats who ever held a real job, and I don't mean a government job or working for some social liberal organization that operates on government grants. Name one who ever held and actual job in the private sector???????
:( WOW what leadership. The Governor proposed her budget in January? The "leadership" including appropriations chair jumpin johnny g had FIVE MONTHS to work on this and still nothing? Why?
Only democrat crocodile tears. They can't make difficult decisions and only know one thing; SPEND OUR MONEY. Budget? Belt tightening? Priorities? Accountability? What's that they ask.
Wait. The re-election propaganda machine (unions and non-profits) will be thrown into high gear next year stating what excellent leaders we have. Right. Give away our hard earned money to keep dependency on government alive.
Businesses leaving in RECORD NUMBERS (4000 last quarter); jobs leaving; college aged kids leaving for greener pastures and all these guys and gals want is to RAISE TAXES, put calories on menus, outlaw plastic bags, and on and on.
What "leaders".
what leadership. The Democrats are mad because they didn't get to raise taxes by $3.5 billion to fund more socialist programs.
Sounds much like the lunatic fringe that is in power on our own city council!
Too bad that the mostly conservative Democrats in New Britain are not aware that they keep electing these left wing loonies instead of solid, Democratic representatives.
What does it take to wake up the good people or to get rid of big bad John on the DTC who keeps promoting his own kind which are out for themselves and not the public good?
What happened to the Democratic party being the party of the working man? Now it is the party that stands for taking all the money from the working man to support people who don't work and want to live free off the rest of us!
Name even one of the 13 council Democrats who ever held a real job, and I don't mean a government job or working for some social liberal organization that operates on government grants. Name one who ever held and actual job in the private sector???????
What happened to the Democratic party being the party of the working man?
You just figured this out??
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