The City New Britain of the Common Council as set its mill rate with no changes to last years rates of 34.98 mills with an reservation to revisit and amend the 60% increase being proposed by the Mattabassett district and the water departtment flow but mainly sewage rate increases which could result to an even lower mill rate for the city taxpayers. So they sent issue to the public works department for further review.
The Majority Leader Alderman Trueworhty expressed great concern by the majority of the council members expressing there concern over this drastic increase.
The corporation counsel said the council set the rate as is tonight and could revisit the rate with an amendment at some future date but prior to the end of June.
The Commission announced the entry of an order instituting administrative proceedings against William P. Candelori (Candelori)and the simultaneous acceptance of his offer of settlement. Candelori is a former associated person of Colonial Equities Corp., a broker-dealer previously registered with the Commission. The Order bars Candelori from association with any broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer, investment adviser or investment company.
The Commission found that on August 22 the Honorable T.F. Gilroy Dalyof the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut enjoined Candelori from further violations of certain registration and antifraud provisions of the securities laws. The complaint, filed on March 9 against Candelori and six others, alleges violations of several antifraud and securities registration provisions of the federal securities laws in connection with a fraudulent unregistered public offering by Colonial Realty Company of 1200 limited partnership units in the Colonial Constitution Limited Partnership during 1989 and 1990. Candelori consented to the injunctive order without admitting or denying the complaint's allegations. The administrative order against Candelori was also based on his prior criminal conviction. (ReI. 34-36170)
What I don't understand is if they are not going to raise taxes, where are they getting the funds for the 5% raise they just voted through for all city employees, and the 8% for all the board of ed employees including the teachers?
Are they going to borrow one of Obama's printing presses to fund these massive pay raises for all the unions?
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