Saturday, June 27, 2009

Congressman Requests Moment of Silence for Jobs Lost from Cap & Trade (Denied) | The FOX Nation


Anonymous said...

The person that the speaker referred to as "the gentleman from California " is most certainly NO! gentleman. He objected to the moment of silnce that Congressman Price requested because he and his likeminded colleaques do not care.

R.S.B. said...

Our legal residents better wake up to what this Administration and the Congress is doing and will do to this country. In the past 50 years of my life I have seen more and more government intrudsion, from both parties, into our every day lives. Little by little government will take over our lives, tax us until we have nothing left and make everyone dependent on the government. Wake up America and get these bums out of our government, vote them out regardless of how much you think your congressman is a great person, they are all on the public dole..

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