What wasn't mentioned was Republican Aldermen Salvio's and Bernacki's proposal to give back 5% of their aldermanic pay. The democrats eliminated this giveback.
Rush Limbaugh summed it up on his show today, explaining that when liberals don't like the truth they attack it and call it lies only because they don't like what the truth really is.
A perfect example is claiming that the doors to city hall were unlocked for a budget meeting when they were really locked.
Why don't we get a copy of the printout from the city hall security computer which logs what time the doors are locked and unlocked and see what the truth really is on that subject??? The liberals would still not believe it and probably claim that the computer is lying. Actually if it proved them right, they would have already used that information, so the fact that they are hiding it even seems to exemplify what the truth really is.
You will also never read in the liberal media about the proposal by the Republican Alderman to cut their own pay by 5% because the left wing government media will never report anything positive about Republicans.
That is why this blog is such an important format for getting the truth out to the people of New Britain.
In an effort to deflect criticism of their ongoing program to bankrupt the entire nation, the Democratic leadership has labeled Congressional Republicans as the "party of no." The Democrats would have been correct had they checked their spelling. It is not "no" that defines the Congressional Republicans but rather "know."
Let the guitar boy help the spelling-challenged Democrats understand what the bedrock of the Republican Party -- conservatives -- instinctively know.
We know that stimulating the economy and getting America growing again begins with tax cuts across the board, including payroll, corporate and individual taxes.
We know that prosperity can not be brought about by taxing, borrowing and spending trillions of dollars. We know that leveraging the future tax dollars of our children and grandchildren is immoral, unethical, and should be illegal.
Taking an objective/politically independent look at New Britain from outside city hall one can readily see that over the past five plus years under Mayor Tim Stewart, a great number of positive things have happened or are happening to bring the City out of the doldrums.
One might think that all involved (regardless of party affiliation) would rejoice in having played a part in making the decisions and casting the votes that allowed all this positive "stuff" to happen. It appears that such is not the case. Instead, there are those who would rather create pitfalls and be stumbling blocks along the road to progress. Yes, they would rather attempt to make, and see the Mayor fail. Sound ridiculous? It should but that is what I have observed over these past five plus years. Don't celebrate progress, instead, practice EVIL! Sorry, I just don't get it. Sacrifice positive actions for 71,000 citizens for the sake of petty, destructive partisan politics.
From the Bleachers: As Rush Limbaugh discussed on his show today, Liberals will never rejoice or celebrate any truth that they dislike, and they really, really dislike any truth that gives positive credit to Republicans. The more positive accomplishments our mayor makes, the more hateful and vicious these council Democrats and their fellow hatemongers will become. You should be accustomed to this fact by now, as I for one can not remember any one of them spewing anything but their normal hateful rhetoric. This could be one reason why the Democratic Party has lost 9% of their membership since January and continues to lose registered Democrats on a national level at record numbers. Because of this trend and for the first time in history, Independent voters now make up the majority of voters in the nation. Maybe we should just celebrate their hate mongering and just sit back and watch their party continue to self destruct from within.
Our cities and towns have a budget mess on their hands. Our country is in one huge mess thanks to both the public and private sectors. Now, I would bet we have had many more Presidents and Congress', Governors and Legislatures, Mayors/Town Managers and Councils that were Democratically controlled. Need I say more.
I am a regular reader on this blog. I am also proud to be a conservative republican. Last evening I had the priviledge to meet "Logan" a bright young man who is canvasing neighborhoods this summer speaking on behalf of the Working Families Party and seeking signatures for their proposed state budget. He had documentation explaining that corporate tax loopholes had GE and Webster Bank paying a corporate entity tax to the state of $250.00 per year? I have two LLC filings one is a small business and the other simply established to own a property. Each year on April 15th I send the state $500.00. The payment comes hard for me and this entity tax is one I call the "just because tax". It hurts small business owners. But to learn that somehow GE and Webster Bank were only levied this tax.... rather than higher corporate taxes really raises questions??? This young man was comparing the taxes to the cuts that Gov. Rell is proposing to balance the budget in the state. He had a long list of cuts that would effect groups that really pull at your heartstrings ie: learning disabled children,the mentally retarded, assistance to families in need as well as closing our local DMV office. I believe that our Govenor is making difficult decisions to create a leaner goverment including layoffs of state employees and cutbacks. However, I was intrigued to read the working families publication on the taxes that are not being paid by some of the really big guys? If anyone working within our state goverment has accurate information or can back up the Working Famlies Claims here at the Blog we would like to know?
The Council Democrats eliminated the republican aldermens proposal to give back 5% of their aldermanic pay because the democrats on the council are there for the stipend. It is not very much but they need the money and can't afford a cut.
Once again our aldermen have shown a knack for playing politics. Majority Trueworthy and his associates on the council have proven again that they seem to have no desire to objectively parse a budget.
Instead they seem to be, as Mr. Trueworthy proved with his infamous e-mail, to be playing gotcha!
Am I the only one who noticed that the common council members had several months to engage the citizens of New Britain with concerns that they had with the budget?
Mayor Stewart did his job. He presented a Budget to the council. The council should have done it’s job. Openly and publicly debate, amend and either pass or reject it.
Personally I am dismayed at the lack of professionalism on the council.
Must we, as citizens be subjected to partisan attacks every time someone questions the council majority?
Do we need to hear campaign pitches from the likely democratic candidates when we expect our democratic council members to be actually working on a compromise budget that addresses all citizens concerns?
I have railed and railed against the hard left turn that democrats in New Britain have let the Democratic Town Committee and its chairperson take the Party.
If you consider yourself a moderate democrat please help to take back the party before it’s to late.
If you gave a donation to the kid from the "Working Families Party", you might as well have given it to the Lib Dems directly, since they are one and the same. It's sorta like giving to A.C.O.R.N in 08', you should have given your money directly to the Obama campaign since they were/are one in the same.
OUR VIEW: Senior tax break makes sense for everyone
Friday, June 12, 2009 10:46 PM EDT
The New Britain Common Council has put aside $1 million to fund a senior tax-relief program that Mayor Timothy Stewart continues to oppose. It’s a stalemate that not only hurts the reputation of both sides, but it hurts seniors, too.
Democratic Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy was the impetus behind the proposal, calling it a way to help keep the most needy residents from losing their homes.
“Property tax relief is meant for all and not a select group,” Stewart countered.
We agree that homeowners in the city, regardless of age, would appreciate property tax relief and we have, in fact, urged state legislators to provide more funding for cities and towns. This year, however, they have no money to give.
But we also agree with Trueworthy that people who have lived their whole lives in one place, people who have worked and contributed to the city for decades, shouldn’t be forced out of their homes because they can’t afford to pay property taxes.
Many of the towns surrounding New Britain have recognized the need for senior property tax relief. Bristol, for example, offers a rebate for those whose incomes are a maximum of $30,500 for single persons and $37,300 for married couples. The maximum benefit is $700 for single persons and $900 for married couples.
For those who receive even less, Bristol offers a tax relief deferral program, under which qualifying income must not exceed $16,200 for single persons and $20,000 for married couples. The benefit is a 100 percent tax deferral after all state and local exemptions. For both programs, the applicant must be at least 65 years old.
Such programs benefit the city by keeping elders in their homes, stabilizing neighborhoods,
Moreover, the senior is less likely to be a naysayer to the needs of other residents in the city, is less likely, for example, to vote against all funding for education and city improvements, simply because they worry about rising property taxes.
Mayor Stewart is to be commended for his record of putting the brakes on property tax increases but with other expenses rising, those on fixed incomes still struggle. Isn’t it time for the city to give them a hand?
The key to a Taxpayers Court Case is paper trail of many Documents leading up to the Common Council Special Meeting on city budget conducted 06/05/09 and accepting three reports from...
...report from Administration, Finance and Law committee Chairman Tonilynn Collins.
...report from Consolidated Sub-Committee Chairman Paul Catanzaro.
...report from Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing Chairman Silvia Cruz.
We NB Taxpayers are collecting paper trail for our Lawyers Office Staff on these three stooges who neglect their Chairman assignments.
The Folks who post comments on your Blog need to be informed that special meetings of the Common Council are not opened to the general public and time and date of these special meetings varies as illustrate below:
Note: This April 27th meeting as posted is opened to the public.
The Legal Notices of April 27, 2009 refers to Public Hearing/Meeting of the Common Council and sub-committee of Administration, Finance and Law on 05/06/ 09 at 7:00pm.
The Legal Notice of June 3, 2009 states: The Common Council will hold a special meeting on 06/05/09 at 8:30pm.
The Legal Notice of June 4, 2009 states: The Common Council will hold a special meeting on 06/10/09 at 6:45pm.
The Legal Notice of June 4, 2009 states: The Standing Bonding Subcommittee of the Common Council Committee on Administration, Finance and Law will hold a special meeting on 06/10/09 at 6:30pm.
NOTE: These Legal Notices were posted on the City of New Britain Website:
I notice that they are working like crazy to prove that the notice was posted in that deeply hidden website, especially when it wasn't on the website that the council maintains for posting of council meetings. I am sure that the FOI Commission would find it very interesting that the council maintains a specific site designated for the posting of council meetings, and yet they didn't post this meeting on that site.
Instead of working so hard to show people that hidden meeting notice, imagine if they focused on explaining why the city hall doors were locked during the meeting?
The fact that:
1: The meeting was scheduled for 8:30PM (after the scheduled locking of the doors)--when the normal meeting time for the council is 7PM.
2: The Council Clerk, John Melechinsky, questioned how Frank Smith got into the building--clearly showing that at least Mr. Melechinsky expected that no uninvited members of the public would be allowed to attend the meeting due to the locked doors.
3: The meeting was NOT POSTED on the "scheduled council meetings" web site.
4: The meeting was NOT POSTED on the "press releases" page of the city web site.
5. The city council did not publish this meeting in the New Britain Herald when the established practice is to do so.
These 5 facts, when considered in collaboration of the meeting having been held behind locked doors as reported by TWO credible witnesses, should be more than sufficient for a trier of facts to conclude that the council did intend to exclude public members from attending this so-called "public meeting."
The main purpose of a trier of facts is to determine the truth, usually by weighing the evidence to determine who is telling the truth, and who isn't. In this case, it doesn't look good at all for the council, now does it?
A Section of The Freedom of Information Act of The State of Connecticut pertains to providing notice of a special meeting Section 1-225 (d),G.S. provides that notice of each special meeting of every public agency … shall be given not less than twenty-four hours prior to the time of such meeting by filing a notice of the time and place thereof in the office … of the clerk of such subdivision for any public agency of a political subdivision of the state.
The notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted.
Arts Commission Assessor Board of Ed Boards and Commissions Building Dept. Charter & City Ordinances Civil Service DMD Employment Opportunities EMS Finance Dept. Fire Dept. Health Dept. Human Rights LEGAL NOTICES M.E.D.A. Parking Parks & Rec. Persons w/ Disabilities Services Police Dept. Public Libraries Public Works Registrars of Voters Senior Center Tax Collector Town Clerk Veterans Water Dept Youth & Family Services
By selecting and clicking on the words Police Dept
The following information is displayed:
New Britain Police Department 125 Columbus Boulevard, New Britain, CT 06051 Tel: (860) 826-3000 Email Website This Page is Under Construction For police department information, please visit the New Britain Police Department Website
The Common Council meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in Council Chambers at City Hall, except in July, Aug, Nov and Dec. when there is a meeting only on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Public participation starts at 7:00pm.
The Common Council meeting immediately follows public participation.
Please note that meetings are subject to change. Verify meeting dates and locations with the Town Clerk's Office, located on the 1st Floor or at (860) 826-3344.
Frank Smith reported that in attendance at 8:30pm Special Meeting 06/05/09 were members of the Common Council and representatives from the finance department, city attorney’s office, municipal administrators, Paul Carver of the Board of Education, a member of the press and Frank Smith himself.
The Herald also discerned that while there was no newspaper posting of the meeting, there was adequate notice placed in the city clerk’s office.
The city is not required to take out a newspaper ad, simply post it publicly, said Gennaro Bizzarro, corporate counsel for the city.
The city was remiss in not complying with state statute Section 1-225 (d) in that the minutes of the special Meeting were not posted on City Website within 72 hours.
New Britain Police Department Computer Digital Technology.
The computer crimes unit at the NB Police Department was originally started as a way of having an in-house expert deal with the mounting number of computers that needed to be examined for evidence.
The unit and its work has grown over the years to include all types of digital technology including cameras, cell phones, digital storage devices and even GPS units which can track where a criminal recently traveled.
City of New Britain Police Department Website: http://www.newbritainpolice.org/
It is the mission of the New Britain Police Department to provide quality policing services that emphasize fairness, integrity, and professionalism, to protect lives and property and by using the community policing philosophy, to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods by partnering with citizens.
So contact the police department's Digital Forensics Unit...who cut the orders to chain the entrance to NB City Hall at the Common Council Special Meeting on June 6, 2009.
What wasn't mentioned was Republican Aldermen Salvio's and Bernacki's proposal to give back 5% of their aldermanic pay. The democrats eliminated this giveback.
Rush Limbaugh summed it up on his show today, explaining that when liberals don't like the truth they attack it and call it lies only because they don't like what the truth really is.
A perfect example is claiming that the doors to city hall were unlocked for a budget meeting when they were really locked.
Why don't we get a copy of the printout from the city hall security computer which logs what time the doors are locked and unlocked and see what the truth really is on that subject??? The liberals would still not believe it and probably claim that the computer is lying. Actually if it proved them right, they would have already used that information, so the fact that they are hiding it even seems to exemplify what the truth really is.
You will also never read in the liberal media about the proposal by the Republican Alderman to cut their own pay by 5% because the left wing government media will never report anything positive about Republicans.
That is why this blog is such an important format for getting the truth out to the people of New Britain.
In an effort to deflect criticism of their ongoing program to bankrupt the entire nation, the Democratic leadership has labeled Congressional Republicans as the "party of no." The Democrats would have been correct had they checked their spelling. It is not "no" that defines the Congressional Republicans but rather "know."
Let the guitar boy help the spelling-challenged Democrats understand what the bedrock of the Republican Party -- conservatives -- instinctively know.
We know that stimulating the economy and getting America growing again begins with tax cuts across the board, including payroll, corporate and individual taxes.
We know that prosperity can not be brought about by taxing, borrowing and spending trillions of dollars. We know that leveraging the future tax dollars of our children and grandchildren is immoral, unethical, and should be illegal.
Taking an objective/politically independent look at New Britain from outside city hall one can readily see that over the past five plus years under Mayor Tim Stewart, a great number of positive things have happened or are happening to bring the City out of the doldrums.
One might think that all involved (regardless of party affiliation) would rejoice in having played a part in making the decisions and casting the votes that allowed all this positive "stuff" to happen. It appears that such is not the case. Instead, there are those who would rather create pitfalls and be stumbling blocks along the road to progress. Yes, they would rather attempt to make, and see the Mayor fail. Sound ridiculous? It should but that is what I have observed over these past five plus years. Don't celebrate progress, instead, practice EVIL! Sorry, I just don't get it. Sacrifice positive actions for 71,000 citizens for the sake of petty, destructive partisan politics.
From the Bleachers: As Rush Limbaugh discussed on his show today, Liberals will never rejoice or celebrate any truth that they dislike, and they really, really dislike any truth that gives positive credit to Republicans. The more positive accomplishments our mayor makes, the more hateful and vicious these council Democrats and their fellow hatemongers will become. You should be accustomed to this fact by now, as I for one can not remember any one of them spewing anything but their normal hateful rhetoric. This could be one reason why the Democratic Party has lost 9% of their membership since January and continues to lose registered Democrats on a national level at record numbers. Because of this trend and for the first time in history, Independent voters now make up the majority of voters in the nation. Maybe we should just celebrate their hate mongering and just sit back and watch their party continue to self destruct from within.
Our cities and towns have a budget mess on their hands. Our country is in one huge mess thanks to both the public and private sectors. Now, I would bet we have had many more Presidents and Congress', Governors and Legislatures, Mayors/Town Managers and Councils that were Democratically controlled. Need I say more.
sounds like the council is running their own newspaper again
I am a regular reader on this blog. I am also proud to be a conservative republican. Last evening I had the priviledge to meet "Logan" a bright young man who
is canvasing neighborhoods this summer speaking on behalf of the Working Families Party and seeking
signatures for their proposed state budget. He had documentation
explaining that corporate tax loopholes had GE and Webster Bank paying a corporate entity tax to the state of $250.00 per year? I have two LLC filings one is a small business and the other simply
established to own a property. Each year on April 15th I send the state $500.00. The payment comes hard for me and this entity tax is
one I call the "just because tax". It hurts small business owners. But to learn that somehow GE and Webster Bank were only levied this
tax.... rather than higher corporate taxes really raises questions??? This young man was comparing the taxes to the cuts that Gov. Rell is proposing to balance the budget in the state. He
had a long list of cuts that would effect groups that really pull at your heartstrings ie: learning disabled children,the mentally retarded, assistance to families in need as well as closing our local DMV office. I believe that our Govenor is making difficult decisions to create a leaner goverment including layoffs of state employees and cutbacks. However, I was intrigued to read the working families publication on
the taxes that are not being paid by some of the really big guys? If anyone working within our state goverment has accurate information
or can back up the Working Famlies Claims here at the Blog we would like to know?
The Council Democrats eliminated the republican aldermens proposal to give back 5% of their aldermanic
pay because the democrats on the council are there for the stipend.
It is not very much but they need
the money and can't afford a cut.
Once again our aldermen have shown a knack for playing politics. Majority Trueworthy and his associates on the council have proven again that they seem to have no desire to objectively parse a budget.
Instead they seem to be, as Mr. Trueworthy proved with his infamous e-mail, to be playing gotcha!
Am I the only one who noticed that the common council members had several months to engage the citizens of New Britain with concerns that they had with the budget?
Mayor Stewart did his job. He presented a Budget to the council. The council should have done it’s job. Openly and publicly debate, amend and either pass or reject it.
Personally I am dismayed at the lack of professionalism on the council.
Must we, as citizens be subjected to partisan attacks every time someone questions the council majority?
Do we need to hear campaign pitches from the likely democratic candidates when we expect our democratic council members to be actually working on a compromise budget that addresses all citizens concerns?
I have railed and railed against the hard left turn that democrats in New Britain have let the Democratic Town Committee and its chairperson take the Party.
If you consider yourself a moderate democrat please help to take back the party before it’s to late.
If you gave a donation to the kid from the "Working Families Party", you might as well have given it to the Lib Dems directly, since they are one and the same. It's sorta like giving to A.C.O.R.N in 08', you should have given your money directly to the Obama campaign since they were/are one in the same.
Ya. that kid came to my door also. I closed the door before he got to ask me for money. I told him I thought Rell was doing a good job.
Isn't the working families party a front for a communist cell?
Republicans don't like Seniors??? From where I stand, they treat Seniors (including me) with utmost respect.
Regarding Working Families party...isn't Phil Sherwood an active proponent of Working Families party? That should tell us something!!
The Why Question?
Why is Alderman Gregory Gerratanna Vice-Chairman of committee on Administration, Finance and Law.
Why is Alderman Roy Centeno Vice-Chairman of committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing.
OUR VIEW: Senior tax break makes sense for everyone
Friday, June 12, 2009 10:46 PM EDT
The New Britain Common Council has put aside $1 million to fund a senior tax-relief program that Mayor Timothy Stewart continues to oppose. It’s a stalemate that not only hurts the reputation of both sides, but it hurts seniors, too.
Democratic Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy was the impetus behind the proposal, calling it a way to help keep the most needy residents from losing their homes.
“Property tax relief is meant for all and not a select group,” Stewart countered.
We agree that homeowners in the city, regardless of age, would appreciate property tax relief and we have, in fact, urged state legislators to provide more funding for cities and towns. This year, however, they have no money to give.
But we also agree with Trueworthy that people who have lived their whole lives in one place, people who have worked and contributed to the city for decades, shouldn’t be forced out of their homes because they can’t afford to pay property taxes.
Many of the towns surrounding New Britain have recognized the need for senior property tax relief. Bristol, for example, offers a rebate for those whose incomes are a maximum of $30,500 for single persons and $37,300 for married couples. The maximum benefit is $700 for single persons and $900 for married couples.
For those who receive even less, Bristol offers a tax relief deferral program, under which qualifying income must not exceed $16,200 for single persons and $20,000 for married couples. The benefit is a 100 percent tax deferral after all state and local exemptions. For both programs, the applicant must be at least 65 years old.
Such programs benefit the city by keeping elders in their homes, stabilizing neighborhoods,
Moreover, the senior is less likely to be a naysayer to the needs of other residents in the city, is less likely, for example, to vote against all funding for education and city improvements, simply because they worry about rising property taxes.
Mayor Stewart is to be commended for his record of putting the brakes on property tax increases but with other expenses rising, those on fixed incomes still struggle. Isn’t it time for the city to give them a hand?
URL: http://www.newbritainherald.com/articles/2009/06/12/opinion/doc4a3312e71810a672229286.prt
© 2009 newbritainherald.com, a Journal Register Property
The key to a Taxpayers Court Case is paper trail of many Documents leading up to the Common Council Special Meeting on city budget conducted 06/05/09 and accepting three reports from...
...report from Administration, Finance and Law committee Chairman Tonilynn Collins.
...report from Consolidated Sub-Committee Chairman Paul Catanzaro.
...report from Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing Chairman Silvia Cruz.
We NB Taxpayers are collecting paper trail for our Lawyers Office Staff on these three stooges who neglect their Chairman assignments.
Message to Frank Smith Says NB...
The Folks who post comments on your Blog need to be informed that special meetings of the Common Council are not opened to the general public and time and date of these special meetings varies as illustrate below:
Note: This April 27th meeting as posted is opened to the public.
The Legal Notices of April 27, 2009 refers to Public Hearing/Meeting of the Common Council and sub-committee of Administration, Finance and Law on 05/06/ 09 at 7:00pm.
The Legal Notice of June 3, 2009 states: The Common Council will hold a special meeting on 06/05/09 at 8:30pm.
The Legal Notice of June 4, 2009 states: The Common Council will hold a special meeting on 06/10/09 at 6:45pm.
The Legal Notice of June 4, 2009 states: The Standing Bonding Subcommittee of the Common Council Committee on Administration, Finance and Law will hold a special meeting on 06/10/09 at 6:30pm.
NOTE: These Legal Notices were posted on the City of New Britain Website:
1. - Click on Site Map
2. - Site Map – City Government
3.- Click on Legal Notices
I notice that they are working like crazy to prove that the notice was posted in that deeply hidden website, especially when it wasn't on the website that the council maintains for posting of council meetings. I am sure that the FOI Commission would find it very interesting that the council maintains a specific site designated for the posting of council meetings, and yet they didn't post this meeting on that site.
Instead of working so hard to show people that hidden meeting notice, imagine if they focused on explaining why the city hall doors were locked during the meeting?
The fact that:
1: The meeting was scheduled for 8:30PM (after the scheduled locking of the doors)--when the normal meeting time for the council is 7PM.
2: The Council Clerk, John Melechinsky, questioned how Frank Smith got into the building--clearly showing that at least Mr. Melechinsky expected that no uninvited members of the public would be allowed to attend the meeting due to the locked doors.
3: The meeting was NOT POSTED on the "scheduled council meetings" web site.
4: The meeting was NOT POSTED on the "press releases" page of the city web site.
5. The city council did not publish this meeting in the New Britain Herald when the established practice is to do so.
These 5 facts, when considered in collaboration of the meeting having been held behind locked doors as reported by TWO credible witnesses, should be more than sufficient for a trier of facts to conclude that the council did intend to exclude public members from attending this so-called "public meeting."
The main purpose of a trier of facts is to determine the truth, usually by weighing the evidence to determine who is telling the truth, and who isn't. In this case, it doesn't look good at all for the council, now does it?
You be the judge!
A Section of The Freedom of Information Act of The State of Connecticut pertains to providing notice of a special meeting Section 1-225 (d),G.S. provides
that notice of each special meeting of every public agency … shall be given not less than twenty-four hours prior to the time of such meeting by filing a notice of the time and place thereof in the office … of the clerk of such subdivision for any public agency of a political subdivision of the state.
The notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted.
The ABC’s of City Government…
Arts Commission
Board of Ed
Boards and Commissions
Building Dept.
Charter & City Ordinances
Civil Service
Employment Opportunities
Finance Dept.
Fire Dept.
Health Dept.
Human Rights
Parks & Rec.
Persons w/ Disabilities Services
Police Dept.
Public Libraries
Public Works
Registrars of Voters
Senior Center
Tax Collector
Town Clerk
Water Dept
Youth & Family Services
By selecting and clicking on the words Police Dept
The following information is displayed:
New Britain Police Department
125 Columbus Boulevard, New Britain, CT 06051
Tel: (860) 826-3000
Email Website
This Page is Under Construction
For police department information, please visit the New Britain Police Department Website
The Common Council meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in Council Chambers at City Hall, except in July, Aug, Nov and Dec. when there is a meeting only on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
Public participation starts at 7:00pm.
The Common Council meeting immediately follows public participation.
Please note that meetings are subject to change. Verify meeting dates and locations with the Town Clerk's Office, located on the 1st Floor or at (860) 826-3344.
Frank Smith reported that in attendance at 8:30pm Special Meeting 06/05/09 were members of the Common Council and representatives from the finance department, city attorney’s office, municipal administrators, Paul Carver of the Board of Education, a member of the press and Frank Smith himself.
The Herald also discerned that while there was no newspaper posting of the meeting, there was adequate notice placed in the city clerk’s office.
The city is not required to take out a newspaper ad, simply post it publicly, said Gennaro Bizzarro, corporate counsel for the city.
The city was remiss in not complying with state statute Section 1-225 (d) in that the minutes of the special Meeting were not posted on City Website within 72 hours.
The city is not required to take out a newspaper ad, simply post it publicly, said Gennaro Bizzarro, corporate counsel for the city.
Isn't that a strategy of the communist party? To meet behind closed doors?
How can it be a "public" meeting if the public is locked out?
New Britain Police Department Computer Digital Technology.
The computer crimes unit at the NB Police Department was originally started as a way of having an in-house expert deal with the mounting number of computers that needed to be examined for evidence.
The unit and its work has grown over the years to include all types of digital technology including cameras, cell phones, digital storage devices and even GPS units which can track where a criminal recently traveled.
City of New Britain Police Department Website:
It is the mission of the New Britain Police Department to provide quality policing services that emphasize fairness, integrity, and professionalism, to protect lives and property and by using the community policing philosophy, to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods by partnering with citizens.
So contact the police department's Digital Forensics Unit...who cut the orders to chain the entrance to NB City Hall at the Common Council Special Meeting on June 6, 2009.
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