Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nationwide Protest against Obama’s Cap and Trade


Anonymous said...

Let us hope that the senate vote will have the senators listening to the voters and not the final phase of this horrible cost to Americans way of life

Anonymous said...

The efforts that were needed for Obama to call each representative individually and beg for their votes to get this bill the just squeak through shows that Obama does not hold the power that the liberal left thinks he does, otherwise why would he have to beg his own party members for votes when they hold a super majority in the house, but his plan is obviously too liberal for even most Democrats?

Ange V. said...

Never thought I'd post this, but thank you to the 44 Dems. who voted AGAINST this bill. Thank you to all who voted against this bill; your efforts are appreciated. To those who voted FOR this bill, I pray you are removed from office come the next election! Senators: You're next, and we will be watching!!

KJ said...

The American Dirty Energy and Insecurity Act must go down in flames in the Senate or we are doomed. The House Minority Leader read excerpts from this 900 page bill on the Floor and it was filled with language designed to befuddle the intelligent mind and cloud it's true intent......Radical Socialism based on Gorebal Warming..... Why are "they" doing this? Who's payin' them?

Anonymous said...

The Supreme Court has failed to decide on whether a scathing documentary about Hillary Rodham Clinton that was shown during the presidential race should be regulated as if it were a campaign ad. The court said Monday it will hear arguments in the case again on Sept. 9.

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