Sunday, June 21, 2009 ----- Health Care Reform Problems



Anonymous said...

People better wake up and start paying attention. This report explains the massive tax increases the Democrats are planning on all of us to pay for FREE health care for what it calls 50 million Americans, but it leaves out the fact that at least 15 to 20 million of those are illegal aliens who are criminals just for being here and should get nothing free but a ride home.

Anonymous said...

The current economic crisis lies with the American voters who wanted something for nothing, and with the OBAMA policies that sought political power by making promises that he could never keep.

We would also lay this also at the MSM’s feet that deceived the public by supporting its own political Obama agenda.

The Federal Government was never intended to provide people with jobs, health care, education, or retirement income.

Until someone has the political balls to stand up and say to the American people, it is not the government's job to provide for all your needs, nothing is going to improve - it's all down hill.

Anonymous said...

Some Obama detractors are suggesting that the garden on the White House South Lawn (planted by Mrs. Obama and schoolchildren in March 2009) is... conspiracy.

The conspiracy theorists claim that, despite a lot of compost and a very rainy spring and lack of sun shine, the vegetables harvested by the first lady and those same schoolchildren could not have grown so big in just 90 days of D.C. rainy weather.

These critics surmise that the White House substituted some mature plants from a Greenhouse for immature ones - in order to cony the American public.

An actual-dirt dirty trick that would live up to the name Water-cress-gate on the White House grounds.

Anonymous said...

Unless the White House has some kind of Miraclegro on steriods (or a green house)- there is NO WAY those tomatoes could have been grown and ready to eat at this point in June 20, 2009 in Washington, D.C.

We don’t know about the kale, etc. But the tomatoes, definitely were not grown in the White Garden...

Anonymous said...

You can visit any garden store and find tomato plants with tiny tomatoes on them. Just plant in the ground and with sunny days you could have edible tomatoes in about 45 - 50 days.

Our guess is some of what the 0bama’s gofers trans-planted was pretty mature and came from a local Washington D.C. Obama green house.

Anonymous said...

We figured that Mrs. Obama didn’t touch the garden except for photo ops.

A garden takes a lot of work and if the White House wanted to - they probably have gardener staff that can do it.

If not, it was trucked in for another Mrs. Obama photo ops.

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