Thursday, June 25, 2009




I have been asked by some of my readers to have another open forum so they can vent their issues



Anonymous said...

Frank, from the way you were treated by Mr. Melzinski, the clerk, at last night's meeting, it is clear that by exposing that he challenged you for being in the building (behind locked doors) for the June 5th meeting, you must have really rattled his cage.
It was quite surprising that a city official would talk to a senior citizen with such disrespect. I'm surprised you took it as calmly as you did.

Anonymous said...

Was there but didn't see it. John Mel is OK with criticism as long as he delivers it. Like other liberal Dems, he doesn't like to receive it. Too bad. Is he going to abandon his buddy Denooze for Bielinski too?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

take note council Democrats!

If 93% of the people understand that the Democrats in the legislature are at fault for the budget problems, it is reasonable to expect that 93% of the people of this city understand that you are at fault for the financial problems facing the city!

At least the citizenry on Connecticut is aware of who is to blame for the fiscal crisis in Connecticut. A WTIC 1080 radio poll shows that 93% of the people blame the legislature, and rightfully so. All they seem to want to do is raise taxes and give more money away in social programs.

The poll results are below:

Who Is Most Responsible For The Current State Budget Impasse?
The Governor
( 7% )
The Legislature
( 93% )

Anonymous said...

Frank, I didn't see or hear the incident, but heard about it moments later. It's not the first time he blew his cool. You handled yourself graciously and with a smile...keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Will the New Britain Democratic Town Committee be holding a no confidence vote against Chris Dodd, like their sister organization in Kent?

Isn't it about time we dumped Dodd the same way we dumped his father, the Senator before him?

Anonymous said...

What I would like to know is where are the republican residents of this city hiding? This year, like none other is a great opportunity
for change. Haven't heard a peep from the republicans?

Anonymous said...

At it’s Wednesday Night June 24 Council agenda the NB Common Council voted to refer three Resolutions pertaining to the sale of City Property to it’s Planning, Zoning and Housing Subcommittee for a Public hearing.

Resolution No. 7 deals with the sale of 60-acre Pinnacle Heights property to developer Tartagalia Associates for $5 million dollars.

Resolution No. 8 is for the sale of property at 121-131 Main St. to ArĂȘte Development Group for $2 million dollars.

And...Resolution No. 13 is a proposal to terminate the ground lease for the George A. Quigley Parking Garage with the Hospital of Central Connecticut.

The Planning, Zoning and Housing Subcommittee meets on the First Tuesday following the first Monday of every month at 7:00pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.

The next meeting of this Subcommittee is July 7, 2009 at 7:00pm.

NOTE: Alderman Phil Sherwood, the strongest advocate for renegotiation of the George Quigley Parking Garage at the Hospital, said he would be willing to use the POWER of the New Britain Legislative Delegation to move Hospital Administrators in the right Political direction.

We are in the position of POWER, Alderman Sherwood said after the Council meeting of Wednesday June 45, 2009. We can make them do what we want.

Note: Political Power = Corruption?

Anonymous said...

At it’s Wednesday Night June 24 Council agenda the NB Common Council voted to refer three Resolutions pertaining to the sale of City Property to it’s Planning, Zoning and Housing Subcommittee for a Public hearing.

Resolution No. 7 deals with the sale of 60-acre Pinnacle Heights property to developer Tartagalia Associates for $5 million dollars.

Resolution No. 8 is for the sale of property at 121-131 Main St. to ArĂȘte Development Group for $2 million dollars.

And...Resolution No. 13 is a proposal to terminate the ground lease for the George A. Quigley Parking Garage with the Hospital of Central Connecticut.

The Planning, Zoning and Housing Subcommittee meets on the First Tuesday following the first Monday of every month at 7:00pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.

The next meeting of this Subcommittee is July 7, 2009 at 7:00pm.

NOTE: Alderman Phil Sherwood, the strongest advocate for renegotiation of the George Quigley Parking Garage at the Hospital, said he would be willing to use the POWER of the New Britain Legislative Delegation to move Hospital Administrators in the right Political direction.

We are in the position of POWER, Alderman Sherwood said after the Council meeting of Wednesday June 45, 2009. We can make them do what we want.

Note: Political Power = Corruption?

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON D.C. - Barack Obama, through his spokesman, claimed that he was unaware of the tax- day tea parties.

While the MSM has done a good job in suppressing any sort of coverage of TEA Parties (and the little coverage they did provide was derisive at best) but how out of touch is the Community Organizer - with ever growing community American TEA Parties?

This much we know:
- He was unaware that he was attending a church (for 20 years) with a racist pastor who hates America.

- He was unaware that he was family friends with, and started his political career in the living room of, a domestic Chicago terrorist.

- He was unaware that he had invested in two speculative companies backed by some of his top donors right after his taking office as State Senator in 2005.

- He was unaware that his own aunt was living in the US illegally.

- He was unaware that his own brother lives on pennies a day in a hut in Kenya .

- He was unaware of the AIG bonuses that he and his administration approved and signed into a bill.

- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of Commerce was under investigation in a bribery scandal.

- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services was a tax cheat.

- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be his Secretary of the Treasury was a tax cheat.

- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be the U.S. Trade Representative was a tax cheat.

- He was unaware that the woman he nominated to be his Chief Performance Officer was a tax cheat.

- He was unaware that the man he nominated to be #2 at the Environmental Protection Agency was under investigation for mismanaging $25 million in EPA grants.

Anonymous said...

After watching a clip of ten minutes of the ABC - Obama TV episode of Health Care....We like to suggest that ABC give the President two hours of personal TV time each time.

However, wee suspect by December 2009 that public will see the President with no TV appearances for four months while they retool his Tele-prompter and his entire political sales campaign.

We believe that his Tele-prompter has finally maxed out...only a piece of coal and one orange fruit in our Christmas socks...

Anonymous said...

In support of the socialist budget that was just passed by the legislature, Representative O'Brien just posted a statement that in part says:

"This budget makes the choice to be fair by asking the wealthiest people in the state - those with incomes over $500,000 a year - to contribute just a little more to be able to meet the important needs of our state."

The budget that Mr. O'Brien is so proud of includes a 25% tax on business income. How many jobs do you think this will cost Connecticut? I would expect companies to start moving out of town like the state were on fire.

Mr. O'Brien also seems to be very proud of a 30% tax on all inheritances, so after you work hard all your life and save some money that you want to leave behind for your loved ones, Mr. O'Brien thinks it is fair for him to seize 1/3 of your life savings.

How much is enough before the people of this state finally wake up and tell these socialists that they have been taxed enough!

Anonymous said...

Apparently Alderman Phil Sherwood recently was quoted that he has the power, but on election day, it is "we the people" who hold the power!

A. Taxpayer said...

When are you politicians going to understand that the people you are supposed represent are tired of your holyer-then-thou attitudes. What is it about politics that corrupts you?

Anonymous said...

Why was Dr. Frank Gerratana (father of the young alderman) in the audience of the Council meeting on Wednesday night? Was he and should he be weighing in the Hospital of Central CT business before the Council. Won't be the first time this guy tries to throw around his "weight." Does the HOCC know this? Are they OK with it?

J. R. Tenn. said...

Just wanted to say I followed your link from Fox News and this is one interesting site.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick and frustrated with the government I can't wait till the next elections. They are pushing regular hard working people to the edge. I'm pissed off and want every politician stealing our money and not listening to us thrown out.

Anonymous said...

Who oversees the land lease on the
HOCC parking garage? Would that be
the cities property management department, Mr. Pelligrino,or am I
mis-taken. If you know Frank, I would like to understand the topic

Frank Smith said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "OPEN FORUM NUMBER TEN":

Who oversees the land lease on the
HOCC parking garage? Would that be
the cities property management department, Mr. Pelligrino,or am I
mis-taken. If you know Frank, I would like to understand the topic

The best answer would be the city Atorney's office. Mr. Pelligrino would have the management of the property ( hosapital Garage) beyond the hospital staff that work in the garage but would not have the legal control regarding the agreement entered with the hospital by the City Council some twenty five years ago. As I understand it at the end of the term of that agreement the the control of the garage reverts to the Hospital.

That ends any threats that Alderman Sherwood my ponder for politital public appearance with his threat that " we have the power."

frank smith

We The People said...

Only 128 days until WE THE PEOPLE can rise up and remove all these self serving Democrats from office.
We desperately need Aldermen who will listen to the people, instead of pandering to their left wing special interests.

The days of the unions, and social organizations running this city are rapidly coming to a close, as WE are coming!

Anonymous said...

I almost peed myself from laughing so hard when I read that story about John Mel regarding the meeting held behind the locked doors. I guess he is really ticked off at you for exposing his involvement.

Anonymous said...

Frank -

I like your blogspot much better when you just focus on New Britain rather than the National scene. There's enough going on at home to keep your readers interested. This is proven by the number of people who comment on New Britain items as compared to state or national items.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Keep sharing the information with us about how the Democrats are attacking this country from within. History will show that they did far more destruction than Al-Qaida could ever dream of causing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Representative O'Brien issued a statement regarding the budget that was passed by the legislature on Friday and vetoed by the Governor, but O'Brien's statement contained the following message:

"This budget makes the choice to be fair by asking the wealthiest people in the state - those with incomes over $500,000 a year - to contribute just a little more to be able to meet the important needs of our state."

It would be hard to imagine a bigger lie than O'Brien's statement about the Democrat's budget just raises income taxes on people making over $500,000--requiring them to just pay a little bit more.

The Democratic budget contains a new tax on all business income that taxes business income at 25% and this does not only apply to income over $500,000, it applies to all business income. Imagine the impact that a 25% tax will have on the guy running the little corner bordega, or even how much higher your groceries will be at your local chain grocery store when the store has to start paying 25% of their income to the state?
How much more will that car repair cost you, or that pair of shoes for your child, because the store where you buy these services will now have to pay 25% of their income to the state?

Liberals like O'Brien count on the public to be too stupid to know the truth, so they count on you to believe whatever liberal lies they tell you.

Show him how much smarter you are, tell him no tax increases! Tell him you understand that everyone benefits from lower taxes and you want him to cut taxes now for everyone.

Anonymous said...

In opposing the deal with the Hospital of Central Connecticut Garage Alderman Phil Sherwood was quoted in the New Britain Herald saying “WE HAVE THE POWER.”

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Could it be that the Mayor is being driven to drink by his unlucky number 13?

I agree!

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