Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TheDay.com - Hindering Diversity

The Day---Editorial The New Have Fire Fighters


Anonymous said...

If you lived in the real world, you would know the damage done by the "feel good" people by diversification.

It is a problem in the corporate world, in the hospitals and in the academic fields. If people are hired who are not qualified for their jobs and get an evauation that is not satisfactory, they start yelling about racism. Some have been known to start documenting remarks from day one preparing for law suits!

Meanwhile, those qualified for the jobs are discontent to be overlooked for the position because of affirmative action. Others are unhappy working with an unqualified person and soon, there is moral decay and loss of productivity.

If my house is on fire, I'll take the smartest firemen you got!!

Bravo to the New Haven Firefighters who had the courage to fight for their rights.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if I have this right: somebody wants to be a firefighter; they take a physical exam and go through months of training in an academy; many qualify and get jobs; the successful ones can then qualify for promotions by passing more tests that are different from the initial tests they took; the initial tests got them into the department, you don't want to have to pass the same test again; so, the tests for promotion are different, some pass and some don't. It doesn't mean they can't stay as firefighters, they only didn't qualify for lieutenant.
Also, it doesn't mean they will never qualify. They can retake a test the next time around. The New MHaven firefighters that didn't pass the test should suck it up and try again in the future. Being a minority doesn't mean the city has to "give" you anything - try earning a position.

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