Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Army cancels Afghan tour of soldier who said Obama's not president | McClatchy


Anonymous said...

Sounds like even the Pentagon knows that he is not qualified to be President by not being born in America.

If this were not true, why would he have a team of lawyers blocking being required to show his birth certificate, and why would the Pentagon accept this soldiers protest without question?

Anonymous said...

How can anything you do be legal if you have failed to meet the minimum requirements set by the Constitution to hold that office?

Anonymous said...

Maybe that is why he is running around appointing Czars by the dozens, because at least the Czars are U.S. Citizens.

Anonymous said...

More likely they know the guy is a coward looking to get out of his duty, a risk to his fellow soldiers.
Look I am as conservative as it gets. We will not make any gains by trying to discredit the President with this kind of garbage.
Let’s go after him where he is wrong

Too much spending,
Too much government,
Poor energy policy,

Let’s not get caught up in the kind of crap that does nothing to advance our ideals. There will be an election in 2012 that we can make gains in if we stick to our roots.

Small government / less intrusion on our personal lives

That’s what wins elections guys.

Aside from that this dupe is trying to get out of the hunt for Osama bin Laden. He sounds like a punk to me. A lackey for some lawyer trying to make a name for himself.
The armed forces have no room for politics; otherwise we really will end up with another Vietnam

Anonymous said...

If there is a dupe here it is anyone who thinks Obama was born in America. If he were, why does he have a team of lawyers working to prevent him from ever having to produce his birth certificate?

If you have nothing to hide, why hide it?

So much for the promised transparency in government.

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